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Grassy Ridge Gardens



When I was moving my things from my mothers, she asked If I had a name for that Big Ole Eyed daylily in the field yet. I could not imagine what she was talking about. I dug up the ones I had flaged and sent them here. The next spring OH MY, what a surprise. It was indeed a Big daylily. The 7 1/2 inch full round and ruffled daylily looked odd on the narrow well branch strong scapes. I thought forsure the scapes would break and everytime a wind came I just knew I'd go out to find it on the ground. I did not stake them and to my surprise the 26" scapes stayed strong and held those large flower just fine. Boy was I pleased. This very large peach flower has been essential in my program for large eyed flowers. You can bet it has some family that will also get to introduction. One of my finest parents and never fails to draw attention.