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$2 Tidal Wave Update Site

To "active" $2 Tidal Wave members,

Most members who are checking on this site are members who are "advancing".

As stated in the letter to you regarding advancements, advancements are NOT depicted on this site.

This is not (at this time) a computerized program. With the low, affordable cost of the program, computerization is not an option at this time and I can only give generalized information regarding the matrix.

Many of you have commented that this site has not given you the information you are wanting to know.

Since I am paying an associate to keep this site updated for me (I know nothing about website generation), it seems a waste of time (for you) and money (for me) to keep this site.

In the future, it would be of more use to you to request a copy of your "personal downline report". This will give information that is useful to "you".

You can request a copy of your personal downline report at anytime and I can even possibly send you a report by e-mail.

