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Notes from Free Financial Seminar


(Comments: The importance of financial planning out-weights any current 1st priority tasks – the effect of not getting it right can easily cost thousands to ten’s or hundreds of thousands of dollars. So – think about it now!


-Weilan Wu)


Keys in Long-Term financial investment:


Ø      Diversify.

Key points: 1 investment of 6% vs:

                    5 investments of 15, 10, 5, 0% or loss,


For same amount the latter wins way way more.

 (even in the case of 3 losses, if the other two investments are properly selected, still out-wins the single investment approach).


To realize this, best action is to buy mutual funds.

(there are over 18000 mutual funds in US. Follow a couple simple criteria, can almost guarantee no loss of money in long-term).


Ø      Dollar Cost Averaging

Key point: Buy the same amount, every month, vs one-time investment.


For the same amount the former wins way more, especially in the down-turn markets.


Ø      Time Effect

Key point: Use time to reduce the investment risks.


For S&P 500, the risk of losing money:


1 year      – 28%

5 years    – 10%

10 years     3%

15 years     0%


Ø      Asset Allocation

Another form of diversification, spread the asset into different investment vehicles: Stocks, bonds, real estate, etc….


Key point: Re-balancing after certain period, this is the so-called ‘morning star’ mutual fund investment method (note: from WW).


The benefit of re-balancing is to realize the ‘buy-low’, ‘sell-high’ investment principle.


Ø      Tax consideration



            Tax-free to withdraw. (only other one: Roth-IRA).


            It’s life insurance + investment method.

           (also good for children’s education).


            How much – common estimate $500K.





Ø      Others


o       Putting money in bank is losing money, longer you put – the more you lose.


o       It may not be a good idea to pay off the house too soon (15 years vs 30 years mortgage). Use the money to invest wisely, help you build up more wealth.


o       In US, it not only about how to make money, but also, how to manage money (and in some case), how to hide (shield) your money.


o       More – to study together.. more you sophiscated, more money you make and save grow..