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Green Lantern

Next Generation: Green Lantern CFLs and LEDs

Product Types

Overview Table
Bulb Types/Shapes
Other Products/Fixtures
Light Colors Offered

Pictures are merely meant to be representative.
The exact look can vary from model to model.

Bulb Types/Shapes Other Products/Fixtures Light Color
Spiral Ceiling Fixtures
Normal (Incandescent
Quality) Light
"Long" CFLs Desk Lamps Black Light
Capsule (Bullet) Style Downlight Kits Bug (Yellow) Light
Circular LED Exit Signs
and Retrofits
Full Spectrum
(Natural) Light
Flood LED Flashlights North Sky Daylight
Globes LED Lights Pink Light
(A) Bulbs
Night Lights
Post-Mounted Lights
Utility Lights
Wall-Mounted Fixtures

Bulb Types/Shapes

(prices can vary based on exact needs)


JKRL Spiral CFL Spiral bulbs are the latest innovation in compact fluorescent technology. By wrapping the tubes in a tight formation, manufacturers have enabled the lamps to approximate the size of incandescent bulbs and have achieved a more symmetrical distribution of light. Not all spiral bulbs look like the one at left, but they all share the low wattage, long life, and high quality light typical of CFLs.
This particular image is courtesy of JKRL USA and is merely meant to represent a style.
Other manufacturers' lamps may show different spiral patterns.

Lowest Price: $6.00
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"Long" CFLs

Long CFL They may not be as aesthetically pleasing, but, if space is no object, these bulbs may provide the cheapest light and often come in the widest range of models. They are available in a variety of tube formations such as quad, twin, triple twin, and quadruple twin. Even though some of the newer designs have become quite small, they are almost always at least slightly longer than regular incandescent bulbs.

Lowest Price: $6.00
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Capsule (Bullet) Style

Capsule Short and stylish, these bulbs have more of an oval shape than do the globes and can thus fit into almost any fixture.

Lowest Price: $11.50
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Intek Circular Perfect for ceiling applications, these lamps form a circle that can hang from a fan or fit within a table lamp.

Lowest Price: $15.00
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Designed to illuminate large areas, floodlights may be used in recessed downlights or in outdoor applications. They can make great security lights, and the reflectors are available in a variety of diameters.

Lowest Price: $19.00
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Globe These bulbs come enclosed in globes of many sizes. They are perfect for decorative purposes when a naked bulb just will not do.

Lowest Price: $17.00
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Incandescent-Shaped (A) Bulbs

Intek CFL They may look like ordinary hot incandescent bulbs, but check the energy bill. They are actually CFLs in disguise.

Lowest Price: $9.00
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Other Products/Fixtures

(prices can vary based on exact needs)

Ceiling Fixtures (Domes/Drums)

More than just a bulb, ceiling fixtures are lighting solutions that may be encased in everything from a dome to a cage to a square. Appropriate for wet locations and interior lighting.

Lowest Price: $29.50
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Desk Lamps

These lamps provide a nice amount of light for any task at any desk. Available in both stylish and playful shapes, they represent the cool to the touch, long life solution for office work and homework.

Lowest Price: $31.00
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Downlight Kits

The all-encompassing solution to retrofitting those recessed downlights. New cans and baffles are available, but the retrofit kits (with CFLs) for existing cans are even more popular.

Lowest Price: $59.50
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LED Exit Signs and Retrofits

Exit Sign Quit spending too much money on illuminating the path to the exit. Available in red and green and always using less than one watt, the kits will fit any exit sign.

Lowest Price: $19.00
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LED Flashlights

Indestructible and lasting forever, nobody can get rid of these flashlights. They will not even need to have their batteries changed. Ever. They don't use them. Just shake to recharge.

Lowest Price: $72.00
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LED Lights

The solution for nighttime steady lighting needs in gardens or as wall-mounted security lights.

Lowest Price: $43.50
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Night Lights

Need low-level interior night-time illumination? Scared of the bogeyman? These low-profile lights use less than one watt and are guaranteed to last longer than the buyer.

Lowest Price: $3.50
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Post-Mounted Lights

Mount them on posts and line the driveway with them. These lights will work under all conditions and will not chew up electricity bills.

Lowest Price: $52.00
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Now CFLs can be used with timers, and some timers will even support applications such as those bulky, non-central heaters and air conditioners.

Lowest Price: $10.50
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Torchiere Tired of burning down the house? Or just tired of paying for air conditioning? Either way, these new CFL torchieres still provide the fashionable ambient light without the risks and costs.
This image is courtesy of Harmony Lighting, Inc.

Lowest Price: $44.50
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Utility Lights

Made for the portable tight squeeze and the construction area, these lights are heavy duty and avoid the high temperature hazard presented by incandescent utility lights.

Lowest Price: $20.00
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Wall-Mounted Fixtures

Encompassing a wide range of jars, domes, and spheres, these fixtures attach to the walls for decorative and rational reasons. Most are made to endure the harsh realities of wet locations.

Lowest Price: $26.00
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Light Color

Normal (Incandescent Quality) Light

The "soft white" light that has come to be the standard for incandescent bulbs.
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Black Light

Disco will never die! This unique light "color" can change the way people see every day objects.
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Bug (Yellow) Light

This yellow light avoids becoming an insect magnet. It does not fry them; they just stay away.
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Full Spectrum (Natural) Light

Covers the entire visible spectrum to provide man-made daylight. Full spectrum bulbs have a pleasant, stimulating, and, above all, natural light that can battle fatigue, reduce glare and eye strain, and portray true colors by placing objects in a proper light. Great for battling SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), beneficial for those with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), a blessing for those who appreciate the value of true light and true color, and a godsend for those who just don't see enough of the sun.
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North Sky Daylight

This color simulates the cool blue of the north sky on a cloudless day.
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Pink Light

This decorative light is nice for restaurant and lounge settings, highlighting objects, and creating a different feel.
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Contact: e-mail:
            PO Box 413
            Abita Springs, LA 70420

Last Updated: May 26, 2001
Copyright: Derek Lemoine 2001