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~~aLL AbOuT mE!!~~

Hey you guys this is me...In all my radiant beauty Yeah i know! Let me see.. I am 18 I'm graduating in May of 2003. I have great friends and a GREAT boyfriend! He is my love! Well lets see...I am new to web design and html BUT IM SO HOOKED NOW!! I love it!! I decided to put together a site of Early 90's TV shows because when i was out venturing around i had to go to lots of differnet sites to find what i wanted. Well about this page...I just put together some things that I thought might interest some of you. I hope you like these pics. Oh and the back to home page pic is the feet of me and my great friend Kim. About the other links... If you would like to email me or send and prayer requests that you have, do so at that address. I believe that with God all things are possible and we should bare each others burdens as Christians. So if I can help in any way let me know. *Remember:"If God brings you to it... He'll bring you through it!"* Love Yall!!

Click here for 50 reasons to smile!!

My Biggest Dream

I hope you enjoyed your tour of my web site and I hope you found something you were looking for. And most of all I hope that you
remembered the days when we were so free and things were great!! Remember that the Eighties Babies Live ForEver!! Peace Ya'll!!