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Little hands so small, gods gift to us all Little Aiden, with eyes so bright, smile so big ..        The world was blessed with you, even if for a short time. You touched so many hearts, made so many smile. You were the beat of our hearts, The inspiration, with every day so strong Our hearts will take time to mend, the sorrow will over whelm. But your short time with us has givin us A life time of memories, and joy. Even though  from a far, you meant the world to me. I could not have loved you more, even though you were not a part of me. Now your with god, all perfect and whole; Running and playing, smiling and laughing. The suffering is over, but just started for those that loved you so. Our little angel is now where his wings can open, and let him sore. Watching over us, I know you will for you were loved with hearts so dear. We will never forget the baby boy with eyes so bright and smile so big......
Auntie Katt
Love you Baby boy.....









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