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Remarkable Cases of Longevity in the 18th Century


The average person in the 18th century would not have been expected to live much longer than their late forties or early fifties

Now consider the following instances of extreme longevity, pertaining to those belonging mainly to the North-Eastern counties of Scotland. These statistics were extracted from the Aberdeen Journal in the latter half of the 18th century...

Mar 7, 1749 Andrew Cumming, Peterculter, aged 102. He had the use of all his senses till within two or three days of his death
Oct 30, 1750 John Smith, Esq., of Inveramsay, nearly 100
Mar 16, 1751 John Jeans, near Old Aberdeen, aged 104. He retained his senses to the last
Dec 18, 1751 Alexander Gray, Turriff, tailor, aged 107
Dec 28, 1752 William Reid, mason, upwards of 100. He maintained vigour and strength till within a few days of his death
Feb 15, 1753 Janet Gordon, Aberdeen, 101. She was the daughter of James Gordon of Seaton, and widow of Dr George Middleton, Principal of King's College, and the mother of fourteen sons and four daughters
Mar 20, 1754 Rebecca Tulloch, Aberdeen, aged 105. She was able to read without spectacles and write till within two days of her decease
Feb 16, 1755 John Craich, Fraserburgh, aged 105
March 5, 1755 Walter Duncan, farmer, Turriff, aged 103. He retained the use of his senses and memory to the last
Feb 27, 1758 Alexander Craig, farmer, Newhills, 108
Jan 2, 1759 Janet Blair, Monymusk, 112
Jan 23, 1759 William Barns, Brodie House, upwards of 100. he was servant to the Brodie family for 70 years, and retained his faculties to such an extent that less than a month before his death he enjoyed a game at fencing
Feb 6, 1759 Gavin Argo, blacksmith in Udny, about 100 years. A powerful man, and retained his strength so long that he was able to work at his forge till a few days before his death.
Dec 5, 1759 Helen Collie, Peterculter, 104
Dec 27, 1760 Andrew Kinloch, Old Deer, aged 105
Feb 16, 1761 George Forbes, farmer, Maryculter, aged 106
Feb 17, 1761 John Crawford, farmer, Rubislaw, aged 104
Jul 13, 1761 James Carle, white fisher, Cairnbulg, 111
Feb 1, 1762 Catherine Brebner, Cairnie, 123; She retained her senses to the last, and during the winter was able to engage in spinning
Feb 22, 1762 Alexander Anderson, gardener, Abbey of Deer, 102 years. he had a vigorous frame and constitution, and till about 2 months before his death never knew what it was to suffer from sickness or dishealth

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