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Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! new beginnings. ..same endings. yes the start of a new year. too bad it feels the same as last year. and probably wont strike me as new until valentines day. welp. same life. same problems. same solutions. ... same clothes?. .. theres nothing really new about this year [for me at least]. but to begin the change and growth that should happen within this year, lets start off with some resolutions.. . [personal change] ~ no unnecessary cussing [like a man] ~ no unnecessary spending [on shit like FISH. ahem joyce] ~ no more being a fatty and eating for FUN [self explanatory. no means NO joyce] ~ no more PROCASTINATING [this one is unlikely] ~ no more credit card usage [this one kicked my ass this yr :I] ~ eating out limited to twice a week [at a nice sit down place of course] ~ no more being expensive [is that possible? hello jasmine?] ~ GET MY LICENSE [bf would love that lol] ~ get a car [ahem] mini cooper. i wish. hahhaa ~ keep being organized [note to self: get binder reminder] ~ clean my dam room ~ get a J-O-B ~ dont lose friggin BOOKS [bf-wise] ~ no more helping him with his hw when mine isnt done yet ~ no more losing sleep over his procastination ~ keeping my afterschool time with him at a minimum 3 hours? [iono. maybe not. i like eating dinner at his house] ~ no more being attention hungry ~ no more unnecessary calls ~ set up a "going out" fund ~ go to the spa at least every other month ~ do at least one new thing a month ~ a real date at least every two weeks ~ . .. work in progress [friends] ~ work out with THAO regularly [i miss you too!] ~ be a regular at vivans house [study buddy] ~ save MY money to buy at least one new thing a month with jas [or bf or joyce] ~ see lisa and michelle when they come from SB and take pictures ~ a good deed [at least] every other day ... this is a tentative resolution list. theres so many because it ensures that i at least stay true to one or three things and now i have lots to choose from. ive lost conviction in this xanga. .. mMm i dont really have anything to say i dont think. .. [randoms] OH today. ulysses broke my leg. .. no he really didnt but it feels kinda broke. ok it just hurts a little. we were play fighting and he pretended to kick me and i think it was me who really kicked him. but our knees made contact and we spent a good five minutes rolling around on the ground with jumar laughing at us. mMmm... OH and i adopted TWO bunnies. rabbits actually. but theyre litter trained and all that stuffs. but it figures that both of them were pregnant so we couldnt take them home and wont till APRIL. that sucks fat pigggs. they both have pedigrees and are real cute. i hope theyre lazy and just sit there for me to hug. but till april. i remember last year i didnt lik my [other] family meaning my bfs family. not that i didnt like them but i felt uncomfortable with them [not really]. umm how do i explain it. it just felt awkward i guess. just like i didnt belong there or that i were intruding. but anyhow now i really get along with them. and am glad that i like mine now. i dont know what changed or how but im extremely comfortable with his family now. they feed me alot which makes me happy and i go out with them to eat and to go shopping. bf says im the daughter his mom never had which i guess is a good thing.. . and like traditional filipino families they used to make us keep at least 3 feet between the two of us [well you know what i mean] but now they dont mind the sharing of a one person seat or the unnecessary closeness. its nice . and to cousin joyce. thanks for bringing me places and feeding me when im hungry. i know you're reading this and i could probably tell you in person, but being the hardcore gangsta that i am, im not allowed too. haha. itd be nice to recap over the past year and say what im happy for, but i wont so then ill have more things to recap about in o5. o4 sucks ass. lol. i cant wait till o5. HEY. it didnt occur to me that i was only EIGHTEEN. wtfreak. lol. i turn 21 in. ..o6. DOMAI! being with ulysses makes me think that im not that young but i am. wtfreak was he doing with me when i was 14. GROSS. dang talk about holla at a playa. theres a lot of kristine love to go around. hehe. my mother got me the exact SAME christmas outfit as ulysses did. haha. ok. well good stuff. . .. ok. i dont get what it is with guys and porn/nudie pictures. and i dont think i ever will. [ok but heres how its relevant to this story] i was checking bfs email [because i do that]. i dont kno why but i just felt like checking it. and i open the unreads and its this "youve subscribed to" kinda email. and i click the link and ewww its nudie pictures. and im like OMG. please dont tell me he looks at this crap. i dont know if i was mad or offended. but whatever i was uncomfortable. i mean. he doesnt lie to me. EVER. unless he really does forget. ive asked him if hes ever looked at that stuff before and he said before he got with me which was ok. but now i was just. ..disgusted i guess. so itching to ask him i couldnt sleep. woke up asked him and he said no he's never subscribed to such a thing and that was it. .. a couple days later he's online playing starcraft and the login name he used was the same as the login name that was subscribed on that nudie site. .. disgusted and betrayed i was of course upset. he LIED? to me?. he's always always always told me the truth so i saw no reason for him to lie. so after being quiet for awhile he asks whats wrong. and i confront him with my evidence!. .. they send me that stuff when i login to the server. its spam mail deary.. haha oh shit. its true. crappit. i dont know what my point was.. .porn is bad?. ok now till the conviction returns. the end.