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I'm just a Dancing tree, what do you want from me?

I stayed home from work yesterday, I haven't been getting any better. I work the nightshift almost everyday and I think it's making me really weak. I feel a bit better tonight, but overall crappy. The medicine is working for my headaches but they make me sleepy/sick all the time.

Blah. So aside from being sick I have been really stressed about school. I emailed the NSAC in Truro N.S with loads of questions. Basically I have about 3 weeks to decide if I am going to UPEI in January, or applying to the AHT program which starts in September. My heart is with the AHT program, but my head says I should get my degree in Nutrition, right now it's about 60/40 leading towards UPEI. They only accept 16 students to the AHT program out of the 50-70 that apply, but I have all the requirements to get accepted. I don't know what to do, I really don't.

On a much brighter note, here is a new pic of Simon. Isn't he adorable :D He keeps me company when I'm feeling sick. He also loves climbing up my back if I am not paying attention to him, which is very painful! He's not very vocal unless he doesn't get his way, then he will make cute gurgle/grunting noises! Even Charles (who is a dog lover) says he wouldn't trade Simon for anything in the world.. although he teases Simon all the time because he looks like his nose and ears were dipped in chocolate *snicker*. John Kyle fell in love with him too, back off boy's.. He's mine !


* Jane * 10/23/2003

Today went by really fast. After work I went to sleep until John Kyle came over at 5, we chilled and I made the awesome cheese dip that the Pampered Chef taught us how to make at Ella's housewarming party. I bought Tostitos and Jalapeņo Ruffles to go with the cheese dip, They were sooooooo good. After J.K left we watched some T.V then I had a nap. Unfortunately then it was off to work...

Julie and I have so much fun at work these days, it's usually extremely dead. There will be nothing to do for hours. We talk, chat, laugh and sleep lol. We are getting our hair done at "Whispers" on Friday, I am very nervous, I think I'm going darker. Basically it will be my natural hair color, which is light brown with really natural highlights, and the underlayer of my hair I want dyed a tiny bit darker then the overall color. I have NEVER dyed my hair before, only highlighted it, so this is a big step for me, lets hope it looks good.

Today I am off to buy a canvas and acrylic paints, I have a strange urge to paint a picture. I suck at painting, but hey, might as well practice.

* Jane * 10/20/2003

Yeesh I never update anymore, I blame the computer. We just got it fixed, I hate hackers and virus writers- they should all be shot

Basically all I have been doing lately is working and sleeping. I've been pretty sick with headaches everyday, which sucks. On Thursday night I was finally feeling up to going out, so we hit up Myrons and had a few drinks, it was nice seeing Andrew again.

Slept for a few hours after Myrons, then got up and went to the gym at 6am, I wasn't feeling that great but I hate not going to the gym, it's more psychological then physical for me. I thought it might be good to get some exercise even though I haven't been eating any food and am weak as hell. At the gym I almost passed out which was very scary, and as a result I spent all day Friday in bed with my head under a pillow. Honestly, It was the worst headache I have ever had, and it wouldn't go away. Does anyone know what it feels like to have your head aching and feeling like it's about to explode for more then 12 hours?? Needless to say I was a wreck. I still have a headache but it's tolerable, thank god. I couldn't sleep so I watched Ghost Ship and cuddled with Simon, the movie wasn't believable at all, but not many horror movies are believable these days. Can't expect Oscar winning performances from a movie called "Ghost Ship."

Tomorrow, off to a house warming party. Ella and Mark just moved into an awesome house.. they even have a outdoor pool. I think it's a tit bit cold for swimming though. Damn. Then Julie and I have to leave the part-ay and head to work for the backshift :( Boo, I better feel better tomorrow.

So what's everyone being for Halloween this year ? I think I am going to try and be Cindy Lou Who, I tried last year, but It was last minute so I couldn't pull it off. I might be taking my niece trick or treating, which rocks caus I pass for a little kid too!! Although, more candy means more trips to the gym, ahh well it's a sacrifice I will have to make.

* Jane * 10/18/2003

How I love Thanksgiving.....

Today me and Charles went over to Steve's house for Thanksgiving supper. His parents are hilarious, as is his brother. Lots of stories were told, hahah. Steve's mom Mary made a lovely supper (Yummmm) and for dessert we had cheesecake, apple pie and ice cream all on one plate!!! I love his mom!

What am I Thankful for this year ? Humm, well above all I am thankful that I have Charles, who loves me as much as I love him. I am also thankful for my health, and for the health of my family and friends. I am thankful that I have Simon, which might seem silly to others, but if you know me you would know how crazy I am about animals, It's only been 2 weeks and I am already in love with him. Lastly, I am thankful to live in a safe Country, we take for granted how lucky we are every single day.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone :) Gobble Gobble!

* Jane * 10/13/2003

Our computer has a virus, again. This marks the 5th time, none of which were my fault. Our monitor is currently residing at Future Shop awaiting repairs.

We took Simon to the vet today, he's a bit under the weather. We got him some expensive medication and he should be all better soon. Funny how I knew exactly what was wrong with him before I even took him in, it must be the Vet in me :P. Going to the Animal Hospital hospital hurts, I want to be a vet so bad. It breaks my heart to be there, I sat in the room thinking how much I would give to be a vet for the rest of my life, I would wake up each day excited about going to work. It's my passion. I want it so bad. Maybe I'll become an Animal Nutritionist, that's about as close to a vet as I can get.

Simon didn't like the medication, he was moping around all day. I felt bad for him, so I went shopping and bough him some new toys for when he's feeling better.

Spend Friday night at my sisters :) She's doing really well in college so we decided to have a little Part-ay! I drank enough, 4 coolers and a few shots. Fun times!

I have been working out lots at the gym which makes my body extremely sore, thanks for all the massages babe! *hugs*

Well, everyone's off partying on this beautiful Saturday night, while I'm stuck at work:( fuckers!!

* Jane * 10/12/2003

Updates, humm.. Work sucks because I am scheduled 10:30pm-8am :| Not to mention the fact that it's extremely busy and we are short staffed. I wrote a huge letter to my supervisor, so hopefully things will get sorted out very soon. I have worked 44+ hours for the past month, this week I might even be working 53 hours, because they need someone to work on thurs night. Gah! oh well the overtime pay will be very nice *snicker* I will be rich! Too bad school and taxes are stealing all my money :(

My kitty is adapting well to our apartment :) He is the biggest sook and cries at our door when we go to bed, but he's getting better though :P. For the past few days he's been sneezing and moping around so I think he might have the flu, if he doesn't get better I am going to take him to the vet. I wouldn't want the "flu" to turn out to be something serious like a respiratory infection. Poor little fella I feel bad for him.

I am dying to have a party at my place, but I work sooo much and whenever I get a day off (which is usually only one night.. not even a full day off) all I want to do is rest. Once I start school I won't be working much, just have to survive until then.

I Watched Identity a few nights ago, It was a gory-suspense-thriller, just what I like! I also watched Blow, which was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. It was very interesting to say the least, Jhonny Depp was unbelievable as usual. Has Anyone see Ghost Ship? Just wondering if it's worth watching.

Tomorrow: Gym, movie night, then work. How exciting..

* Jane * 10/6/2003

Good news, I wasn't one of the people moved to another program due to staffing cuts.. Bad news, charles was. It really sucks, they moved him because he is really technical and could handle covad, whereas some of the other staff just couldn't.

They kept a lot of people in the program that suck at their job, lets just say there is an uproar in MSN at the moment. Just to let you know how crazy this is, they kept one guy... I won't mention his name, but he is narcoleptic. He falls asleep every 30 minutes. He constantly messages me and asks me to tell him stories so he doesn't fall asleep, which is sooo annoying. They moved charles who did the MSN training in one week when it took everyone else 2 weeks and is a great employee. They moved a LOT of great people, and kept a lot of slackers. Crazy. Watts looks out for their own best interests, not the employees. If it gets busy again they are moving everyone back to MSN, which is what will eventually happen, but still...It's bullshit and everyone is pissed.

On a better note - I got my student loan garbage straightened out. I wasn't planning on getting one, but I want to have the money just incase I can't save up quite enough. It felt so weird being on the UPEI campus again, very nostalgic I must say. I have mixed emotions about going back, I am excited but scared to death at the same time.

Very very sleepy, I wish I was home in bed... damn work.

* Jane * 10/3/2003

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