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Awards 4 UR OWN website!

This is the link to my website where there will be plenty of goodies for you to use on ur own webpage! Rite now, i am creating webpage awards! IF you want to win an award than e-mail me and tell me wut award you would like and give me ur url for ur webpage so i can check it out and see if you qualify for that award! And also, rite now i am pretty busy, so one award per webpage please! It's hard making awards! Here's a list of awards that you can get! Enjoy! And if you want to see how the awards look like, you can click on it on the side and see a sample! Cya!

-Absolute Cuteness Award(cute layouts, music, etc.)

-Anime Super Award (anime layouts, music, etc.)

-Hard Work Award (always update, change layouts, etc.)

-Wicked Award ( i simply give this award to everyone who sends me an application!)


Main Page
Hard Work Award Sample
Cuteness Award Sample
