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The soft glow of a candle invokes spitits and utulizes the ancient element of fire. The dancinf flame of a candle gives off mystical power, and used for centuries by witches, spellcasters, for divination and meditation. The candle is also an image of humanity. The wax corresponds with the physical body, the wick corresponds to the mind, and the flame corresponds with the soul.

Candles come in all different shapes and sizes, and can be bought in all kinds of shops. Some witches choose to make thier own candles, more power is charged in it when they are only touched by your hands.

CandleShapes &Colors...
The color of the candle is very important in the use of magick, each color emits a special vibration and attracts different spiritual influences. The shape of the candle is just as important in magickal uses.

Shapes and thierCorrispondances...
Black Cat...To Increase Luck & Psychic Power.
White Cat...To Make Wishes Come True & Protecting Pregnant Women
Moon Shaped...Power In Moon Magick & Goddess Invocations
Male & Female Shaped...Represent The Person(s), The Energy of The Spell Is going to.
Phallic Shaped..Used In Sex Magick.
Mummy Shaped...For Power & Sucsess & invokeing Ancient Egyptian Deities
Devil Shaped...Are Used In Both White & Black Magick Voodoo Spells**
Black Scull Shaped...To Cast or Reverse Hexes & In Seperation Spells**
White Scull Shaped...Healing & Seances.
Seven Knob Shaped..Which Has Seven Balls of Wax Strung Together With One Wick, Daily Meditation, & Wish Magick; With Each Ball Burned Each Day (seven Days)
MagickCandle Colors...
Black...Meditation Rituals, Hexes,Uncrossing~Rituals,& Spells To Banish Evil & Negativity.**
Blue...Honor, loyalty, Peace, Tranquility, Truth, Wisdom, Protection During Sleep, Astreal~Projection, Prophetic~Dreams.
Brown...Lost Objects, Improve Power of Concentration and Telepathy, Protection of Familiars & Pets.
Gold...Attracting The Powers of The Cosmos, and Spells & Rituals Honoring Solar Deities.
Gray...Spells To Neutralze Negativity Influences.
Green...Fertility, Success, Good~Luck, Prosperity, Money, Rejuvenation & Ambition, Rituals To Counteract Jealousy & Greed.
Orange...Spells That Stimulate Energy.
Pink...Love & Friendship Spells, and Femininity.
Purple...Psychic Manifistations, Healing, Power, Success, Independence & Housedhold Protection.
Red...Fertility, Rites, Aphrodisiacs, Sexual Passion, Love, Health, Physical Strength, Revenge, Anger, Will Power, Courage & Magnetism.**
Silver...Spells & Rituals To Remove Any Negativity, Stability, Influence of The Goddess,
White...Consecration Rituals, Meditation, Divination, Exorcism, healing, Clairvoyance, Truth, Peace, Spirituality, Strength & Lunar Energy.
Yellow...Confidence, Attraction, Charm & Persuasion.

Materials Needed
2 Large White Taper Alter Candles
4 White candles
4 Red Candles
1 Purple Candle
Frankencense Insense
Picture Of Person Seeking Protection
Place The Large White Alter Candles One On Each End Of The Top Of The Alter, Place The Incense In The Middle Of The Alter Candles, Lite The Frankencense,Place One Of The Red Candles Beneth The Incense, One Of The White Candles Beneth The Red One, The Purple Candle under the White Candle(middle of alter), One Of The White Candles Under The Purple Candle, One Of The Red Candles Under The White Candle, Place the 2 Other White Candles next to the Purple Candle(on the left & Right), Finally Place The 2 Other Red Candles One To The Left Of The White Candle & One To The Right Of The White Candle.They should be in a cross shape.

This ritual should be done during the full moon, full moon is the best time for this kind of ritual.
Light the alter candles, light the incense, light the purple candle, thinking hard of the person to be protected, all dressed in white, light all the white candles saying...
Here is a circle of purity about the spark of whose spirit burns brightly in the midst. It is an ever-present protect for him, it is the greatest purifier.
Light all the red candles and say...
Reinforceing the circle of purity is a further circle of strength. Spiritual strength for He is protected from all harm, all evil. He is purified and born again.
Think of the person as happy, carefree, with no evil about him and no fear of any negativity or evil. After a few minutes say...
There is a Goddess of whom my prayers,
Poor as I am, no boon request,
I watch the world and its affairs,
Cherish the good, and forget the rest,
And pleasure, howe'er priestess may prate,
My modest creed does not offend,
Gaily I drink, and leave my fate.
To The Goddess the good folfs friend!
Sit then and think of all evil evaporating. See the person free and happy. Sit and hold this thought untill the candles burn out. Take the remaining wax, if any, and bury it in the ground, and say...
Great Mother and sound,
Send his negativity in to the ground!
Bury this wax where it will never be disturbed.

IF You Have A Great Candle Spell, Please Write It On The Message Board.
Sorry, Black Magick Spells, Are Not Welcome Here!
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