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*Women's Rights?*

I (Delia) just thought I'd write about my views on the whole Women's Rights movement. I don't have anything against it, in fact, I think it's great that women have taken it into their own hands to declare equal rights for both the sexes. But I think there are some areas of the women's rights movement that are taking things a little too far. I mean, I see shirts and bumper stickers that say things like "Girls rule, boys drool", and that is EXACTLY the same as men saying that women aren't equal to them. Can there be no inbetween? Does there have to be one gender that isn't equal to the other? It seems that a large part of the problems with sexism springs from our language. Phrases like the aforementioned "Girls rule, boys drool" and even the phrase "Equal rights for women" are degrading in their own way. The first, because... well... I explained that above already; and the second, "Equal rights for women", because that's also feeding into sexism in it's own way. Wouldn't it be so much better to say "Equal rights for men and women"? -Delia, Feb. 19... And besides, if guys are so bad, why aren't we all lesbians? -Katy... I also hear lots of girls who are upset about one particular guy doing something wrong saying stuff like "All guys are so stupid!" etc., and that really pisses me off, because I know that if I heard some guy saying something like "All girls are so dumb!" I'd probably scream at him!!! So why is it that there's a double standard with stuff like that? It's not sexist if a girl says it, but if a guy says it, there are tons of people jumping down their throat about being sexist! And on another note, all guys are NOT stupid! I mean, there are some stupid guys, just like there are some stupid girls, but they aren't ALL stupid... so if anyone who's reading this says passive-agressive male-bashing commentary, please STOP IT! It's really annoying!! -Delia, Feb. 29 ...The only way that I see an end to sexism is if we stop opressing men, too. I've heard lots of people say stuff like "Guys have it so much easier." or "Guys aren't opressed at all.", but they are. It seems really strange to try and end the opression of women if we don't end men's oppression too. To some people, men are thought of as pigs who only care about money and sex, and they don't have feelings at all, but that's SUCH FUCKING BULLSHIT!! The only reason that some people think men don't have feelings is because they're told that they SHOULDN'T have feelings, it's not because they're these evil creatures that are spawned into civilization with no emotions whatsoever. In my mind, feminism isn't about women having rights, it's about EVERYONE having rights, and before anything can change, we have to stop think about it as something to liberate women. We have to start thinking about it as something that can liberate everyone. That's what's really gonna make everyone see the damage that's done by seperating the sexes and viewing them as totally different (did that make sense?). We're all humans, after all!! -Delia, March 18 ...It really pisses me off when I hear guys say stuff like "I don't hit girls.". I mean, it's really very nice that they've decided not to hit girls, but if they're gonna make the decision not to hit girls, why can't they just decide not to hit ANYONE? And this common groundrule seems to do more damage than it's worth sometimes. For example, say there were two girls in a room together that's full of guys, one of them was minding their own business, and the other was being really mean and provoking the other; say they even punched the other girl. This girl, who was minding her own business, could get brutally beaten up while all the guys just watched, because they "can't touch" a girl (I actually know someone that happened to). That's so stupid!! Why can't people just use their own good judgement about that? -Delia, April 6/00 (sorry I talk so much!)

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