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Sunday, 10 August 2003
History of North Korea
History of North Korea


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) was born in 1948 amid the chaos after Japan's surrender, which ended World War II. After the formation of the U.S.-backed Republic of Korea in Seoul, rival DPRK was established in Pyongyang with Kim II Sung, a Soviet backed anti-Japanese resistance leader, as its head of state. Kim would shape and dominate political and economic affairs for nearly 50 years.


The Korean War began in June 1950 when the North launched a surprise attack on the South in an attempt to reunite the country by force. Chinese troops join the North to oppose U.S.-led United Nations forces in the south. By the end of the war in 1953, over three million Koreans were dead and many more made homeless. About 1 million Chinese were killed -- American casualties numbered over 54,000.


The July 27 1953 armistice ended hostilities but North and South Korea remain technically at war and divided by the De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) along the 38th parallel -- the most heavily fortified border in the world. The war also further distances Washington and Moscow.

The U.S. deploys tens of thousands of military personnel in South Korea as a deterrent to further North Korean aggression. Today well over a million soldiers face each other along the DMZ, ready to resume the Korean War at a moment's notice.


Under Kim Il Sung, North Korea develops its political philosophy of "juche" or "self-reliance" which initially led to good economic growth and industrial success. But by the 1970s, North Korea's economic situation was in decline and worsening rapidly due to high military spending and a lack of reform. Kim realigned the North closer to the Soviet Union but shifted back to China towards the end of the 1980s as the break-up of the Soviet state gained momentum. Kim (right) is seen in this picture with Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung.


Kim's son, Kim Jong Il is accused of international terrorist activities, including the 1987 bombing of a Korean Airlines jet which killed all 115 on board and a blast in Rangoon, Burma -- now known as Yangon, Myanmar -- which killed 17 visiting South Korean officials including four Cabinet members in 1983. The younger Kim -- in charge of North Korea's special operations forces in the 1970s and 80s -- was also linked by defectors to a series of international kidnappings. The picture shows one of the alleged airplane bombers.


Extraordinary scenes of grief sweep North Korea in July 1994 after the sudden death of 'Great Leader' Kim at age 82. After a period of mourning lasting several years, Kim's charismatic son takes over as head of state in 1998 while the post of president was "eternally" assigned to his father. Kim Jong Il takes on the personality cult of 'Dear Leader' but little is known in the outside world about the secretive leader.


A military showdown with the United States is narrowly averted in 1994 after North Korea signs the so-called Agreed Framework following months of high-level diplomacy. Pyongyang pledges to freeze and eventually dismantle its nuclear weapons program in exchange for fuel oil and international aid to build two light water power reactors. Foundations for the first reactor are poured in August 2002 (pictured) amid criticism from Pyongyang that Washington had been reneging on its side of the deal.


Relations with Seoul were soured further when a N. Korean spy submarine ran aground off the South's eastern coast in September 1996. Thirteen S. Korean soldiers and civilians and 24 N. Korean commandos are killed in the massive manhunt that ensues.

N. Korea later apologized for the incursion, which was monitored closely by then U.S. President Bill Clinton. In years to come, South and N. Korean navy ships would clash with each side accusing the other of venturing into its waters.


Posted by blog/amntony at 3:38 AM JST
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
Max von Laue (1879-1960)
German Physicist and Professor. A leading German physicist and former pupil of Max Planck, Max von Laue was born in Pfaffendorf, near Coblenz, on 9 October 1879. Professor of Theoretical Physics at Zurich (1912 - 14), Frankfurt (1914 - 19) and Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Berlin (1919 - 43), von Laue's pioneering work in X - ray crystallography won him fame and the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1914. His research into the diffraction of X - rays in crystals was the starting point of much subsequent work in the field. Deputy director of the Max Planck Institute of Physics (1921 - 51) he used his influence where possible to counter the Nazi policy of dismissals after 1933, regretting as he did the loss to Germany of so many outstanding Jewish scientists. In January 1934, he courageously paid tribute to the Nobel Prize winner Fritz Haber, a victim of the racial purge, in two widely read scientific journals - an action which earned him an official reprimand from the Ministry of Education. Von Laue was one of the most active opponents of Johannes Stark, the leader of the 'Aryan Physics' school who sought to realign modern physics with national Socialist ideology. Convinced that political interference would destroy the standards and effectiveness of German science, von Laue successfully opposed Stark's election to the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Von Laue's eminence, his age and his patriotism protected him during the Third Reich in spite of his uncompromising independence and refusal to co - operate with the Nazis. In a letter to Max Born in 1944, Albert Einstein observed that what distinguished von Laue from other scientists who remained in the Third Reich was his human stature. 'It was particularly interesting in his case to observe how he tore himself loose step by step from the traditions of the herd under the effect of a strong feeling of justice.' After the collapse of Nazi Germany, von Laue was a witness in several de - Nazification trials. He was responsible for re - establishing the laboratories of the Imperial Institute of Physics and Technology and participated actively in the reconstruction of German cultural life. He died in Berlin on 23 April 1960.

Posted by blog/amntony at 11:52 PM JST
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Synthetic Division
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Posted by blog/amntony at 4:52 AM JST
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Inverse Function
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Posted by blog/amntony at 4:51 AM JST
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Quadratic Expression
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Posted by blog/amntony at 4:50 AM JST
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Friday, 8 August 2003
God creates heaven and earth!
Genesis 1

The Bible tells us about God and all His prophecies. So I shall explain this chapter always in remembrances of His prophecies! There are many figurative uses in this chapter!

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

God the Father Almighty is the Maker of heaven and earth, this is our first Creed!

First of all, he made angels and all the invisible things in heavens.

He also made the visible heavens so as we can enjoy them!

In the visible world, it is easy to observe:

  • Great variety.
  • Great beauty.
  • Great exactness and accuracy.
  • Great power.
  • Great order.
  • Great mystery.

When we grasp this wonderful works of God, it's so consoling for us to be His servants.

And let our make and place, as men, remind us of our duty as Christians, which is always to keep heaven in our eye and the earth under our feet.

2 And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The work of grace in the soul is a new creation, this chaos (waste and void) represents the state of an unregenerate graceless soul: there is disorder, confusion, and every evil work; it is empty of all good, for it is without God; it is dark, it is darkness itself. This is our condition by nature, till almighty grace effects a blessed change.

In the beginning of time, God could bring life out from this chaos. So at the end of this world, God can raise the deads from their graves and gives eternal life to all who believe in Him.


Posted by blog/amntony at 5:34 AM JST
Updated: Friday, 8 August 2003 5:43 AM JST
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Hi, all!
Hi, all! This is my first Blog! Anthony.

Posted by blog/amntony at 12:51 AM JST
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