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Thomas Oakley

b 1777, ,Granville, North Carolina  
d 1856, , ,Caswell, North Carolina    
Thomas Oakley  
| d 08 May 1773    
| |    
Thomas Oakley  
|Parthenia Van_Hook-1 +    
|m 02 Aug 1803    
|, , Person, North Carolina |    


1 < Leonard Henderson Oakley
2 Nathan Oakley
3 Susannah Oakley
4 Biddy Oakley
5 Oakley
6 Sarah Oakley
7 Oakley
8 Archibald Oakley
9 Ruffin Oakley


Thomas Oakley and his wife Parthenia Van Hook were listed in the 1810 Federal Census of Person County, North Carolina. There were four children born between late 1803 and early 1810.

Thomas Oakley was listed as a widower with five sons and three daughters in the 1820 Federal Census of Caswell County, North Carolina.

Thomas Oakley and his second wife Elizabeth Crossix were listed in the 1830, 1840 and 1850 Federal Census of Caswell County, North Carolina.

Thomas Oakley wrote a will on 3 January 1851. This will was probated in July Court 1856 of Caswell County, North Carolina. It is transcribed as follows:

'July Court 1856

'Thomas Oak y's Will

'The State of North Carolina, Caswell [County], January the 3rd day 1851

'No all men tht I Thomas Oakly being in sound state of mind but Calling to mind the frail time of this life it being appointed Once to all men to die do make ordain this my last Will and testament

'I do give to my wife Elizabeth my negro woman Selid Ann and above all of my heirs during her life and widowhood to have and to hold as her own

'I also give to my wife, Elizabeth an equal portion of my estate with all the rest of my heirs to hold during life or widowhood

'On the day that she should decease or marry I bequeath all the property or estate she may have to be equally divided among my bodily heirs

'[I] further give and bequeath the remainder of my estate to be equally divided among my bodily heirs to have and hold during their lives and then go to their offspring

'In the event that any of my bodly heirs died without bodly heirs their part is to return back and to [be] equally divided among all of my bodily heirs who may be living

'I do further appoint ordain my son Ruffin Oakley my sole executor to take any course or use any means for the recovery of my land all things belonging to me, that I loffully[sic] Could do myself wear I personally present

'This Signed Sealed with my hand on the day and date above written

'Witness Jno Pollard (Jurat) 'Thomas Oakley (Seal)' Sephanals Roberts (Jurat) James C Roberts (Jurat)

'We the undersigned agreed and bind our self to comply with the said Will and Testament whereunto we annex our names

Her Elizabeth X Oakley Mark Henderson Oakley Thos P. Oakley Ruffin Oakley Her Biddy X Oakley Mark Sarah Oakley Arrena Oakley Corneila F Oakley Martha Oakley Nathan Oakley Archibald Oakley

'A Paper writing purporting to be the last Will and testament of Thos Oakley dec'd was this day duly proven in Open Court by the Oaths of Jno Pollard, Seph Roberts and James C Roberts the subscribing witnesses thereto

'Where upon it is ordered that the same be recorded & Ruffin Oakley, the executor therein nominated and motioned, took the Oath prescribed by law and Letters Testmentary issued to him accordingly

'Thos Graves, Clk'

Source: 'Smoky Mountain Clans, Volume 2', Donald B. Reagan, 1983, p 223-224.


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