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 Elvis Billy


 Fiddle Billy


 Bass Billy


 Mandolin Billy

The smell of hot rosin and the sounds of fast pick'n can only mean one thing. The Golden Horseshoe in Disneyland is jumping to the sounds of the Billies. Sit yourself down and loosen up that ear wax cuz you're in for a foot stomp'n good time.

If you wanta listen to fine Hillbilly music who ya gonna call?

Why Billy Hill of course.

 Elvis Billy

 Elvis Billy

 Kirk Wall

Kirk is master of ceremony for the Billies and lead vocalist. A part he really gets his 'teeth' into.


The King lives in this fine entertainer

 The King   Elvis Billy as The King. Performing in Palmdale

Mandolin Billy

(Yes, all their names are Billy)

Evan Marshall

The premiere mandolin player in the U.S.

Evan has released three recording on the Rounder Label. Including 'Evan Marshall is the LONE ARRANGER'. Buy it in Disneyland at the Leather Annex, or any CD retailer

  Mandolin Billy

 Billy pic

 Evan when the Lads performed outside.

 Fiddle Billy

  Fiddle Billy

Dennis Fetchet

The fastest speed fiddler in Disneyland or anywhere else for that matter.

When Billy bows the Orange Blossom Special you can almost smell the citrus....

Dennis has to his credit several world tours with Hoyt Axton

He also played in over fifty bluegrass albums

Bass Billy

John Marshall



John is the leader and founder of the band. He has appeared as fiddle soloist with the L.A. Philharmonic 

 Bass Billy

The biggest bass player anywhere in the general Disneyland area.


Billies in Civvies

For those among us who would like to know what the Billies look like in street clothes (mufi) click below

Elvis Billy wearing a suit

Bass Billy sans overalls

Fiddle Billy outside the Horseshoe

Mandolin Billy in Covina

See our new page Fun with the Billies. Lots of pictures

Weekly Billy updates. trivia questions. and pictures of the Billies .Area 51

The Lindsey family Link Page is now open for visitors. Links to Gingi's Billy page and others

For an 'Evan' nicer page (could that be possible?) than this one see KATS Page

To view our fill in Billy Page click on "Billy Page"

Another fan page by Jan is not to be missed....Jan's Billy page

See the Fans seperated by names. Program Page

Amber's Billy page. See Area 51

Proud members of the Disney Breakfast Club, AKA Da Billy Club

Brought to you by: Lindsey's Taxidermy and Ice Cream Shop

West Covina, California