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Home Of The BT
Dainger BT Racing

HtmlGear is being gay, and, if you signed my guestbook, or voted, on anything, or added a random quote thing, then, it's gone, I only got half the guestbook, half the car votes, no meat color votes, and, only the original quotes, which, aren't the funny ones, sorry for the lame HtmlGear, don't use it, even though I have to advertise for them if I'm gonna get there low quality crap for free, I may switch to Geocities in the future, in fact, I'm workin' on it right now, well, after I'm done typing this, it will take forever, to change all of the links, but, it'll be worth it, 'cuz, I can't deal with this crap that angelfire and htmlgear are givin' me, later
Websites Of Coolness

Bands Of Favoriteness

See Pictures Of Me And My Truck At The Sand Dunes! And Much Much More!!!

My Bio( It's good enough, for what you need to know )

Click Here to see the OFFICIAL members of Dainger BT Racing!

Click Here to see the coolest cars ever ( not done )

E-Mail Me At: Email:

( You can add quotes, sayings, questions, and more to this by clicking the above "Words of the Dain and more!" )