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All About Me

heres a couple of pics of me age 2 and age 22

Name:Lisa-Dolenz(I wish boy Do I wish!)

Birthdate:May 24,1977

Age: 30

Height:5'2"(same as Davy *g*)

Weight:115 lbs



fave monkee:Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork (it's a tie between the two)

fave monkees song:I'm a believer

fave eppy:mijacogeo(the frodis caper)

fave Quote(s): my mother used to call me goo-goo eyes(Micky alias Micky Dolenz)& my mommy won't let me play with toys that burn or bash or scratch or go boom. (Micky Monkee v/s Machine),age only matters if you're cheese(Micky)

I love the monkees as you can see *g*