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Which Member of the British Monarchy Are You Most Like?

Hello Again! This is a quick Miniquiz that I made up. The questions are made up from what I have learned about the personalities of three members of the Royal Family. It is meant to be a fun activity that also shows how the media can portray the Royal Family.

Question #1:
In your spare time you decide to volunteer to do some charitable work or lend your name to a worthy cause. Which one of the following would you pick?
a) An environmental organization
b) A youth center
c) The christening of a ship

Question #2:
You have just started going out with a new boy/girlfriend. How do you feel about PDA's (Public Displays of Affection)?
a) Improper! Somone of your status should never be caught doing that!
b) Pecks on the cheek are alright.
c) I see nothing wrong with them!

Question #3:
If you weren't a royal, which of the following careers would you choose to do?
a) I'd like to get as far as I could in the Navy.
b) I'd be an anthropologist or a historian.
c) I'd be a sports masseuse.


If you got mostly A's, congratulations, you are most like Prince Philip, the Queen's husband. You are the the highest in hierarchy and so that means that you have to be proper. You'd fit right in!

If you got mostly B's, hurrah, you are the most like Prince Charles. The good news is that you might be king. The bad news is that you are made fun of because of your large ears!

If you got mostly C's, good news, you are the most like Princess Zara Philips. You are spunky and original, a royal for today's world!

*pictures used with thanks from the Royal Family's Offical Site and
