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Example of Theme - Page Banner

new_page_1 new_page_2.htm Form_instruct.htm Form_Wizard.htm Contact Form new_page_6.htm

Student Exercise to Use Themes for Creating Websites.

Step 1:     File-New-Empty WEb

Step 2:    File-New-Empty-Page

Step 3:    Format-Theme-pick a theme, Check apply to all pages

Step 4:    Save New Website, new page as index,  (In explorer, when Front Page is closed you can rename the website to something else), Good idea to leave your homepage with the name of index.

Step 5.  File - New Page , create a second empty page, and check if the same theme has been applied.

Step 6.    Save the 1st new page which should be called new_page_1.htm.  NOte: The new page will not appear in your folders list until you save the page.

Inserting a Banner, to match your theme, Index Page

Step 7.    Go to the index page,  With your cursor where you want to insert your banner chose Insert- Page Banner and select "Picture" not text.

Step 8: Modify the text in the page Banner, by right clicking and selecting "Page banner Properties"

Inserting a Banner, to match your theme, Other pages

Step 9:  Go to the new_page_1.htm that you have created and Insert-Page Banner. Note that it will not create a Banner but it will tell you that you need to add the page through the Navigation view before it applies the Theme Page Banner.

Step 10:    While you are on the index page , go to the Navigation view. See that your index page is shown there but not your Page 1. Pick up and drag your page 1 as below the index page.

Step 11.     Go back to page view and confirm that your banner is now there.  Note: You can position your banner using the standard windows tools.

Inserting Hyperlinks, to match your theme, Other pages

Step 13:    Add a third page to your website which should be called new_page_2.htm by default when you save it.

Step 12:    Insert "Navigation" on your index page. You will then be able to configure and insert the Link Bars which is your hyperlinks in a Bar form to match your theme for the pages of your site.

Step 13:  When you configure the "Links Bar" you chose what style you want and where it will appear on your page. The first choice in styles is to configure it like your themes choice. You can place it horizontally along the top of the page or vertically along the left side of the page.

Step 15: Add a link from the index to new_page_1 and to new_page_2. NOTE: You will notice now when you go to the Navigation view that the Links are also now shown.

Formatting other pages to your theme

Step 14:   Try and add a Page Banner to new_page_2 of your website. Notice that you can not add one until you add this page in the Navigation view.

Step 15:   Note: Whenever you add new pages you have save each one of them before they get their name, you can give them more meaningful names, you have to add a new link to them from the home page and you have to add them into your navigation view before the Page Banner will appear.

Step 16:   To insert a different set of Hyperlinks on your other pages , you will need to create new "Link Bars" GO the page that you want to insert the new Link Bar and select Insert - Navigation. After you select the style and position, select create a new Link Bar. Use the choices , including select "include Home Page" to provide the navigation that you want between the pages.

Step 17:  Check to see that if you are using a bulleted list that the theme bullets are being applied


        yes this is the right bullet for the square ones.


This s the next type of bullet after you push the "Increase Indent" button twice.