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Paisley Pincushion

The patterns from The Paisley Pincushion were first created out of a feeling of neccessity.  The feeling arose from a realization that women don't have many choices for well fitting, detailed garments.  The clothes available to buy in "ready to wear" are often immodest, and patterns to sew tend to be big and sacky.  By contrast, The Paisley Pincushion patterns are cut to fit, and have a sweet feminine flair, with more style than what's available in the main stream pattern lines.  We have also provided detailed instructions to make sewing these patterns an option even for the novice sewer.  Along the way we have expanded our offerings to include more than just clothing. So here we are, The Paisley Pincushion, we hope you enjoy our line.

Use the menu to the left to view the available patterns.  Payment can be made through one of the methods below, or with our order form.