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What I've Been Up To

I was going to send you a bunch of pictures through email, but I thought it would take up too much space in your email account, so I decided to just make a real basic webpage to send you. It's nothing fancy (I just threw this together while I was bored at work), but I mostly just wanted to show you some of the things that have been going on in my little world since I saw you last.

Shane and I

This is just a couple of pictures of the two of us on vacation or just hanging out and being stupid.

Our New Puppy--Chino

This is our new puppy...his name is Chino and he is seven weeks old. He weighs a whopping 5.96 pounds and is a mix between a cocker spaniel and a whippet.

Other Stuff

This is just a bunch of random pictures of different things. I put the picture of my wedding dress in here, as well as a picture of where we will be getting married. I would