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Okay, this site is still to come up so please don't expect it up anytime soon. It will have some animations which are supposed to be funny, I think they are, and I made them too, so there will be no copying.Okay, this site is still to come up so please don't expect it up anytime soon. It will have some animations which are supposed to be funny, I think they are, and I made them too, so there will be no copying.Okay, this site is still to come up so please don't expect it up anytime soon. It will have some animations which are supposed to be funny, I think they are, and I made them too, so there will be no copying.Okay, this site is still to come up so please don't expect it up anytime soon. It will have some animations which are supposed to be funny, I think they are, and I made them too, so there will be no copying.Okay, this site is still to come up so please don't expect it up anytime soon. It will have some animations which are supposed to be funny, I think they are, and I made them too, so there will be no copying.

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