Welcome to my Semicharmed Kind of Life

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father.
Prepare to die.
Oh, wait.
Lemme just count your fingers.
Hmmm. Ten.
Okay. Sorry about that....

And now that that's out of my system, may I present to you...*drumroll*...my page!

Here, you'll find...well, lotsa things! The obligatory friends' page, mucho music stuff, pics...the list continues!

To visit the requisite friends' page, click on the world's biggest vulture.

For zee music, click on Grover and his mommy...

For a good time...er...laugh, click on the dancing pig. (Every website should have a dancing pig, should it not?)

For quotes and stuff, click on this unbelievably cute dragon...

Okay, so I'm all about the music on this page. Click on the little mousie over there and you'll find full songs - everything from Barenaked Ladies to Dusty Springfield. It's far from complete, but I'm gettin' there!

To add to theme, I've got another (yes, another) musically-inclined page. So, if you're a Pumpkins fan, and I know you are, click here, or you will be cursed to look like Billy Corgan for the rest of your life...

Now what, you ask? Why, my dear friends, it's what you've all been waiting for: the PICTURE page! There are, natch, as few pics of me as I could humanly limit it to, but there a tons of pics of you guys! Have a look-see by clickin' on the dog. He's certainly excited about this section...

And, finally, *the* link page. With any luck, this will be perpetually updated -- that is, if I remember. So, have a little look-see and you'll be amazed when you realize how much time I must have spent on the Net to have found these.

And, of course, my guestbook. Since you're here already, you'd might as well sign it.
Pretty sneaky, eh? Thank you! :o)

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
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