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Afghans By Miz

Hi! My name is Lisa. I am a homeschooling mom in Alabama and have grown to love crocheting. My online friends know me as Miz. Below you will find links to afghans that I will crochet to your color specifications. All patterns that I use are from various crochet pattern books and I will note per page where each pattern came from. The page pics are scanned from those patterns. I do have a page of a couple of pictures of my completed work. Remember that you can choose any color available in yarn so the possibilities are endless. Prices vary depending on difficulty as well as length of time to complete. I charge no shipping and handling inside the United States. E-mail me with your desired pattern choice and colors, and I will let you know how long it will take to complete and how many orders are ahead of yours. Thank you for choosing Afghans by Miz... I am looking forward to doing business with you.
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Afghan Catagories

Single Strand Afghans including Patchwork Style
Double Strand Afghans including Patchwork Style
Afghans for Kids
Miscellaneous Items
Samples of my completed work
Items ready for Immediate Sale
Red Heart Color Chart
