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"This is the end,
the end of our story.."

Last Update: May, 13. 2000
Hello, everyone. I know you have all been wondering for quite some time now, "where in the world is NightScream?" Well, as the school year comes to a close..reports..Finals, etc. have all surrounded, and beaten up my life. And now, Jobs, girls, and more studying has also chewed up & spit around my life. My love for the Power shall never die, as the colorfully clad superheroes still amaze me every saturday morning, but this website just isn't gona get any attention in my newer..more "responsible" life. I am working on a new site, called "Dereks Asylum". Which is slowly being pieced together in my off hours(as in, at I hardly get any sleep). But quite frankly I don't have the time or digital expenses(scanner is busted, and my image shops are kinda funky lately). But, I do not want this site to die into a never ending spiral of digital waist. This is why I am currently, from this day on, Starting a search. If anyone out there reading this has knowledge in webmastering, HTML, and understands Java script, I am looking for a suitable individual to take over Rescue Central. The site will be in their command. So if you have experience, and have been wanting to make a PR site, here's your chance. So If you wana take over this website, E-Mail me, and we'll have lunch! ^_^ Good luck.
Life is like a box of chocolates...only it turns out they're all chocolate-dipped cherries...