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Goku: Full Sajyin, Goku is basicly the main character in Dragon Ball Z. He is the most powerful and when he is fighting Freezia(much later into the saga) he over comes a force so great that he transforms into the Ledgenary Super Sajyin. Soon all the Sajyin's that were left in the universe would overcome this tremendous power!Goku is also reffered to as Son Goku. Goku was born to a Sajyin on the planet of Vegita(Sajyin race lived there). I dont know what his fater was named but he was killed when Freezia destroyed the planet of Vegita. Only four true Sajyins survived. Those were Goku, Vegita, Nappa, and Ratdiz(Gokus brother). Goku comes to Earth as a kid, and traines till he is all grown up, thus making him the most powerful on earth. Gokus special attack is the kameahahmeah. Goku marries Chichi, and they give birth to a son, Gohan...

Gohan: Half Sajyin, Gohan, Gokus son, he is also called Son Gohan. He is half Sajyin and can be extreamly powerful when he uses his true power. He Eventually turnes into a Super Sajyin, but not till much, much later in tht saga. Gohans special attack is the Mesinko(true power). Gohan helps his father through the whole saga untill his father dies for the final time and is dead forever. Then he takes the role of protecting the Earth with his friends. Gohan lives a wonderful life till the Buu saga, when the earths blowes up...

Vegita: Full Sajyin, Vegita is a bad guy in the beganing but becomes good. His father was the King of the planet of Vegita(which makes Vegita a prince). Vegita becomes a slave for Freezia with Nappa and Radtiz. But he gets away frome Freezia and wants revenge. Its amazing but he eventually marries Bulma and has a ferocious son called Trunks(my Favorite)! After Trunks is born Bulma gives birth to Bra Vegitas new daughter. Vegita dies once by freezia, Freezia shotes hime through the hart with a beam after baeting the crap out of him. And I think he dies another time during the Buu saga(he gets turrned into chocklet).

Piccolo: Namiek, Piccolo is a very strong Namiek, he has alaways been good, but since he was a little Namiek he has had Goku as a rival. Through-out all of the sagas(Ratdiz saga,Sajyin saga,Namiek saga,Freezia saga,andriod saga,cell saga,ect...)Piccolo grew more close to Goku, During the Freezia saga is when they stoped being rivals. Piccolo has a powerful attak called the BigBeanCannon attak, this attak can do a monumental amount of damage on something. Piccolo dies three times(I know tahts alot), once during the Ratdiz saga, one during the Sajyin saga(he sacrificed himself for Gohan. And once during the Buu saga(I think). Piccolo is a great character!

Krillin, Human, Kriilin is Gokus BEST friend. He is the small but powerful type, I would say his best attak is the DestructoDisc, it can cut through anything. Most people have this attack but its an awesome attack. Krillin does not have any hair, but uses the DragonBalls to get hair. His hair looks like gohans but its parted down thw middle. Whats funny is taht Kriilin marries andriod Android#18 he wishes her human and marries her, Shes actually pretty HOT! Krillin dies two times I think. Once during Sajyin saga and Once during the Freezia saga. All around Krillin is a great fighter.

Bulma: Human, Bulma is one of the two main women in DBZ, she is the snoby, sort of stuck up kind. She beats up on Krillin all the time. In the first sagas she and Yamcha liked each other. But during the Andriod saga she marries Vegita and they have Trunks. Bulma only dies once, it was during the Buu saga, the all evil Buu turrned her into chocolet and ate her. Bluma looks ok if you know what I mean, she has blue hair and blue eyes.

Yamcha: Human, Yamcha is a cool character if you know what om talking about like he say's,"Wow, that was da bomb" or "that was like totally cool, man!" He is a good fighter, He dies two times, in a way he sort of looks like Goku! He uses the Kamahahma attack.

Tien: ???, Tien is well i dont know what race he is, He's also a good fighter and only dies twice. His main attack is where he duplicates himself four times and there all the same power level. He doesnt marrie anyone.

Chozu: Prince, Yes thats right Chozu is a prince, I think Tien is his like guardian or something. Anyway he not afraid to fight and is a cool little guy. I dont know his main attack.No, he does not get married.

Trunks: Half Sajyin, ***Trunks is personally my favorite Character, I think he's the most powerful, besides Goku, and defenitly looks the best. Trunks can turn into a Super Sajyin because he is only half Sajyin. His special attack is the "Element Sword". It sort of looks like a really quick kahmahahmah. Trunks dies once(I think)during the Buu saga when the world is destroyed by Buu. I think Trunks marries some one in the future but im not sure, ill find out soon. If you look in my ~~PICS~~ section theres lots of cool pics of SSTrunks(Super Sajyin Trunks) and Futuer Trunks. The reason Trunks has purple hair is because Bulma has purple hair and Bulma is his mother.Trunks RULES...***

Goten: Half Sajyin, Goten is Gokus' second son. Yes he can turn into a Super Sajyin. I'm not sure how many times he dies but he looke like a little Goku. His special attak is the Kahmahahmaha attack. I will soon have much more imformation on Goten.

Videl, Human(I Think) Videl plays the role as Gohans girl friend In a way. Gohan is Great Sajyin Man #1, and Videl Is Great Sajyin Man #2. I know shes a girl but so what. Shes an ok fighter. She Dies once.

Android #18, Machien then Human Yes, Android #18 was an android untill she became good and Krillin wished her to be human. She marries Krillin. She is a very good fighter. She dies once I think. You never would think Krillin would get the fine chick's, but he does. Her special attak is the ???. Shes really agresive with using her body to attack. Shes a great DBZ character!

ChiChi, Human Chichi is human she is Goku's wife, Gohan and Goten's mother and well doesnt do alot of fighting. She know a little martial arts but not enough to beat someone like say Raditz or something. She's the one that makes Gohan study and cook's dinner for them all. I think she dies once when Buu destroys the Earth.

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