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The Wide World of Witchgirl's Imagination

So you were curious to see what I draw when I'm not drawing anime, huh? Well here it is. It's mostly fantasy art, I looove that style. I don't do much else, well, besides anime of course! I hope you enjoy it. Most of these I just pull out of my head, I have an overactive imagination! The few that I didn't make up will say what I drew them from. As always, please don't take any of these with out asking and EMAIL ME with all your questions and/or comments! Thanks, Witchgirl
oh, yeah, SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^

This is a picture I drew from a photograph of my friend Lance, and I'll post the photograph as soon as I find it… He gets to be at the very top so he can feel special. ^_^

This was my first pen and ink, and I really liked the way it turned out, so I went and bought myself all this pen and ink equipment that I use like once a year or so… Sigh… I like my little demon, he's so kawaii!

Another angel picture, I like drawing these angel demon hybrids for some reason. I drew this in church, of all places (much to my mother's UNamusement).

This is the kid from the Facutly that has the reeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyyy nice GTO (that he runs into a bus, of course). I drew it from a pic I pulled off the net. It's a pencil drawing, not charcoal.

This is acutally a pen and ink that is HUGE! Like two by three feet huge. I took it to the miricle workers of Kinos and they shurnk it to an 8 by 10. I started this the day after Thanksgiving and finished it in the end of March.

I just like this picture alot, so I put it up. The inscription in the journal is a quote out of one of my favorite books.

This was just a doodle in English class where I was studying how to shade skin better. I really like her face, though.

This is a ballpoint pen doodle from the back of my Spanish book cover.

I love this pic. I don't know why… The people are no one in particular, I just made them up. But I just love it. I guess it's their expressions or something. But it's one of my favorites.

This was my first attempt at charcoal, and it actually placed in an art competition. I love her eyes, and her expression.

This was my…*cough*…Tarzan type phase. Hey, muscular guys wearing not much, what girl wouldn't? It was a good muscle study, yeah that's it…

This was just a ball point pen drawing I did during a very long and bring meeting. I like darwing 'wild' angels. It's fun. I thought he would make a good ending peice for this page.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my personal art. I'm not sure when I'll add more, Most of the stuff I do now is too big for my scanner. I guess I'll just see how many people demand more… *crosses fingers* ^_^
