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Amelia's Journal
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Mood:  happy
Topic: SPRING!!
Yes! Spring has arrived!! It's been SO nice the last pass few days. My mood has changed for the better now that I can go outside. And I'm getting new fresh ideas for more stories and Vinyl will be able to preform outside. We are currently touring the house! LOL! We can only preform for our dolly friends and are big sister. But they love us all the same.
Big Sister's birthday is real soon and Nicki will be coming! Ariel might even go to Chicago to the AG place.
All us sisters are fighting to go with because only one can go. But Ariel said Nellie is coming with her, since she is the newest. But she said that our room should be done when Nicki arrives and thats better then the AGPlace! We've been waiting SO long for our real room to be remodled. Well TTYL!!!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 9:51 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Updates
Sorry I haven't post in awhile. There hasn't been much going on. But I can tell you one thing! Our band page is up and running! Make sure you check it out. And the weather here is much better then it's been. Today was almost 70 degrees! Last week, we were lucky if it was 30 degrees. All the snow is gone too, and I can smell spring in the air! There is also some good news! Ariel is pretty sure that she will be getting Nicki for her birthday. Our last sister who will ever arrive, then our AG family will be complete! Also Ariel has saved up 96$ for the American Girl Warehouse sale in July! Her goal is 300$ and she promises she will have enough. She told me that she is going to get Steps High, Kaya's horse. But she told me not to tell anyone, because it's a surprise! Kirsten also got a pen pal! Her name is Jess, and she loves to dance like her! Cool huh? Oh yea, also we (Vinyl) have been working on a new song. It's called "It's Not So Bad" It's not quite finished though. Well got 2 go! TTYL!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 10:21 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 13 March 2007 10:20 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Mood:  bright
Topic: New Back Round!
Like my new back round of me and my Coconut??? Leira hasn't seen it yet, because she was the one who made me have the purple layout. But I'm keeping it!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 1:40 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:39 AM EST
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Sunday, 18 February 2007
Just Chillin'
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Just Chillin'
Nothing much going on. I've been really bord lately, because Big Sister spent a week at her Aunt's house and took Felicity with her, which means we didn't have band practice much this week. She's finally back and it is not so boring anymore. I missed her a lot and I was worried because we had another snow storm this week and I wasn't sure if she was going to make it home, but she did, safe and sound too! Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm hitching a ride to church with her. It's been awhile since I went and I do like to worship God. I've been bugging Ariel for a bible of my own, but it is hard to find one that is doll sized. Well, it's 11:00 and I need to get to bed. TTYL!!!!!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 12:15 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:37 AM EST
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Saturday, 3 February 2007
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Sing!
Guess what! Leira wants me to sing in the band! I'm going to be back up singer. I can kinda sing and I'm a little shy to sing in front of people. But I'm sure I will get used to it later! And Ariel is creating a page for Vinyl on our site! It's still under construction though. There will be band updates and pictures of us on the page. It's So exciting! Well, TTYL!!!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 4:12 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:36 AM EST
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Sunday, 28 January 2007
Mood:  cool
Topic: Blizzard!!!
Guess what! There was a blizzard today! We got 15-inches of snow and It's beautiful!!!! I wanted to go out in it, but Ariel said "no' because it would be over or heads. I was about to correct her, because we are 18-inches tall not 15. But I'm to shy to argue. Ariel did take us out in the snow on Saturday and we had a lot of fun! We climbed the tree and had a snow ball fight, I shouldn't mention what happened to Leira... here is the album...
Winter Wonderland\
I'll take pictures of the snow to post before it melts. But for now TTYL! (talk to you later)

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 7:26 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:40 AM EST
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Thursday, 25 January 2007
I'm Back!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Haven't Written in Awhile
I'm sorry for not writing in awhile. Leira has me constantly practicing in the band with her. I think Felicity regrets agreeing to be our guitarist. Well, I shouldn't say that. I do enjoy the band and Felicity does too. But Leira is very STRICT! If I'm to slow with the beat or if I play one little note to late... well, lets just say Leira isn't happy. Have I told you we have a band name now??? It took us awhile to agree on one and we ended up naming ourselves Vinyl. We're called that because that's what we are made of... well, us American Girl dolls. We're also stuffed with love:)
I will catch up on whats been happening. Felicity and Kaya still own their riding school, even though it hasn't been very busy, but I'm sure it will. A specially
when Ariel buys Steps High (Kaya's horse) at the MCM Warehouse sale. And... OMGOSH! I haven't told you about Nellie??? Yes, she arrived at our house in a brown package last month. Ariel never even told us she had ordered her. You can see her arrival in the new album in the Photo Stories link. Samantha was SO happy! She still talks about how great it is to have Nellie back. Just think, they haven't seen each other since 1904. I'm glad she is our new sister, because she is shy like me. What else??? Oh, Christmas was great, we all got new outfits and new accessories. It's finally snowing here too, Ariel was going to take us out and play today, but she didn't have enough time. She promised she would take us out soon though. Also Kit got a scooter for Christmas and she's ALWAYS on it. And our new room should be painted in a few weeks. Oh yea, Kirsten has found a new love. She loves dancing. She is graceful, so she's good at it. Here are a few pictures of her that I took...
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Pretty isn't she??? Well, I have to go, I'm tired. I promise I will write back soon!! Bye!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 11:46 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:35 AM EST
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Friday, 10 November 2006
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Band
I can't believe what I got myself into! Leira is such a sneak! Yesterday she said to me, "go get your violin, I want to show you something." So I did. Then she told me to play some songs that I composed myself. So I played my favorite one. Then she replayed it on her keyboard (she is really good like that, if she hears a song she can repeat it.)Then she started to ramble about how she had an idea about me and her being in a band. Not knowing what to say, I agreed. Now she is making me practice with her every night. No one is singing yet, because Leira is to shy. I must admit though. We do kinda sound good. We just have to think of a name for the band yet. Write Soon!

P.S. Felicity and Kaya finally thought of a name for there riding school. Felicity is naming it after her grandfather's plantation. King's Creek Riding School!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 1:52 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:35 AM EST
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Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Felicity's and Kaya's Riding School
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Riding School
I got really cool news! Felicity and Kaya are hosting a riding school! When visitors want to learn how to ride they will give them half hour lessons every Saturday. I'm there first student! It all started when Felicity took Penny out for a ride. Kaya was bord so she joined. Leira saw that they were riding and they got into a fight about if Leira could ride or not. Then Leira (being a show off she is) Is excited that she mounted Penny right with Felicity's and Kaya's help. Then thinking that she could do it by herself, she kicks Penny in her side, and gets bucked. Leira is now healing from a spranged ankle. And then they came up with the idea about teaching students how to ride so that wont happen again. I volunteered. I mounted Penny! I was So proud of myself! Here is a picture...

They are trying to think of a name for the riding school! Well got to go to bed! Write Soon!

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 2:22 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:41 AM EST
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Sunday, 29 October 2006
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Leira
ARG! Leira made me change the color of my blog! It used to be blue (blue is my favorite color.) She said to me, "Purple is so much better! Just try it and see how it looks." So I did, and I actually like it. I guess I'm going to keep it. I hope she doesn't find this out, because she will keep rubbing it in, "Told you so!"

Posted by blog/ameliasjournal at 12:56 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 1:36 AM EST
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