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imjustakid 6020: what up mofo
buried in STARS
: bebe!
imjustakid 6020: what up?
buried in STARS
: nmu
imjustakid 6020: nothin muuuuch
buried in STARS
: :-)
buried in STARS: i am deterimned
buried in STARS: for a new layouut
imjustakid 6020: oooooh whatcha plannin
imjustakid 6020
: dude you have a new layout hahah
buried in STARS
: no A NEWWWW layout:-)
buried in STARS: new-er
imjustakid 6020: haha you're funny
buried in STARS
: :-)
buried in STARS: soco or dashboard?
buried in STARS: or something else?
buried in STARS: i took montana arm photos
buried in STARS: yessss
imjustakid 6020: lol did you?
buried in STARS
: yesss
buried in STARS: ill show you in a bit
buried in STARS: they look just like hers
buried in STARS: i need a hair cut real bad
imjustakid 6020: somebody loves the montana
buried in STARS
: haaaa shhh
buried in STARS: i dont love her
imjustakid 6020: dude. i made an icon.!!!
buried in STARS
: i envy her
imjustakid 6020: hahah eww why?
buried in STARS
imjustakid 6020 wants to directly connect.
imjustakid 6020 is now directly connected.
imjustakid 6020: i have to fix it though
buried in STARS
: shes hot!
imjustakid 6020: i dunno if it'll work on here
imjustakid 6020
: she has a pretty face thats all
buried in STARS
: yah
imjustakid 6020:
buried in STARS: I LOVE IT
imjustakid 6020: haha i so made that
buried in STARS
imjustakid 6020: i totally need to fix it though
buried in STARS
: i love it
imjustakid 6020:
imjustakid 6020: is that better?
imjustakid 6020
: it shows his face longer
buried in STARS
: yahhh
imjustakid 6020: dude i need to make it stop blinking and i don't know how!
buried in STARS
: me no know:-(
buried in STARS:
buried in STARS: o
buried in STARS: hahahahahahahahaha
imjustakid 6020: HAHAHAHAHA
buried in STARS
: :-D
buried in STARS: you like it.
imjustakid 6020: montana wanna be!!
imjustakid 6020
: dude.
imjustakid 6020
: i did it.
imjustakid 6020
buried in STARS: perrrrrrfect
You are no longer directly connected to imjustakid 6020 because an error occurred. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
buriedinstars wants to directly connect.
buriedinstars cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
buried in STARS: nm
buried in STARS: ill let it be a surpriiiisseee
buried in STARS: ;-)
imjustakid 6020: ok!
buried in STARS
: :-)
imjustakid 6020: i totally just made an icon myself:-)
buried in STARS: im so proud of you
buried in STARS: you have no idea
imjustakid 6020: haha and it's giving me a headache lo
buried in STARS
: lol
buried in STARS: aw my poor babe
imjustakid 6020: haha idc:-) i love it
buried in STARS
: :-) yessss
imjustakid 6020: do you like it biatch!?!?!?!?!?!1
buried in STARS
: i love iyt
buried in STARS: whys jay just im me
imjustakid 6020: hahahahahah cool shit
buried in STARS
: hipvjay: yo
buried in STARS: heyy
hipvjay: whats going on
buried in STARS: nmu?
imjustakid 6020: HAHAHA
imjustakid 6020
: thats great
buried in STARS
: i know
imjustakid 6020: im still pissed off about my zac background
buried in STARS
: aww:-(
buried in STARS: hipvjay: yeah
hipvjay: so what have you been up to lately, you never talk to me anymore
buried in STARS: i figured i bothered you
buried in STARS: and that i was just some stupid girl whos after you
hipvjay: no way
buried in STARS: you sure?
imjustakid 6020: you love the jay
buried in STARS
: ahhhh no
imjustakid 6020: yes yes yes
buried in STARS
: nonono
imjustakid 6020: ;-);-);-)
buried in STARS: quite you
buried in STARS: so
buried in STARS: question
buried in STARS: what do you think i should get justin fer his bday
buried in STARS: A. jackass season on dvd
buried in STARS: B. family guy on dvd
buried in STARS: or C. the simpsons on dvd
imjustakid 6020: funny that i have all 3 of those in this house haha
buried in STARS
: lol
imjustakid 6020: ummmmmmm well the jackass ones arent the whole season just so ya know
imjustakid 6020
: but id say go fot that it's my fave
buried in STARS
: they arent?
buried in STARS: how much do they run a dvd?
buried in STARS: for one**
imjustakid 6020: nope i have them it's lik 90 minutes long just clips of certain seasons
imjustakid 6020
: well i got season 2 and 3 in a pack for $30 but i havent seen those around lately
imjustakid 6020
: and the simpsons is like 35/40
buried in STARS
: k
imjustakid 6020: :-)
buried in STARS: i tired
imjustakid 6020: so go to bed, freak
buried in STARS
: no!
buried in STARS: buttface!
imjustakid 6020: haha
buried in STARS
: theres no need for name calling
imjustakid 6020: sure there is!
buried in STARS
: that hurts asshole
imjustakid 6020: im sorry
imjustakid 6020
: not really, but hey
buried in STARS
: lmao
buried in STARS: i love you
buried in STARS: im chewing ice
imjustakid 6020: mmm ice
buried in STARS
: mmmmmmmmm:-):-):-)
imjustakid 6020: :-D
buried in STARS: :-*
imjustakid 6020: awww i havent seen one of those in a while
buried in STARS
: :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*
buried in STARS: all my loves foooorrrr yoooooou
imjustakid 6020: awww:-)!
buried in STARS
: :-)
buried in STARS: i have lice.
imjustakid 6020: eww thats pretty nasty!
imjustakid 6020
: fuck village photos. fuck them in their stupid asses.
buried in STARS
: yeah. i named them all jess jr. though, so i could love them
imjustakid 6020: awww you callin me dirty?
buried in STARS
: no. im saying if i called my dirty lice jess itd make me love them more bc theyd be lesssssssss dirty
imjustakid 6020: haha that didn't make any sense
buried in STARS
: i know:-)
buried in STARS: i feeeeeel siiiiick
imjustakid 6020: im sorry:-\:-\
buried in STARS: its ok
buried in STARS: i think my tofu was baaaad
imjustakid 6020: haha thats why you shouldn't eat that shit!!!!!!
imjustakid 6020
: does this look ok, oh creative one?
imjustakid 6020 wants to directly connect
imjustakid 6020 is now directly connected.
imjustakid 6020: eat real chicken, whore.
buried in STARS
: lol i love you
imjustakid 6020:
buried in STARS: I LOVE IT