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Save Thousands
and benefit from
Flat Fee Based Brokerage Fees

You've seen the caption on the left before!

A real estate commission is paid in some form or another. It is either reflected in a lower sales price or in more time on the market than would have
otherwise been required. Both Buyer and Seller can't save the commission.

So why not maximize your opportunity to sell, especially if you can still save thousands!

This is an exclusive offer to
"For Sale By Owner's"!
The flexibility of being able
to continue as a
For Sale By Owner
and have a Real Estate Broker working for you as well!

Now you can include, in your market efforts, a Realtor's Multi-Lock for your properties "easy showing" plus, at least, 8 other "normal Realtor Only services" for a processing fee and, if you choose, the amount of Commission you're willing to offer Realtor's that may bring you a buyer.

Get the Seller Advantage!

Save, price your property below your competition, still have those valuable "Realtor Services", and often times have your property sell sooner than with your efforts alone!
Our homepage at J. R. Alan Real Estate
outlines just 4 examples of the many plans availible
with a forward thinking Broker!

Buying another
when yours sells!

Click on the "Home Search" button, send us information on what you're looking for and well do a search for you. Plus! Buy that home through us and you'll qualify under our 1st Mortgage Paid Program"

Larry E. Johnson Broker-Owner, Money in your wallet
and the valued services of a Real Estate Broker!
Serving Central Florida Since 1980!

Bonus! We won't charge you a thing to discuss the details! So why not be better informed; email or give us a call, you'll be glad you did!

Phone: 407-716-3023
Fax: 407-482-5493

Notice of Non_Representation

Florida Law Requires that Real Estate Licensees provide this notice to potential Buyer's and Seller's of Real Estate.
You are hereby notified that Real Estate Professionals and I do not represent you in any capacity. You should not assume that any real estate broker or salesperson represents you unless you agree to engage a real estate licensee in an authorized brokerage relationship, either as a single agent or as a transaction broker. You are advised not to disclose any information you want to be held in confidence until you make a decision on representation.