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What's New

12-15-02~ Well I'm back if anyone notices or cares. Check my journal for updates.. that's where I am most of the time. I applied for Site Fights.. hopefully I get accepted *crosses fingers* Maybe that will help me get some activity around here:) Anyway, that's all I really have for now. Remember, play nice and listen to your parents and I'll catch up with all of you later;)

7-31-02~ Summer school and work have been keeping me away from my site and my journal. I joined a cute webring today called "Blonde Moment" :) The link is on my main page. I added a few other little things, working on a memory page for lost loved ones. If you knew Ben Newton, or Andrew Davis, please contact me with a story about them, memoir, photo, etc. Thanks bunches:)

6-15-02~ I'm sorry I haven't been updating very often, but I've been busy with exams and all the stress that goes with it. So not many changes have been made recently. Keep emailing me though:) I love fan mail hehe

5-31-02~ Where does the time ever go? It doesnt seem like that long ago when I last posted. But I have made a few changes. The front page is different, I like it a lot better, and some other *technical* things that go pretty much unnoticed but thats ok:)

PS-dont click here

Comments, suggestions??

**Feelin' like a sweetie? Wanna buy me something from my wishlist? of course you do!!