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The Klik Factory

Welcome to The Klik Factory's website! Right now you will find the site has it's bear essentials-the downloads & The News. I'm not much with making web pages, so this place is just here so you can easily download my games and their patches.

To view the newer news page(s), click here:

April 4-June 10 June 11-?

Last Updated April 1, 2000

Zack's Vacation! Base File- Zack's Vacation is a bright, colorful platformer. You play as Zack exploring various areas of a far away island destroying Tiks and searching for the Tik Leader. With 100% original, colorful grpahics, tons of levels, this game is more than worth the download. (You MUST download this if you plan on downloading any future versions. This is because all the future versions will be patches to this version, thus if you don't have it, it can't patch it with new levels and features.

Zack's Adventure 1.0 File- This is truly a fun and enjoyable game. This time Zack has a whole new look, but he's still a cool bouncing green ball of goodness! This version has 4 levels. The main attraction of Zack's Adventure is the special powers you can find. So far all I've got is the fire power but it is fun to use. The levels are each very large, scrolling levels. I believe I once again chose some very fitting music. Zack's Adventure is best viewed in 16 million color mode, but if you've got less, for example 256, the only difference is the sky is not so good. It does not have any effect on gameplay, however. This is a must download if you liked Zack's Vacation as the levels are larger and there are more elements in gameplay, I recommend this great game to people of all ages.

Zack's Vacation! 1.1 Patch-Coming Soon! 8 brand new levels and a whole new colorful area to explore + a few new surprise features! Release Date: February 2000

Further Zack's Vacation! Patches-Don't expect it to end here, Zack's Vacation! is going to be a huge colorful game full of cool new features and levels. Even after destroying the leader of the Tiks, Zack will journey further toward another goal.


April 1, 2000-ARRGGH; I forgot to update last week. Anyways I'm taking a break from ZBond 2 (Zack Bond 2) and working on a new, Mega Man style game with original graphics and characters. When I feel like it I'll work on ZBond 2 some more. I also started work on the 3rd mission is ZBond 2. All I've got so far is a few graphics. It'll be a snow level though. By the way, I thought I'd tell you that I now have over 500 music files in my computer, just to feed you some useless info. If you downloaded Zack's Vacation you know I always pick the PERFECT music to set the mood in a level. Zack Bond 2 has a music select option where you can select from a variety of Bond sounding music if you know what I mean. You can even use the music from the original ZBond. Well, yeah. -The Klik Factory

March 22, 2000-Sorry about not updating on the weekend, but I was grounded. Anyways NO MORE WEAPON OR CHEAT IDEAS FOR ZACK BOND 2! Sorry, but the engine is finally complete, and now the level making starts. As you know the first level of Zack Bond 2 is complete, but I have now made a second level! If you want to read about it, thus spoiling it, here it is!:

Mission #-2 Title: The Rescue Mission

Location: Danke Swamp, 20 miles east of the Tik Lair


A-Locate Agent Jack

B-Carry Jack Back to Helicopter

This mission is very different because you have to watch BOTH Zack and Jack's health bar. If either runs out, the mission is failed. Jack starts with only 1 unit on his health bar, but you can easily get a second with a nearby Health Kit. Since Jack's health is much lower than Zack's, you may want to be more aggressive in the first area, meaning always keep Jack above the bullets when attacking, even if one hit's Zack. Also this level uses something very few KLIK games used, and that is slopes. I also tried for a Co-Op mode, but it just couldn't handle over 900 events. I MIGHT be able to make a 2P battle mode, so that'll be one thing to look forward to.

Well, that's all you need know for now. I have already started a few things for the 3rd mission, and I am starting to realize I can't just keep making missions, they have to lead to a final climax and end the game. I'll start work on that though. Well, Adios.

-The Klik Factory

March 15, 2000-I know it's not normal for me to update on a weekday, but I have great news that I have made Zack Bond 2 much, much better. Here's a description of the story/gameplay for the first level:

In the original Zack Bond, you killed Master Tik after adventuring through the Tik lair, right? Well, what then? This is where it all begins. In your first mission, your goal is to escape from the Tik Lair. Here's your current situation:

You are at the bottom of a huge tower in the Tik Lair. The people from the CKK have just stationed a helicopter on the ROOF. Now you've got to make your way up the tower that is littered with Tiks, and make your escape.

The level is not to wide, about 2-4 times the length of the screen. The height of the level is around 6-8 times the height of the screen. There are different paths to take on your way up, and if you check all the nooks and crannies, you will find some powerful weapons and some much needed Health Items. You start with only your pistol. Most other weapons are not right in your way, so if you want to make it you'll need to explore a bit. Each floor of the level has different colored backdrops. You start on the floor right above the bottom and there are about 4 floors above you and the roof. Believe me, this level design is MUCH better than the original. Your only objective in this mission for all difficulty levels is to escape from the lair.

Well, that'll be all for now, until the weekend. Remember, keep those weapon and cheat ideas coming to!

-The Klik Factory

March 12, 2000-No one sent me any cheat or weapon ideas!? WHY?! I figure it's because they don't know enough about the game. I mean, how can you have ideas for a game you don't know anything about? Anyways, here's a description or Zack Bond 2:

You play as Zack, a green ball with eyes, hands, and feet. In each level you try to make it to the blue and red flashing arrow to reach the next level. This is not always easy because of the Tiks that guard the different areas and the bottomless pits. If you fall off the screen, the level is restarted. If you get hit by a Tik bullet, an explosion from your bomb, super bomb, or rocket, you restart the area also. You can continue as many times as you want. There is no lives system. The Tiks look like Zack only are different colors and have no hands or feet. Additionally you can get up to 10 weapons to kill the Tiks. Upon colliding with a weapon, you can switch to it by pressing it's weapon #. The weapon numbers of your weapons are displayed at the top of the screen. Also at the top of the screen it tells what weapon you currently have. To use the weapon you are switched to press ctrl, or with some weapons, hold ctrl to use it. Some weapons do more damage than others but all weapons have advantages and disadvanteges. For example. The Pistol shoots a quick, small, bullet. However it will take 3 of these to kill a Tik and the pistol bullet is less like to destroy a tik bullet by hitting it. The Blaster pistol will kill a Tik in 2 hits but is large and liable to hit platforms or Tik bullets. The bomb can kill a Grey Tik in one hit and a Red Tik in 2, but it can destroy Zack. A Super Bomb is the same as a Bomb only with a larger blast. This may be used to hit more than one enemy with one bomb, but it is easier to kill Zack with. There is no ammo (so far). You can use a weapon as much as you want.

Okay, that's my description. Remember, you can send in new weapon ideas, costumes for Zack, for the Tiks, or even for the platforms! Also if you think I should have ammo E-mail and tell me why. To E-mail me I believe I have an E-mail link on the bottom of this page or E-mail me at! Welp, this is Brett signing off for today. But one more thing, The Klik Factory is not just a web page, it is a company.

Until Next Weekend

March 11, 2000-Incase your wondering, the reason I'm updating so much is now that I put up a link somewhere people are actually coming to the site! (And 'cause it's a weekend). Anyways I now have over 25 Zack Bond 2 cheats but no new weapons. I still need the original Zack Bond and how to get more global values in CNC. Remember, if you give me either of those I'll give you some ZBond 2 codes when it comes out! Also just today I added in a difficulty setting changer where you can set the Tik's health to 4 different settings! I also fixed one of my new weapons which was way to powerful I realized. I'm not going to tell you 'cause it's going to be a surprise! I still need cheat/weapon ideas for ZBond 2. All you've got to do is E-mail me at or I think I've got an E-mail link at the bottom of the page. Just say something quick like "You should have a rocket launcher that shoots rockets that do a lot of damage o tiks but kill Zack" (That's already a new weapon in ZBond 2, but one of the less original ones, which is why I told it to you). So just send me a quick E-mail! I think I'll stop making the engine (meaning no new cheats or weapons) and start on the levels pretty soon, so you better hurry up. I aim to have 30-50 cheats in ZBond 2, and I'm only five away from 30 and 25 aways from 50! I'm running dry on ideas. Oh, and here's a few more cheats that I put in ZBond 2:

Invisible Zack

No Hands/Feet

Shadow Zack

Square Zack (really unusual)

A Zack constume for the Tiks!

Cat Head For Zack

That's all you need know for now. Remember! If you think it'd be cool to have a blue and red Zack or anything like that just E-mail me! You can also make suggestions for secret platform styles and disguises for the Tiks! So PLEASE just E-mail me at! Welp, that's all for today. (is welp a word?) I'll probably update tomorrow. I'm on the line a lot during the day, so if your E-mail is sent you might find I alrady added your cheat into ZBond 2 in tomorrow's update!

Hasta Luego (Until Tomorrow (I think))

Mach 10,2000-Wonderful news!!!! Zack's Vacation has been trashed!! We also have some bad news... I have again started work on Zack Bond 2 ): (Sure fooled you). Anyways Zack's Vacation has sadly been trashed because I haven't worked on it in such a LONG time + I started work on ZBond 2. Anyways I have been working non-stop on ZBond 2 and it now has:

1 Scrolling Level (I'm still working on the engine)


A cheat entry screen with over 23 CHEATS!!!!! And more on the way as I think of them!!

I know it sounds to good to be true, but it is. And this is not just "This is what the full version'll have" talk! This is what I've done SO FAR! I do need your help though, actually I don't but I thought it'd be sort of fun if I let YOU send me what cheats you want in the game and what weapons! To give you an idea here's some of the cheats I've got so far!

Red Zack

Blue Zack

Zack's Tik Disguise

Duck Head for Zack

Original Zack (graphic from original Zbond!)

Original Tik!

Original Platoforms!

Make the Tiks look like Zack!

Weapons cheats such as all weapons and ones for specific weapons

Level Skip

Still I can make plenty more. Another thing I need is for someone to send me the original Zack Bond game. Download it on aol at keyword: download. When there go to software search for shareware (don't worry, all my games are freeware!). Then search for Zack or KNP for all dates. You should be able to see it after that. Then just download it and send it to me in an E-Mail! As a reward I might send you some cheats when ZBond 2 comes out! If I forget you can just remind me. But it isn't coming out until I get the original Zack Bond because I am going to put it into the game!

Also, if you know anything about Click & Create or Multimedia Fusion Express I need help making it so I can get more global values. I heard it has something to do with the global array object but I can't figure it out. I will send me some cheats (when ZBond 2 comes out) if you successfully help me out!

One more thing before I go, this is NOT going to be another of those projects where I just stop making it, (By the way I trashed Zack's Adventure) but seriously, Zack Bond was how I got started and there were over 150 people E-mailing me saying they loved it. I know everyone will like this game and if you didn't like Zack's Vacation or Zack's Adventure you'll love this... I admit it, I suck at making regular old platform games. But this is SURE to be a hit, and I actually like playing it! (No offense Zack's Vacation and Zack's Adventure)

To contact me to send me a cheat or weapon idea just E-mail me at Odds are if I haven't used it yet and it's not innapropriate (sorry) it'll be in the game. I'm serious on this believe it or not. Although the only weapons there will probably be normally will be the original 10, the new ones will be available by entering their code in the cheat menu.

March 1, 2000-Another update!!! I don't know why I'm doing this considering I'm the only one that's ever been to my site. Anyways no new downloads, but I didn't tell you about how Zack's Vacation is going on Valentines Day. Anyways the forest level is complete, and the boss is pretty hard. I had to completely redo the boss it to because CNC crashed. Somehow I managed to make the exact same graphics (well, pretty much, if anything, their improved). Also on Zack's Adventure I have the first world completed with 3 levels and a boss. I now have 4 powers total and the only one I'm telling you about is the firepower (of course you already know about it if you downloaded Zack's Adventure Demo 1.0. I've been busy because I got Creatures 2, this really cool virtual creature game that's really cool. Anyways I started making a newsletter for it in CNC, but stopped. I downloaded Truespace, a 3D graphic creator, and I can't figure out how to use the simple thing. Also it really anoys me this was free and the 3D graphics program I bought costed $150. I don't use either because it's hard to make good, original 3D graphics with either of them so I just quit at it. ($150 down the drain). Well, I hope someone comes here, the only problem is you've got to beat the Zack's Adventure demo to find my site (Which isn't to hard, but even if they do take the time they probably won't actually go to the site.)

February 14, 2000-I completely redid Zack's Adventure and now it is much better. I am now using Bastiaan de Jongg's ULTIMATE PLATFORM MOVEMENT ENGINE! It is a brilliant, wellmade engine created by Bastiaan de Jongg. It was used in his greatest game, Funny Furries Xmas 2, which is now a commercial game( meaning it is being sold off his site). I have the good ol' fire power + 2 new, original powers! The graphics are redone, except for Zack, and it all looks much better. Zack now has hands and feet too! Another highlight is the enemies are no longer just Tiks! Now there are 3 kinds, Spikeys, Spike-Headed Turtles (S.E.T.S.), and Bouncers! Bouncers are not really an enemy but a ball that will bounce you in different differections. The bouncing is the best thing about the engine and I've got tons of springs and all the enemies are bouncy too! So far only the first level is complete and that's only because I want to make as many powers and enemies as I can before I go on. Another highlight is the ability to have 3 different powers at once and be able to switch between them with a simple tap of the / button to the left of the shift button on the right side of the keyboard! If you thought Zack's Adventure 1.0 was good, you'll LOVE this!

February 7, 2000-Terrible news. One of the secret new features has been messed up! It's gonna take a while to fix. The good news is I have the Zack's Adventure 1.0 file up today! It has only 3 levels + a Learn Mode with another level. Believe me it's FUN though and I enjoy playing it in a far better way than I ever did with Zack's Vacation. I may devote my time to this instead of Zack's Vacation!, you really must download Zack's Adventure.

January 26, 2000-Zack's Vacation! 1.1 Patch-Today I put in all the special features. I'm not going to tell you what they are now, cause I want them to be a surprise, they are somewhat original and I have not seen these features in any other KNP/TGF/CNC/MMF game I've ever played. As it comes to levels I did not work on them today. Tomorrow I am going to finish the last forest level and hopefully finish the forest boss too.

January 25, 2000-Zack's Vacation! 1.1 Patch-Today I worked on making the first level for "The Klik Factory" area. It has moving platforms (that are as far as I know glitch free, meaning unlike moving platforms in other games, these do not leave your character where they are. I have all the graphics for The Klik Factory done also. For The Klik Factory I created a different animation for the enemy, but it basically has the same properties as the Tiks. Tomorrow I'm doing the special features.

Questions? Comments? Reviews? E-mail me at I will make a Reviews page where I will post your reviews on my games.

The Klik Factory, Zack Bond, Tik, Zack's Vacation, and Zack's Adventure are all copyrighted 2000 by me, Brett Brimmer, and may not be used by anyone without my permission.
