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My 100 Things

1. I'm nervous about writing these 100 things. (what will people think of me?)
2. I don't want to care what people think of me.
3. But I do.
4. I think if I thought about it, I could come up with much more than 100 things.
5. I tend to babble. In real life and online.
6. Hence, my blog title.
7. I took days to decide my blog title.
8. I wanted it to be just right.
9. I've a split personality. Half of me is a perfectionist, the other half says who cares.
10. Most times I tend to go somewhere in the middle.
11. If I spend too much time trying to perfect any one thing, my lazy half takes over.
12. I fell in love with the program I'm writing this on, OpenOffice
13. I like it because it fixes my spelling and my capitalization automatically.
14. I'm horrible at using capitalization when I'm online.
15. When writing on actual paper, I always capitalize.
16. I chose my screen name/alias alien because I like the little green cartoons.
17. Not because I believe in aliens.
18. Although I do think it's possible for them to exist.
19. I try to have an open mind about everything.
20. And I mean everything, from religion to aliens to sexuality.
21. I however am straight, believe aliens are possible but I've yet to see one, and I believe in God but not any churches that I've been to yet.
22. I do however think it is possible to find a church I'd like.
23. But because I don't go to church(es) to test out my theory, I doubt it will happen.
24. I want to get married some day. Like when I'm 30.
25. But I want to have my career first.
26. I think I could manage to have a career and children.
27. But when I picture myself with kids, I can never picture myself with a husband.
28. I don't know why I can't, because I like the idea of true love, and having someone to come home to after a long day of work, but I doubt it will happen for me.
29. I think I'm doomed to just casual relationships, my career, and children.
30. When I say I will have kids without having a husband, I don't mean my current boyfriend will be the father and all my children will have different fathers.
31. I think that's a horrible thing to do to children.
32. I think everyone that wants a zillion kids but can't have them themselves should adopt at least some instead of going to the sperm bank.
33. I would love to be pregnant someday (very very far in the future.). With my husband's child. Otherwise, I'm adopting.
34. I'm very pro-choice.
35. That does not mean I'm pro-abortion. I'm just pro- for the right to choose.
36. I love animals, but if it came down to saving myself or an animal I'd save myself.
37. Sometimes I think I'm a horrible person.
38. I'm running out of things to say.
39. I got my very own computer a little over 2 years ago.
40. I still have it.
41. It's the one I'm on right now.
42. I love it.
43. I love the internet.
44. Knowing I am going on vacation and will be without a computer depresses me.
45. I also know that when I'm in sunny Arizona, I will somehow live without my computer for the time period.
46. It won't be easy.
47. I like talking like this.
48. In sentence fragments.
49. I tend to stray off topic.
50. I love the internet.
51. And Instant Messaging.
52. I prefer Instant Messaging to Email.
53. I tend to be sillier on Instant Messaging then in real life.
54. Not that I'm not silly in day to day life.
55. I am.
56. I tend to look on the bright side of things.
57. While calling myself a pessimistic.
58. I'm a major wanna be.
59. But I know I will never be any of the things I want to be.
60. A nerd. Or a geek.
61. Brilliant.
62. Goth.
63. A bimbo. (yes, sometimes I wish I were a bimbo so I wouldn't have to think all the time)
64. It's 1:01 AM.
65. I am a night person.
66. I hate mornings.
67. I love sleeping in, just so I can skip the mornings.
68. My mornings are getting better though, because I found out the secret to a fantastic breakfast.
69. The secret is to only eat 1 toasted (no syrup or butter) waffle.
70. If I eat cereal or anything dairy too early in the morning it makes my stomach hurt.
71. I'm not lactose intolerant.
72. My brother used to be.
73. I know I'm not because the dairy only upsets my stomach in the early morning, not any time else.
74. I love meat.
75. I know that disgusts some people.
76. I try not to think where my hamburgers come from.
77. They come from the stores, people make them. Not cows.
78. I'm in denial.
79. I deny things I don't like and can't change.
80. I am going to be a lawyer.
81. I refuse to say I want to be one, because I am going to be one.
82. I can be very stubborn about things.
83. I'm a good debater on subjects that I have opinions on.
84. I have opinions on almost everything.
85. I sometimes prefer not to express my opinions if I know it will cause unneeded controversy.
86. I sometimes express my opinions specifically for the controversy.
87. I am getting sleepy.
88. I am tempted to go to other people's 100 things sites to see if I agree and can use any of their things.
89. But I know that's wrong, so I won't.
90. Any copies of Things on here are purely accidental.
91. I always think of things I want to say after I hit the 'Publish' button.
92. I'm told I have a very unique face.
93. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
94. I hate pictures of myself.
95. I think I'm much different looking face-to-face. (better, I think anyway)
96. I'm getting much sleepier now.
97. But I hate that I'm tired.
98. Because I like to stay awake as long as possible.
99. I always feel that if I go to bed I will miss out on something important.
100. I rarely do, because I sleep lightly.
101. Someone talking downstairs or coming in my room wakes me up.
102. I hate waking up before at least 9am.
103. This is over 2 ½ pages of typing.
104. I told you it would be more than 100 Things. :P
105. I'm done. Finally. That was kind of fun. :)