Member Since: April 15, 2003

Name: Mich3ll3/MiMi

Age: 16

Location: STL

Sex: Female

Race: Black Dominican

Sign: Pisces

Status: Single

Graduation: 2005

WARNING!: This page was done with class, intellect, depth, precision and a low tolerance for ignorance. If your mind capacity doesn`t exceed that of a mothball, this page will not be to your liking. *Updated* 6/27/03 ***HOLD THE HELL UP***
letstalk03 is my groupie right now and needs much attention so I guess they cant get it on their own so they`re using me....have fun

*All you doing is getting more hits to MY page...thanks

I`m pretty sure majority of the people visiting this page might be visiting because of the vulgar note being sent around blackplanet. Well none of the people listed in there are apart of that and what makes it worse is that a MALE started sending it out but THEN people started adding to it. It`s not much to say about it because if you know us then you know DAMN WELL it`s a lie. But ALL the males that are all hyped up about that..well sweetheart, you`re going to have blueballs`s just not that type of thing going on Whoever added that it was on halls ferry and st. charles rock rd...when those two streets EVER meet, holla at me dumbass. ***Don`t send me any notes about it. Don`t send me any notes asking if I`m getting down like that.
I don`t even want to meet new people on here anymore.
So if I don`t already know you...then I won`t.
Why do people have to be so damn hateful and ignorant?***
*If you can not put a decent sentence together please refrain from contacting me. It doesn`t appeal to me when you type exactly how you speak. That`s not cute sweetheart. Wassup BP, I got bored and decided to make another page so let`s start with the basics which you can find
<------------------ No description needed I have pictures on the page (Please let`s be mature and leave all negatives to a minimum...I`m sensitive =o) ) *Excuse the big huge pic at the bottom I got frustrated with resizing and saidF! it. (Images are clearer when sent through e-mail. So if you want more send me your e-mail address.)

I`m currently single, I can`t find a male my age that`s intellectual and mature and the older males think I`m mature but too young, am I the only one that sees this as a lose-lose situation? So, I`m no longer looking, the extra stress is not needed at the moment. I wouldn`t mind some people to talk to though. My Personality *Nonchalant *Brutally Honest *Deep *Affectionate *Funny *Sarcastic as hell ..(hey, I was born with it) *Calm *Emotional *Creative *Melo dramatic *Supportive *Down to earth *Open minded *Gives credit when credit is due *No I am not stuck up or conceited in the least. I just know what I want. Dislikes
(Ce que je n`aime pas, c`est)
*Ignorance *Narrow Minded People *Liars *Haters *Biters *Hearing people before you see them *People who have nothing else to do but talk about people and things they don`t know about
(You may think what you`re saying sounds good, but what theother person is hearing sounds asinine.) Interest
(Ce que j`aime bien):
*Dancing (I LOVE to dance) *Writing *Reading *PS2, games like (Silent Hill 2, NBA 2K3, Grand Theft Auto, Resident Evil, Tekken) *Music: Rap, R&B, Club, Soul, Oldies, Alternative, Jazz, Pop, some Rock *Poetry *Movies *Singing *Drawing *Web graphics I`ve been studying French since 2nd grade so I speak it and comprehend it very well, but I`m still in the learning process. I go out around STL when I can, I can be spotted in the city or around north county. If you see me,I`m probably with 2 other people, my best friends Ashley and JaNelle Everybody has haters, and if you don`t... you not doing something right. If you are a hater, you should`ve X`d this page after you read the dislikes. I am highly known for my head gear, and my style. I`m always rocking: Hats with matching jerseys, shirts with matching bandanas or headbands. Most people seem to come up with their own assumptions as to why I do what I do, but personally if I don`t know you and you don`t want to take time out to know me..Why in the hell are you worried about it? I get alot of situations about that. I`m looking for some open minded people who are completely opposite of my dislikes to talk to or kick it with, I`m always open to meeting new people so leave me a note and sign my guestbook. *Dame besos* 1 Excapes Deep Quotes "Jus because I`m not talkative, doesn`t mean I don`t have anything to say" "I contend that we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you`ll understand why I dismiss yours." Deep Conversaton ^^: do u feel free? **: what? ^^: do u feel free? can u do what u want to do with no static? do u want change? does ur heart feel heavy? **: do you feel high? ^^: no **: do you feel you can reach da sky? do you feel your vision is blurry because clouds keep intercepting your sight? ^^: i feel ican reach the sky if i had the key to my cage...the only time the clouds intercept my sight is when its foggy...that means the sky is coming down to tell me i need tobe free **: well under circumstancesofthis world and our lives as we know it..nobody is free and nobody will ever be free, we`re all barred and chained down by our own sin. we`re the only ones who can free ourselves but i believe it`s too late ^^: its never too late...our sins are only defined by our conscience mind...if i feel i havent clean...but i still feel like societies slave...y is that ^^: join the are free by your own acts...but others around us still cage us. **: you are only free in the mind, being that society enslaves the man cant move a house with his muscles, but one can with his mind ^^: the house isnt actually moved...but ur mind has displaced the area around the house...these people that oppress us say we cant do this without themselves gaining something in return....the price of expanding ur mind **: the minds of society are set to "give and receive", i believe that`s our downfall and why we can`t accomplish things as a nation, or as a human being because we`re always looking for a pat on the back when the real reward is that you have opened your heart and nourished your mind ^^: aaah...and the point/answer is... ^^: because everyone is unquie and different ^^: we can all be a nationbut we all see the nation as a different tool **:true, such may see it as a cage,others might see it as an opprotunity ^^: an opportunity to put themselves to get free **: how long do you have to work or live in this country, to be considered free? ^^: until ur at the top and people are working for you making u money **: some people take their first breath while in chainz **: ...some take their last breath while in rusted chainz ^^: they will know true freedom eventually **: if that`s the case, whose on top now? **: whose free? ^^: big corp heads...but even the government controls them **: freedom is a mind set, an unreachable goalthat people put at the end of a dark tunnel to make themselvesstrive harder, the government isnt free, their own people will take them down **: so whose to say who is free or not? ^^: ur to say ^^: if u feel free ur free....most people arent free **: therefore its in the if you think you`re free, then you`re free ^^: but thinking ur free and feeling free are 2 different things **: your mind controls your feelings if you think something but dont feel it, you`re only lying to yourself ^^: i will feel totally free one day Craig David- Four Times A Lady Click Here 4 Music Codez
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