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LogoWe are proud distributors of Tubular Skylight Products

TUBULAR SKYLIGHTTM is one of a new generation of technologically advanced Happy Sunproducts that are improving the quality of our lives while reducing our cost of living. Technology need not be complicated. Major breakthroughs are often the result of getting back to basics and using the best materials to perform the simplest task.

TUBULAR SKYLIGHTTM performs a very important task in the simplest way possible. Manufactured in Southwest Florida (The Sunshine State), TUBULAR SKYLIGHTTM brings daylight from the rooftop into your home, school, office or factory. The Florida Energy Conservation Office reports that TUBULAR SKYLIGHTTM increased light levels to the equivalent 1800 watts of light and produced 68% less heat. TUBULAR SKYLIGHTTM is the only product of its kind used by NASA Kennedy Space Center.

It is inexpensive, easy to install, requires no maintenance, generates no heat, and there is no electric bill. Rooms that are naturally lit feel warmer and are more comfortable on the eyes. Sunlight is the ergonomic (the science of comfort) solution to your lighting needs.

It is the only skylight with a EPA certified R22 insulation ratingTM

How?BenefitsHealthySee the Difference

SpecsEasy as 1-2-3

Let the Sun Shine In with TUBULAR SKYLIGHT TM

logoContact Us At:

Alternative Lighting, Inc.

Boise, Idaho
Telephone: (208) 376-7222

Washington, Indiana
Telephone (812) 254-0947
