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It's not just a game! It's an addiction!

Bowlaholic - One who eats, sleeps, and drinks BOWLING.

Those who are not familiar with the science behind bowling would have trouble understanding. They tend to think that it's just a game that masculine figures play while getting intoxicated. Completely unaware of the real skill involved with hitting a 1.5 inch target from sixty feet away.

What makes one a "Bowlaholic"?

After many hours of practice and weeks of league play, I have drawn a conclusion that (I beleive) many of your "Bowlaholics" can agree with.

It's the relentless, neverending expedition to duplicate "The Feeling".

For you bowlers who are not experienced enough to know "The Feeling", please let me explain. There are times when a bowler can release the ball onto the lane and know, for a fact, that the ball is going to STRIKE! It's a sense of your mind and body being in complete syncronization and harmony. Every movement, every action, and the results are perfect.

Our goal, as "Bowlaholics" is to duplicate this feeling as often, and as consistanly as possible. Preferably 12 times in one game, or better yet 36 times during a 3 game series. The more that we achieve this feeling, the more and more we strive to do it again, and again.

For all of the beginners visiting this website, I hope that you'll one day achieve that feeling. From that point on, you will know exactly what I am talking about.

Anyway, thank you for visiting my website. I tried to include as much information, and as many links to the sport of Bowling as possible. So, if you have a chance, navigate through.
