test You are here, here is nothing, you are nowhere.

You are here, here is nothing, you are nowhere.

................................................. The Following is Intended For Mature Audiences ONLY. It is not Suitable For Young children, Old People With Heart Problems, Pregnant Women, Some Farm Animals, and Most Pets. Oh Yeah And Imaginary Friends Are Also banned from This Page Because They Can't Be Trusted To Keep Their Mouths Shut.!!The Management ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... the sleep of reason breeds monsters....but lack of sleep breeds mad monsters...thus the explaination for the following..................................... ................................................. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SO HERE I AM FUCKIN THIS CHIC RIGHT...AND ALL OF A SUDDEN SHE GOES DRY...JUST LIKE THAT. SO NOW I'M LIKE..."FUCK!" SO'S I PULL OUT MY THROBBING MEMBER, OPEN UP HER LIPS AND HACK A NICE SIZED LUGGIE OR TWO IN THERE AND STIR IT AROUND A BIT. "WHAT'D YOU JUST DO?" SHE ASKS ME IN HER HOARSE FROM SCREAMING VOICE. "DON'T WORRY BOUT IT BABY...DR. DICKS GOT EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL..." I REPLY AND CONTINUE ABOUT MY PREVIOUS BUSINESS OF FUCKIN THE EVER LOVIN SHIT OUT OF HER. NOW THIS PARTICULAR BITCH HAD A GENERAL PREFERENCE OF TAKING IT UP THE ASS, AND THEREFORE HADN'T REALLY ENGAGED IN ANY VAGINAL SEX IN QUITE SOME TIME, SO AS YOU CAN IMAGINE IT WAS QUITE A TIGHT FIT TO SAY THE LEAST. ANYWAY...AFTER ABOUT 4 MINUTES OF THIS(BEIN' THE SPEEDY GONZALEZ THAT I AM), I'M JUST ABOUT READY TO FUCKIN INFLATE THIS BITCH WITH MY CUM LIKE A FRIGGIN BALLOON. SO I PULLS OUT AND GET READY FOR A NICE SUSHI DINNER, WHEN SUDDENLY...TO MY HORROR AND DISGUST I REMEMBER MY EARLIER ADDITION TO HER DRY LITTLE LOVE NEST, AND THINK TO MYSELF "LIKE HELL I'M GONNA EAT OUT SOMETHING I JUST PRACTICALLY BLEW MY NOSE INTO!" SO NOW I GOT A THROBBING HARD-ON, A CHIC SCREAMING FOR MY FUCK, AND A VERY NASTY DILEMMA. QUICKLY I SCROLL MY EYES AROUND THE ROOM, DESPERATELY LOOKING FOR A GOOD PENIS SUBSTITUTE. BUT TO NO AVAIL. THEN I REMEMBER THE REALLY BIG CRAP I'D BEEN HOLDIN IN FOR THE LAST SEVERAL HOURS. ~ (((NOW SHIT GENERALLY IS RATHER LACKING IN THE FIRMNESS COMMONLY ACQUAINTED TO OH SAY A PENIS. HOWEVER THIS PARTICULAR TURD HAD A PARTICULARLY INTERESTING ORIGIN. YOU SEE,. FOR THE LAST TWO DAYS I HAD BEEN EXPLORING THE SEXUAL SENSITIVITY OF MY ASS, AND HAD FOUND QUITE TO MY SURPRISE, THAT I ENJOYED IT VERY MUCH. NOT BEING A HOMOSEXUAL MAN THIS WAS RATHER NEW TO ME, AND SO OF COURSE I DIDN'T HAPPEN TO HAVE ANY FINELY CONSTRUCTED PLASTIC DILDOS LYING AROUND. THEREFOR I HAD TO DO THE BEST WITH WHAT I HAD. SO I USED MY WOOD CRAFTING SKILLS TAUGHT TO ME BY MY KILLIAN'S OWN WOOD SHOP TEACHER MR. YAGERMAN, AND BEGAN CRAFTING MY OWN DILDO OUT OF THE LEG OF MY DINNING ROOM TABLE. THIS BEING MADE OF WOOD OF COURSE. ANYWAY I ENJOYED THE PROBBING OF MY ASS AND RECTUM WITH LITTLE DEVICE SO MUCH THAT I CHOOSE TO LEAVE IT INSIDE, EVEN AS I SLEPT. WHEN I ROSE THE NEXT MORNING THOUGH, MY WOODEN FRIEND HAD BEEN REDUCED TO A MERE SPLINTER. SOME HOW MY ASS HAD MANAGED TO EITHER ABSORB OR DIGEST THE MAJORITY OF THE FIBER IN MY POOR LITTLE DILDO, LEAVING IT A SHELL OF IT'S FORMER SELF.)))~ ANYWAY...BEING IN THE DESPERATE SITUATION THAT I WAS, I PUT MY FAITH IN MY ASS'S ABILITY TO PROPERLY DISPERSE OF EXCESS FIBER. , AND WENT ABOUT OBTAINING THAT WHICH WAS MINE ONLY SALVATION. WITH ALL MY MIGHT I PUSHED AND STRAINED AND SPREAD APART MY CHEEKS AS FAR I COULD WITHOUT RIPPING THEM, WHILE SILENTLY PLEADING TO MY ASS FOR THE LIBERATION OF MY DOUBTLESSLY PETRIFIED TURD. FINALLY,...WITH A MIGHTY "UUNNGGHHH!" I LET LOSE THE KING OF ALL LOADS. IT FELL UPON THE BED WITH A HEAVY THUD.. SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL... AS BLACK AS NIGHT AND HARDER THEN ANY COCK. THE LIGHT GLEAMED OFF THE BLOOD THAT HAD RUBBED OFF ON IT FROM MY TORN ASSHOLE. IT STOOD TALL AND PROUD, LIKE A DARK FIDEL CASTRO. BUT THERE WAS NO TIME TO ADMIRE THIS FINE TURD, FOR THERE WAS WORK TO BE DONE. I GRABBED IT FROM IT'S BASE AND PLUNGED IT IN. I FELT LIKE CAPTAIN AHAB MUST HAVE, THRUSTING HIS MIGHTY HARPOON DEEP INTO THE FLESH OF THE GREAT MOBY DICK. SHE LET OUT A ROAR(<---I WAS ORIGINALLY GOING TO USE THE WORD MOAN BUT THIS GIRL ANDREA SUGGESTED THIS ONE INSTEAD.), LIKE NONE THAT HAD EVER BEEN HEARD BY MY EARS BEFORE. GRUNTING, I FORCED THE SHIT DEEPER IN BETWEEN HER GLISTENING THIGHS, TWISTING ALL THE WHILE. I COULD HAVE SHOVED A BLENDER UP HER ARSE WITHOUT HER NOTICING, SO DEEP WAS SHE IN HER ORGASMIC BLISS. HER LEGS SHOOK LIKE THAT OF A FRIGHTENED YOUNG GIRL WAKING UP IN THE MORNING TO DISCOVER HER FIRST PERIOD. I PUSHED AND PULLED FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE HOURS, WHILE HER BODY TWISTED AND HEAVED ON THE BED, OVERWHELMED BY WAVE AFTER WAVE OF MINDBENDING PLEASURE. THE ROOM GREW HOT AND MOIST. CONDENSATION DRIPPED DOWN FROM THE CEILING ONTO HER WRITHING BODY. I COULD STAND IT NO LONGER. I PULLED THE CRAP FROM HER DEVASTATED PUSSY AND THRUSTED IN IT'S PLACE MY STILL ERECT AND OH SO EAGER COCK. I FUCKED HER LIKE MY DICK WAS ON FIRE, LIKE I WAS TRYING TO SHOVE MY WHOLE BODY INSIDE OF HER. OUR WORN THIGHS TRICKLED DOWN BLOOD AND OUR PUBES TANGLED TOGETHER AND RIPPED EACH OTHER OUT. WE DIDN'T FEEL A THING. HER THROAT HAD PROBABLY GONE TOO SORE TO SCREAM LONG BEFORE HER BELLOWS OF PLEASURE AND PAIN HAD DEAFENED MY EARS. OUR EFFORTS FINALLY PAID OFF AT 2:30 THAT MORNING. TOO THIS DAY I STILL CAN'T REMEMBER MUCH OF WHAT HAPPENED THEN, NEITHER CAN SHE. THE ROOM STARTED SPINNING AND I GUESS I WAS SEEING DOUBLE BECAUSE I WOULD HAVE SWORN THAT SHE HAD FOUR BREASTS. WHEN WE WOKE UP THE BED WAS IN PIECES. MY PENIS WAS BROKE IN THREE DIFFERENT PLACES AND MY TESTICLES HAD SHRIVELED UP INSIDE ME. HER CUNT HUNG OPEN LIKE THE JAW OF A CHILD WHO JUST WALKED IN ON HIS PARENTS HAVING SEX. FOUR OF HER NAILS WERE STICKING OUT MY BACK AND OUR PUBES LAY ALL AROUND US. WHEN I GOT BACK FROM THE HOSPITAL THE TURD WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. I SPENT WEEKS SEARCHING MY ROOM BUT NEVER FOUND A TRACE OF IT. I LAY IN BED AT NIGHTS SOMETIMES...WONDERING WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THAT MAGICAL TURD. DI D THAT SPECIAL COMBINATION OF FIBER AND VAGINAL FLUIDS SOMEHOW SPARK LIFE SOMEWHERE DEEP INSIDE OF IT? I GUESS I'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED THAT AND FRANKLY...WHO AM I TO ASK,...BUT I'LL TELL YOU THIS MY FRIENDS....NEVER AGAIN WILL I LOOK AT THE LEG OF A DINNING ROOM TABLE QUITE THE SAME. . 88888888888888888888888___________________________88888888888888888888888 . I slipped my tongue in and out of her like a pussy cat with a fresh bowl of milk.......only this wasn't milk that I was drinking. It didn't taste like it did from her arteries....it was thicker...sweet almost. She had her eyes closed cause she said the site was too grotesque. She'd seen blood before, but never like this. I slipped my fingers deep inside and searched around for that magical spot...and found it. My other hand stretched up to her nipples...they were hard and wet. Either this was all happening too fast for her and she was scared or i was making her cum too fast. I slid them around her chest and thighs...she was sweaty all over and that just made me want her more. My fingers rubbed and caressed her insides while my tongue circled around her clit over and over again...just barely touching...teasing. She grabbed my hand and sucked on the fingers. Her tongue slid over them like mine was over her. It drove me crazy. I quit the teasing and sucked on her like clit like a nipple. Fingers rubbing firmly inside. She threw her head back against the bed and let out a small scream...pulling my head closer to her cunt, grabbed my free hand with hers and put it on her heaving breast and squeezed. I pulled out and lunged forward, plunging myself as deep inside as i could. I kissed her hard and she licked her blood off my lips, moaning. I grabbed her ass and lifted it up so my dick reach that spot inside that drives her near insanity. I knew I'd found it when she screamed and sunk her nails into my shoulders. Her thighs crushed me and her legs wrapped around my ass. She pulled my lips to her sweaty neck and i licked it all off digging my teeth into her creamy flesh. She shuttered with pain and agonizing pleasure. It wouldn't be long now. She grabbed me by my hair and ripped my mouth away from her sore neck. She shoved her hot tongue down my throat as her fingers tightened their grip around my hair. Suddenly she broke off her kiss and screamed louder than ever before. She was cuming. Any longer and i would have lost control. All her muscles hardened. I could feel her insides tightening around me making me lose it completely. With my strength fading i put every thing I had into one more minute. There wasn't a single inch of space between us. Her back arched and her head was as far back as it could go. Her mouth opened as wide as it could and let out a noise exclaiming her exstacy. We exploded at once and fell into each other like two burning ends of a candle coming together and joining as one. For a moment we were in heaven, experiencing the greatest of hells pleasures...It felt like we had entered a forbidden place and could never return. The room spun around us like a roller coaster then just stopped. She collapsed onto me, her chest heaving with exhaustion. We held each other forever. Our eyes never opening...we could see into each others soul. I awoke the next morning to the singing of birds and warm rays of sunshine casting in through the window paine. The whole night seemed like a dream now. The hangover wasn't nearly as bad as it should have been, but I still couldn't for the life of me remember where I had met her. I rolled over to feast my eyes upon this nameless beauty, to see the contently resting face of my twelve year old sister. Fuck......not again................ GODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGODMADEMANMAKEGOD........................ Letter to (Michael)/theory- Upon your sister's persistent complains via email I have killed her and placed the supple young body in a dumpster, not far from (censored) abode. A firm strike to he diaphragm silenced the screams permanently, not however the gasps or coughs. (censored) is next. Should she be expecting me I will assume it is due to your having told her. This will result in your death, a manner most similar to your now gone sister's. I have declared Jihad upon ((censored due to fear of legal prosecution)). My first act of war was the molotov cocktail of which you were informed. The next will be severly more drastic and thought out. I hear that (censored)(censored) are planning on attending the day of my revenge. I would advise (censored) to travel different activities on that fateful sunday, but such will undoubtedly result in the continued lifespan of (censored) as well as she surely would not attend with such a risk of a full vengefull attack. That of course we can not have...(bitch). Perhaps fate will smile upon poor, clueless, sweet (censored), and she will survive the catastrophe merely scarred and mutilated. In this state she surely will not recieve many courters, and will be forced to settle for me, being the only suitor. My sexual dry streak is soon to come to an end. I am revealing this confession to you because I am currently in Traffic school, on a saturday morning. I am trying to distract myself from the scent of these low people surrounding me. My left hand lies readily on my gun in my school bag, resting upon this table which I write on. The state of humanity which exists around me only further enforces my genocidal beliefs (and occasionally "tendencies"). It is a testament to my will power in fact that I am even restraining myself from acting out on these beliefs right now. Death, Death, Death and Murder, Murder, Murder. It's all neccesary and natural. I am more a punishing parent than a mere killer. I know what is best therefore I have a Divine Duty to carry this title out. Jihad upon all those who protest. "Angel of Darwinism". The pillar of support for the survival of the fittest, or in my case,...those far to evolved to deal with such primitives. Filters and strainers. A cleansing of the species. The misdeveloped crushed under the wheels of growth, and progress. Arm the weak and they'll kill each other off, while we sit home and watch it all fall down on T.V. After the streets have been sweeped of the bodies our world will be fresh, renewed, and less cluttered. Like a computer stripped down to only the neccesities, and therefore operating at it's peak speed. We must move forward and onward, or rot, sitting in our filth while bathing out arms and faces. Forward is the only reasonable way, never looking back, but always warey of our past. Give your roomate my regards. -wEBMASTER. 8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8* SEE YOU LYING IN A BED OF HANDS. THEY'RE ALL MINE BUT I CAN'T CLOSE ANY OF THEM. YOU WANT IT BUT YOUR HANDS HAVE BEEN TURNED TO FEATHERS, SO YOU JUST LAY THERE WANTING, AND NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. THEN YOU SEE ME. I'M THE CANDLE ON THE STAND NEXT TO YOU. ALONE. MY FLAMES FLICKERING BUT THERE'S NO WIND. I FEEL YOUR SOFT WINGS WRAP AROUND BEST THEY CAN AND PULL ME TOWARDS YOUR LIPS. TRY WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT, BUT STILL CAN'T BLOW ME OUT. SO YOU JUST STARE AT ME AS I DRIP ON YOUR SKIN AND BURN IN YOUR EYES. PULL ME DOWN AND INWARD. I'M INSIDE YOU NOW. ALL I EVER WANTED I CAN SEE. TEASE YOU WITH MY FLAME AND SATISFY YOU WITH THE REST. I'M MELTING INSIDE OF YOU AND YOU'RE BURNING ALL AROUND ME. NEVER SMELT SUCH A SWEET SMELL BEFORE. I CAN FEEL US FUSING. I'M DROWNING AND SUFFOCATING ALL AT ONCE AND BEGGING FOR MORE, BUT ALL I CAN DO IS MELT. THE ONLY LIGHT COMES FROM THE GLOW INSIDE YOU, AND SOON FROM ALL AROUND YOU. YOU CUM AS YOU BURN AWAY. THE HANDS ARE BONES NOW AND YOU'RE SINKING INTO THEM, ...SCREAMING. I'VE MELTED ALL AWAY. ALL THAT KEEPS ME GOING IS YOUR FLESH. WHEN WE DIE IT'S TOGETHER. WE TURN TO SMOKE AND DRIFT UP TOGETHER AS ONE,...FADE AWAY INTO THE CLOUDS AND DISAPPEAR...................... ............................................ i had never smelt a burning body before that day, she was my first love and lay, she was a jew and my oven wasnt big enough to fit her in so i took her to hell with me. The smell reminded me of my mothers rancid breath. Satan was waiting for me, he always was, we think alike i believe, he told me the burners were all occupied as account of a recent cuban protest slaughter, and i would have to entertain my guest by other means. He only returned my pleas with a frown. I was left to mine own enguenity, which wasn't saying much, ive always been one to copy the famous ones, manson, berkowitz, gein, this was something which required creativity, something which i had never bothered to explore, i took her trembling hand and led her down a long corridor. The last door on the left was closed but not locked. Knocking was unneccesary as this was the abode of an old friend. Upon it's opening i was faced with the site of televisions own scott bayo mercilessly beating a norweign pimp who had once sold him a leper in disguise as a perfectly healthy ten year old boy ( the child ended up being a girl also), he had sworn vengence but in his mere human form could do little, this day just so happened to be the one where poor old hoolio, had met with his demise and was sent to old scotty for his fit punishment. I'm afraid i can't go into to much detail as it is a copyright torture method of the grand duke's of hell but i can imply it involes the direct exposure of unejaculated kangaroos semen(just the semen mind you NOT the sperm), onto a certain bodily orific slightly skinned to further expose the nerves, all the while....... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MY VERSION OF SOMEONE'S BABBLNG So it is that God created all that hides and all we see. No chance occurred, no life was forced to exist as what it did not want to be. Life as life has no choice in being. Choice is a gift from God, but were not free. To make decisions, move and interact with all that we know. God already knows all that we will do, and in advance punishes us as so. The bible tells of this great and secret show. The incarnation of Hell, was part of that plan. In life were fucked, in death were damned. The forgiveness of sins, will be applied to a select few. The book lists satan as one, but you and I no better off than jews. A divine concentration camp with god as the gaurd. I guess Hitler won't be very far. So with Satan gone and our kind all abound. We'll regroup united, and start again. With time the effects of fire and pain do fade i've found. And when it does, we'll carry on, children of Cain. 0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO0oO i dreamed last nite that i was a sperm cell of a fly i was watchin as my father fly fucked mother...it was horrible disgusting ...i felt so dirty...then he came and fired me into her....she rite away flew to the ceiling looking for somewhere to lay me...the egg she saw a corpse on the floor...a few....dirt and blood everywhere she plunged me into it and flew away...it was disgusting...the rotting flesh all around me...themn i hatched...i was a maggot still in the flesh....then the corpse rose ...a zombie...went to the other corpse and began eating its rotting skin i could feel and taste it ...horrible...then he left the room and started chasin amputees sick children and wheelchair bound pregnant retarded women....we were in a hospital...i need food and was governed by my instincts and began eating away at the flesh around me....the zombie realized thi sand screamed...he could feel the pain of me eating him....eventuall he collapsed twitching and i was a fly ............i flew away and raped another disgusting female fly....then after i impreganated her i was left exhausted ...she turned her fury on me and ate me alive..........actually i didnt dream this, just felt like being morbid....cool story though, huh? -------SmAsHtHeCoNtRoLiMaGeSsMaShThEcOnTrOlMaChInE. ....................................................,/font> Those who proudly carry our cards identifying themselves as members have the strength and dedication to implement the tools of Satan, the imagination to confound and confuse, the wisdom to recognize the Unseen in our society, and the passions of a classical Romantic soul. In modern parlance, the Church of Satan may be called a user-driven organization. Members are involved and advanced exactly as their own desires, abilities and accomplishments dictate. There are no set activities, meetings or contacts. The new member comes to the organization, ideally, with his own goals and plans for achieving them; he presents them to us and is directed in the way that would be most mutually beneficial. The CoS is not looking for people who join and want us to "put on a show," taking them by the hand, introducing them to their new friends, telling them what time to show up for the weekly get-together and what to wear. Satanists are not put in contact automatically, or by geographical proximity; this has been tried and found a failure. True elitists are by their nature very individualistic and neighboring members won't necessarily have anything in common; "just being Satanists together" isn't enough. When we observe members making advances on their own in their chosen fields of endeavor, we will put them in contact with other members running on the same track; we've watched this happen many times and we're pleased and proud to say the results are magical. There are also members who are satisfied simply to join and be counted among the adherents to a philosophy that best embodies their own true nature. ~~~Church Of Satan Ofiicial. 4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E4E

That's me, wanna better look?....see it in negative...


-------A very scarry monster

Lambkill(@aol.com). He wasn't feeling very well when we took this picture......

Wasn't feeling very happy either...."Just Say No To Drugs."

"Come an get it mutherfucker."

Memories of youth and high school....

"Come to daddy."

Doing a very good job of playing dead.

Alcohol is baaaaaaaad.

"I hereby condemn this page." INTERMISSION!!!...provided by friend and demon:meinleere Phillip's Small Testes (He's a Mongoloid, After All) Phillip was born a mongoloid. He was a deficient child ... happy it seemed, thus ever more deserving of having been aborted. Surprisingly, he was aware of the inferiority between himself and the normal children, who were worthy of life. Phillip hobbled over to Sunday School faithfully every week, always holding his deformed little head up high. He was in a third grade class, thanks to the magic of social promotion since his abilities were at a pre school level. But you know eight-year olds. And Phillip, being a mongoloid, was beaten to a pulp frequently. But the teacher wanted to appear politically noble, and he helped this group of eight-year olds and one mongoloid to tolerate each other as best they could, under the circumstances. They learned, they laughed, they played spin the bottle together. Except Phillip of course, who just thrashed and gurgled in a corner. And they really cared about one another, except Phillip of course, who they continued to maul, all throughout the trimester. But don't forget. There was an exception to all of their affection and love, because the local abortion clinic staff had been murdered by pro-lifers. Thus Phillip was alive, and he was not part of the group; he was a mongoloid. Phillip did not choose, nor did he really want to be a mongoloid. He just had no opinion at all, due to his small brain capacity. So he just lay there covered in saliva. That was just the way things were. His teacher had a perverse and depraved idea for his class the Sunday after Easter. You know those things that pantyhose come in . .the containers that look like an oversized ovary? The teacher collected them. The children were intrigued when he brought them into the room. And so he gave one to each child. Because it was a rainy day, the indoor assignment was for each child to explore their genitals, find the symbol for new life, and put it into the pantyhose receptacle. They would then open and share their life symbols and surprises, one by one. Yes, even the mongoloid. It was exciting. It was confusing. It was photographed and circulated throughout the internet. They ran around the church prodding at their genitals, and returned to class. They put all the pantyhose receptacles on a table, and at this the teacher became aroused. All the children gathered around the table with sticky, salty little hands. He opened one and there was a bloody tampon, and they ooh-ed and aah-ed, and the mongoloid just swallowed his tongue. He opened another and there was a deposit of sperm. "Creamy!" the girls all said, since it is hard for eight-year old boys to think of adjectives for their own semen. He opened another and there were crab lice. And as third-graders will, some recoiled, and some said, "Thats crazy! Howre those crab lice supposed to be like new life?" But the smart little boy who'd put it in there spoke up: "That's mine. I knew all of you would just cum in there and stuff. I got crab lice cause I wanted to be different. And because they itched me." They laughed at his plight. The teacher said something about the sexual promiscuity of eight-year olds in the 90's and fondled an Aryan little boy. He opened yet another pantyhose receptacle. There were two small testicles inside. The children, as eight-year olds will, said, "That's kinda stupid. That must have really hurt!! Somebody can't have children now. And somebody's got really little balls, too." Then the teacher felt moistness on his pants, and he looked down. "It's mine, Phillip said. "It's mine." The teacher was frustrated that this wetness was not his own. And the children said, "You're truly a mongoloid, Phillip. Are those your balls?" Phillip was perplexed by this question. "I did do it right," the mongoloid said, and continued with his salivating. His large slanted eyes began to get all misty. There was silence, a full silence. In the meantime the mongoloid had shat on himself again. And for you people who don't believe in miracles, I want to tell you that one happened that day. Phillip the mongoloid proceeded to unzip his pants, unassisted. Blood and feces everywhere, and bits of scrotum he forgot to pluck out in his haste... From that time on, it was different. The children vomitted copiously, and found that gross stuff was not nearly as much fun after that. Even the school teacher realized that the occasional orgasm was not worth the jail time; there was always Viagra. Phillip suddenly had pissed on himself again. They made sure he was licked clean by his foster mother, who received hefty "maintenance aid" checks from the federal government. He was allowed to leave for home early because he was provoking utter disgust in everyone. And because he was a mongoloid, of course. Phillip died last summer, to everyone's relief. His family had known since the time he was born that he wouldn't live out a full life span, but they just couldn't wait that long and dumped him anyway. His foster mother died also, from an overdose of crack cocaine, shortly thereafter. No more maintance aid for her! That stupid mongoloid. And so, late last July, with an infection that wouldn't occur in non-mongoloid children, because they know better than to emasculate themselves, Philip the mongoloid died. At his memorial service, nine eight-year old children marched right up to his grave, projectile vomitted and relieved themselves on it, masturbated, and were reminded of how good it felt to be rid of the mongoloid which they came to know as Phillip. And His testes were small, too! That stupid mongoloid. The Flood offa the Venezuela by Pepé "Atilla" Hunn It was dark day for Venezuela. Ash rose from brick crimson chimney as sky swirl with color. Feces brown. Blood red. Pus like a yellow. Purple like bruise. Fume of putrid blood fill cloudless night. It was dark day. Day was a very very dark. 5,000 die. Or so they tell. It probably more. Is countless many many more. The stench of flesh unbearable to for as it creep through airport hall. Vomit layer white walls and is there a blood crusted and congealed. Dead ravish bodies every everywhere. Rotting corpses drag from beneath decay of mud mix of human blood human flesh and human organ human wastes. Some-a-thing water lot. A lot water and water feces. The day was dark. Was very very dark day. Death toll expected to rising. Volunteer passing out like-a blood bread and blood water. All to stop growing trend of cannibal. Body part hung charred rotisserie blood human. Felipé Bimm to who blood spurt copiously in the amount. Gurgled fecal water smell very strong he was man operate disaster line that who we spoke to over phone. Refuse to comment. He a dirty filth so we stab him forty-nine time as I ask what is bread make of and what is water smell so bad. "Ay dios mio me sale sangre!!!..." say he. It mean blood in bread body parts feces in bread. Dark day. Water. Lots of. Children float in mother inner tube sicko bastard. Smell like feces and rot of flesh they poor kid so them we shot and feces come outta. Bloody very much. Blood blood everywhere flushing street. Riot very big so citizen swim grasp for blood bread made of body part. We laugh and we eat at them. Sick bastard sonna bitch no deserve bread bloody body part we feed feces bang bang in the face. It is worst disaster Venezuela for in century. Rotting corspe they floating in fecal water smell very very strong. Stab shot murder rip apart for their rib. Child meat very tender. It was dark dark day. Hugo Chavez. Or-a something. Dark dark. Entrail trail like beneath rip shoe like bubblegum smell strong of bloody tendon drag vomit from spurt out of mouth. Lotta people homeless run to street whine whine to help. Scum. Bang bang in the face. Blood. Dark. Oxygen very very poor. Flesh. Water. Feces smear on many they street of a-cobblestone. People strand on rooftop whimper Evian the water need water for life help please. Do not know where going so sit on rooftop rot drag dead limb from family also dead. One reach out cadaver of hand and fornicate soft drinkies with eye like a filth. We bludgeon they. Sick bastard do not deserve me Sprites. Blood dark feces die I laughing hahaha. Lot of water. Organs. Helicop from Cross Red engine kaput by rain plummet in sea of blood feces human remain dirty water of filth. It was dark day for Venezuela. Bright day for Pepé. I laugh hahaha. ~~~meinleere@aol.com Back to the madness.....

Hell escapee

I have little explanation for this madness.....

Nevermind, you didn't see this...keep going.

Hail to the king baby.

Me again, and with a booboo.

Another scarry monster.(fierywon@aol.com)

No Caption.


This is my body, eat me baby."

Aren't they cute together?

Flower power.

You know you want me.

Angel of....


To my knowledge, only a wanna be serial killer.

I think.

"What the fuck are you lookin at?"

"Think you can handle this, bitch?"(corpusxie@aol.com)

They never found her body.....(meinleere@aol.com)

We took her home.

Good place for dumping bodies.

There are way to many pictures of this chic on this page, no I'm not fuckin' her.

Resident of the other side.

Couldn't think of a caption.

Same here, send advice........and tampons


Your humble author.

Goodbye and goodnight from us to you... may 22 2000 "At the rivers end distinctions bend and all thats past returns at last the song of time will lose it's rhyme as sleeping dead rise from their beds pictures drawn by weary hands turn to scenes of promised lands as visioned in their poet minds made complete by faith in time. echo's of ice in a sweltering land the image of snow on a beach's sand cries of gulls who've long flew south as smokey breath wisps from my mouth all these things they haunt me still like dreams of home which always will come visit me from time to time reminding me that their still mine.

"You still haven't eatin me yet bitch...." .............................................. More madness, on a smaller, edited level. -8*8*8- ................... My lover and web supporter. -8*8*8- ................... She linked me so.... -8*8*8- ................... Open 24 hours. -8*8*8- ................... The way. -8*8*8- .................... Endless supply of spooky. -8*8*8- .................... A lil more of me and Co. -8*8*8- ..................... Circles. Search... ..................... To tell this story I ask you to forget. I will tell you about a creature very much like a human, having both male and female attributes, so splendid and magnificent that the wisest man would be taken in by its beauty and intelligence. To understand you must first forget. Nothing in the story is what it seems and this creature, part human, part God, is alone. Secluded by its own presence, rejected by it's own failure. Malignant from the moment it refused to forget. Its name in Hebrew means accuser, many call it Satan, others ascribe all of human suffering to the devil. I will call him Lucifer. There is no time, no space, no matter. Without beginning, no history, remembrance or flaw. That is where it begins. A place without darkness filled only with a purity of energy and essence, not caused by colliding molecules, or decaying matter. God. A being surpassing all knowledge, complete unto it self. Lacking nothing in any sense, beyond sense, total harmonious, pure. Not pure in the sense of clean, pure like the forming of a falling snowflake, like the virus that just is, the chemical actions of thought, emotion, death. Beyond understanding in any relative terms, but compelling like the mysteries that drive on the search for why. God is. I cannot say more. Without time God, in being, began to create. Not simple experiments, but complex energies, forms of life without essence, one might call them muses. These muses did not live, but they had similar substance to God. Lacking the ability to think, or comprehend, to see or be anything more than muses, they did not last. God saw that nothing could exist separate from "I". So God created Lucifer. How shall I describe it? Molten, seething, exchange, more powerful than the atom bomb, or erupting volcano. Hot without pain, freezing without death. Churning light folding over and over upon its self, feeding on the essence of God, drawing from God life. And suddenly ripped from total contentment and made to stand alone. This was not something that happened in time. No long before time, incorporating every element of muse God could give, and so near to God as to be perfect in everywhere, separate but completely and totally God. From within God came Lucifer. Within came the Angel, spit out, cast down, separated in the process of becoming, from God. God like, in every way. Alone to itself suddenly. God communed with this being the Angel, Lucifer. Like a fire of the purest gold ignited and burning forever, Lucifer resided with God part/apart. God was and nothing else, only God and Lucifer. Perhaps now you glimpse why forgetting is the beginning of the story. Humans see, feel, smell, touch. God does none of these. Lucifer did none of these. God was, Lucifer was. There is in God what humans foolishly call a Trinity. Foolish not for the recognition, the distinction of God as reveled to humans is overwhelming, so chose God to reveal to humans, not what was revealed to Lucifer and other Angels. I digress. Not without purpose. As humans perception are granted. They can be altered, and frequently are. Altering perceptions is not bad or wrong. Perceptions make up what we share in common with one another, including God. Here I must introduce personal pronouns. God is so completely total that the shock of being suddenly separated from God and coming into an eternal state caused one of the first distinctions of creation. Choice! Lucifer was not bound to God in oneness. He (1) was bound by God; if God ended, so ended Lucifer. I laugh as I write, God can not end. Lucifer knew this, but having choice Lucifer began to ask questions. Not about what was, or about what was to come. He asked about what had happened. He wanted to know why? All that had been Lucifer resided in God. Lucifer could recall being total, but no longer could such perceptions be maintained. Lucifer forgot, in the presence of God, what being part of God was. Brilliant, contentment, the eternal womb of God. "You have made me, created me out of your own essence, to be a companion, why" God knew these questions and smothered them with well-being, contentment, peace, love, tolerance and began to create again. Satan, bound by God saw creation. Watched as God manipulated his own essence and Michael was born. Michael was not alone with God, Lucifer was there, and when questions came to Michael, Lucifer explained what he had seen what he knew. How creation had produced him, how God had created him from himself. Such was eternity, God knowing, Lucifer asking and explaining. Angels being created. Resonating, growing in delight, and contentment, from Michael on all Angels spoke to one another, the communion of God and Lucifer remained and was broadened, the total of God was not diminished or increased, God remained forever God. Lucifer was the wisest of the Angels. Having seen the birth of each Angel, forever watching as the light of God produced life after life. Fire after fire. Of course Lucifer knew there was more to come some part of him could feel the immensity of eternity feeding and growing, rhythmic foreboding. Then God gathered all the Angels to himself, grasping their being and sharing knowledge. The resonating became laughter, the muse a family of eternal creatures, promised truth, by definiton they were truth. Song was born in measures of praise that reflected the image of God, recounted being created, and radiating love. Satisfaction overwhelmed the din of light brilliant, clear, part of the presence of God and Angels. Nothing but God and Angels. Lucifer questioned truth, "This truth serves no purpose God, You know more than we ever will, how can Truth be truth if we do not know all that is to know." By this the Angel caused God to grieve The Angels fell into ranks, a natural result of creation. Lucifer was the first of his creation and properly had received a portion above and beyond all others after him. Lucifer was wise, but his ability to reason far surpassed that of other Angels. He could see the fabric of Gods face, the essence of what God is. He could see that the complexity of God and Angels were connected in a circle of intertwined motion, all knowledge shared in a movement of oneness, a circle. Separation was from God as God. All he knew could be glimpsed but not understood, marveled at but never comprehended. God's brilliance sustained the Angel population, God and Angels nothing more. Matter. Suddenly from nothing sprang a vessel of darkness and light, artificial by comparison to the life and love of God. God moved and worked unlike the creation of the Angels. He moved inside the darkness, and created a spreading mass separated from himself as the Angels were not. All around the growing motion, God was present and elements unknown to Lucifer and the other Angels sprang into being. Light was the first, supplanting the darkness which Lucifer found fascinating. Motion seemed to speed and slow, all of what was happening, had been completed in God already, Lucifer understood this. He engaged other Angels about this seemingly strange place. What was it, was it a place for them? Then they saw Man(2). Creature, having substance, and receiving from God's very hand life unlike any before it. Perfection was achieved, no death, no decay. God walked and talked with the man. The Man enjoyed a complete separation from God, complete in all ways but one. If God ended, man ended. All of creation ended. Lucifer questioned God, pondered man, saw God talk to man. Lucifer watched as God took form, viewed his nature alter in conjunction with the matter. Man was a physical being supplied with life by and internal flame dependent on God. This frightened Lucifer and many Angels, and when God gathered the Angels and consoled them he gave them charge over the Matter, over all that was to see and enjoy all except man. Man is not like you, your spirit is like mine spirit, the two can never separate, man is a sprit all his own, his will is his own, I do not gather him as I do you, your light is not his light, your faces not his face. You may watch him, learn from him, but touch him not. Do not speak to him or show yourselves to him, in time he will come to know you, in time all will be reconciled, as I have desired it to be. For now go, grow and be free. Lucifer was frightened by the creature he could not speak to. Hordes of Angels surrounded the man day and night, time had begun and was finished also, but the freedom God had granted the Angels removed them from the bondage of time, man was slave to this. He moved through the world on which he lived. He ate, his body alive constantly moving. The man perceived God, knew him not as God but a father. The man was wise, he understood how his body worked, how the world around him moved, he saw the stars and called them by name. Lucifer grew tired. God created woman. Unlike man who he made from the world he had made from nothing, God made woman from man. Lucifer saw the mockery of what he was, a creature that could chose, reason, talk to God. A creature he wanted to be. God asked nothing of the humans, save to keep from a tree. A tree of Knowledge of good and evil. Immediately Lucifer came to God, he called the Angels, and in ranks they came. The procession of laughter and song flooded the Angels who's presence echoed the eternal greatness of God. From where in the universe they came the resounding glory of all that was created echoed to and through them all. I know why your have called, and send for your brothers. Time has come and gone and still you do not see, but what must be, must be. The splendor of revelation opened to them all. The fathoms of time unraveled and Lucifer saw what he would do. Those that saw themselves pondered the power they saw. Lucifer railed against what was to be, "Its true I would be like this man, he is like God, all of his kind will come from him, and none will be like him. All will question him and what he does, and never understand him or why. I would that I was this man LORD." Among the Angels was consensus, but Michael arose in the midst and addressed himself to Lucifer, "We now have seen that God goes to become like this man, that from this man, who comes from nothing, comes God in a form like a man. We know you go to rail from now until all eternity against what God is doing, and none of us can alter what has been set, what is to come beyond what we have seen none knows save God. Accept what you are and do quickly what is meant to be." Through this God's Love shone steadily no waver for Lucifer, nothing less than from the moment he came into being. "Can I refuse LORD?" Lucifer collapsed. God gathered him closely to himself and reveled to him the end of the age. In death Lucifer saw all that was to be, a race of men so like God that Angels served them, men unlike God cast down like he was to be. Amid the bitterness and suffering, eternal separation flickering defeat, Lucifer saw he was a part. That his purpose had been set in the moment of his conception. That the incarnate God was to be challenged, by him. That the torment of his existence was to produce a race more splendid than his own. A people pure and simple who regard God as Father and LORD. He saw that it was not the man on the world he long to be but this other man, the incarnate God man. That from his conception he moved toward a destruction, and that unlike the incarnate God man, he would cease to exist, and never take to himself life anew. He saw that from the moment God began to make what he was, he wanted to be God. "You serve a purpose, one you were made for, none but you can fulfill what is set before you and your name will be cursed by those who do not understand, I even I have created you for this purpose, none other. As you are now you are not evil, but many will call you this, not seeing the tenderness of your spirit, so like my own. "The part of you that came from me can never cease, only the portion that has suffered from separation since you were. Even now you see others that follow after you, a reward and blessing, no other shall ever receive. You would that you could be that man, bare the sins of the World and return to me again, having never been separated. You would have this because you above the others understand my will. Lucifer screamed, not worldly sounds, but echoes of creation, forever distant shadows of and ending to life. "My LORD, such is your will, nothing else can be done, I an bound as your servant, I desire to be even as you are, I say in myself 'how can this be?' and 'if I were God'. You are God, forgive me LORD, for what I am. Thank you Lord for what I am." Lucifer fled the face of God, and as time went on all that God had revealed to him occurred. So it is that God created all that is and ever will be. No chance occurred, no life was forced to be what it did not want to be. Life as life has no choice in being. Choice is a gift from God to do and make decisions, move and interact freely with all that we know. God knows all that we will do, and all that must be will. The incarnation of God, was part of that plan. So is the forgiveness of sin. Time is ending soon. Amen (1) He and She describe not sex, but designate the described noun being discussed. God is such a noun. As is Lucifer. I will refer to them as a "he" from time to time as it becomes necessary. But understand, God is not Male or Female, nor Lucifer. (2) Most correctly man was the first created, however woman played a large role in the creation and is recognized for this accomplishment. The term Man will be used to describe humans in general. *!*~ The above (if you were able to find it)was found deep in the net. I don't know who wrote it or remember the address, but wish I did. ~*!* may 21st 2000 symbolism i think i just killed a man, i dont know how i did it, but his blood is all over me. I killed a man and im touching his body. It's all over me . Im wearing his skin and it doesnt fit. I look like him, but feel like me. I killed him not knowing who he was or why I hated him. He's dead and I can't wash his blood out of my veins. He wants to haunt me but I won't let him. I'll forget he existed and kill someone else. Someone whose skin wil fit and whose blood will stay warm after he's gone. He tried to tell me that he was my brother, my twin, but he was ugly and didnt mind, so i killed him away. The body wouldn't burn so i buried him under my bed and now at night i can hear the maggots eating his eyes. He mustv'e been blind anyway. Had i given that blind, liar the chance he would've stolen my eyes fo rhimself. But i saw what he was and killed it. It's to dark to see his corpse but i knowit's there, under the maggots, under my bed in which i sleep, wearing his skin, and pumping his blood. My mother pretends not to see me now. She just cries. Someones stolen her eyes and if i don't do something about it she'll take mine. Then i won't be able to see whose skin im wearing. It's so tight, but it keeps me warm and protects me from the maggots. They want to eat away my skin, eat my brother and blind my mother. It's too dark too see. I can hear my mother coming. ENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDENDEND .........................................................planktonfishcaughtinseaweed dead from getting what they need willows dying, kept from their feed the sunlight blocked by mother tree empty seeds and fish on shore. The world wont see these anymore were killed by that which we adore cause ending life is what life's for.