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"Suddenly Angel was kissing her. His arms were tight around her body, and his mouth pressed against hers. She caught her breath; her hand rose in weak protest above his shoulder and then she was clinging to him. Every part of her was hungry for him, starving. Just once more, she thought. Once, because if I had known it would be the only time, that I could never have him again. . . She tried to catch her breath as Angel sank to the earth with her in his arms. If she had known that the night that they had made love would be the only time, nothing would have been different. Because it had been Angel, and first love, and lust, and so much that she had not known about, could not have prepared for. She had been overwhelmed with passion, and joy, and astonishment, believing that night to be a miracle, a wonderful gift to compensate her for her life as the Slayer." quote taken from the book "Immortal" by Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder. No copyright infringement intended
