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Rant -N- Rave

Rant N Rave

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                Thank you for stopping by SlyDawg Entertainments (SDE) #1 site. 
                Be advised that the material here may be offensive. It contains mature
                language and the topics that are rascist, sexist and biast.
                 Please go check our partner's site.  Comming to us from Minnesota
                 him and his crew bring us another side of the R N R world.  Go check them out at
                 Nate's Rant ~N~ Rave
                   We have some bad news for the Dawg famaily, please click here to read about it. 
               There has been a death within friends of SlyDawg.
                   In her memory we will not be posting any new topics for 2 weeks until October 27th.
               It is our way of giving a moment of silence. 
               Feel free to check out our library and check out topics that you may have missed.

We are still updating our lost files.  With only 16 more to go out of 43 we are on a
strong way forward to keeping you updated.   Below is the list of each topic of our past..
holiday selfishness   kids left in car   Eminem   media   Metallica   old people/sports car   peace   phone
prisoners rights   punishing kids   public transportation   ratings   safe cigarettes   support the troops  
t.v discrimiantion   under God   women   young girls   rainey day specials   gay marriages   languages
lazy dinners   celebrities   what country   sex w/teacher   legalize marijuana   prince charles
We are proud to announce that with hard work that we have done and your suport 
that we have gotten this far in web searches under rant n rave.
MSN-  #3
YAHOO-  #4
Lets keep the numbers moving and become #1. 
We are working good, except for blog sites we have
made it to the top of the charts of actual sites except
for Rant N which isn't even working.  So
let's blast those blogger out of our way..

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