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If you are buying a new house or thinking of remodeling your present home or building a house, keep in mind FENG SHUI,the Chinese wisdom.

My Feng Shui Knowledge is from childhood memories with my grandpa.

My grandpa was not a Feng Shui master, but was a faithful follower of Feng Shui teachings.

Grandpa says "Consideration of Feng Shui" is very important becasue Feng Shui is the way to bring in flow of good energy into a home in order to keep a man and his family Happy, Healthy and Prosperous,"

Feng Shui is the reason why many oriental home buyers take a good compass with them when they inspect houses.

So what is Feng Shui?

Harmonious arrangement of things with surrounding enviroment.

Grandpa admired Chinese art and literature and often said said. " Chinese are the smartest people!" We can learn a lot from Chinese culture.

Have Fun.

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