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Faery Magick...

Faeryland is a world that exists parallel to our own. To see Faeries and Little Folk,
one must be open to this plane of existence, a realm not visible in our waking consciousness.
Faeries and Little Folk have their own personalities and individual talents, ideas,
feelings (they are very sensitive compared to us humans), levels of intellect, mannerisms, likes and dislikes and ethics.
They can and do want to help you, if asked in the correct way. Once you have gained their trust, they will be a loyal and true friend for life.
Helping, protecting and aid in healing in whatever areas they can. If you want to work with faeries the
best thing to do is build yourself an astral residence, near but not in Faeryland, a place where you can meet safely;
a common middle ground. Fill this with all of your tools and energies and psychic protection.
This is a place to work and relax. After all, any magick done in the astral plane
is much more powerful and it is where the Faeries and Little Folk live.
However, please be sure to "invite" them, do not demand.
Also, most faeries hate a display of profuse "thanks, preferring instead gifts such as butter, milk, bread or cake.
(They don't actually eat this in our sense of the word, but draw the essences of such gifts).
In our pages we explore the world of the "Fey" folk. We will look under the toadstools and mushrooms for them, or with the Ragwort,
their favorite herb, and in and around the Faery rings, except for Wednesdays, of course,
this being the Wee Ones day of rest. Hopefully, you will establish a tantalizing and fantastickal encounter on your joutney into FaerylandYet the barrier that is inherent in all of us; the fear of the unknown, makes us hesitate to explore new worlds. The veils of the consciousness have been "learned" to be closed and therefore the universe rearranges itself to conform to our "logical" reality. Sad to say that as we grow older, we as children are taught that many things we hear, see and feel are cut off and regulated to "mere fantasy". Ignorance and fear takes the place of what is naturally a part of us as children. The ability to ascend into the astral world must be relearned. Our Meditation and Chakra pages delves a little into this walk thru' the other consciousness. It is here where we can find the fantastickal world of Faeries and Little Folk. ~*~ All time exists simultaneously and with this the "logical" view would be then that Faeryland coexists with our own world. Separated only by a thin veil of consciousness. Never make the mistake that "astral" is something less than whole, not "real" in any sense. Not only is this one of the hardest perceptions for we as humans to understand, that form of thinking could be offensive to whom you wish to seek and in some cases quite dangerous. Working with faeries can be frustrating but the end rewards far out way the caution that must be practiced in order to gain Faery trust .