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Our Family Scrapbook

[click: Rebecca Hall]    Bell Hill reunion 1920   
   Rebecca age 15    
[click: Sam Hall and Rebecca]    Sam Hall and Rebecca   
   taken ca. 1955   
[click: Sam Hall]    Singing Sam Hall   
   at reunion   
[click: Allen Hall]    Allen and Emaline Hall 1920   
   quilt made by Emaline   

[click: Eliza Hall]    Elizabeth Bible Rollins on left   
   Emaline Bible Hall on right    
[click: Frank Hall]    Frank Hall far right   
   gospel quartet 1947    
[click: Sam Hall]    Sam Hall with 1st cousin   
   "Long" John Wesley Hall    
[click: Sam Hall]    Sam and Emaline Hall   
   Sam and Emeline Hall    
[click: Bell Hill]    Bell Hill Church   
   and schoolhouse    

Family Pictures Page 2

Graphics from Castleberry Arts