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Quotes about Bull Harman

Bull is a wonderful composer and player. Bright, talented and funny yet very articulate in everything he does, even saving my life, twice. Once when I was choking and the other because of his insistence on wearing seat belts. His persistence gave me the habit of wearing mine, which saved my life when I suffered a car accident. I wish you all the best on this project. May all your dreams come true. - Rhonda Vincent


I met Bull when I was 11 years old. He's always been a great friend and great fun to play music with. Thanks for having me! - Alison Krauss


Bull has created his own style of guitar picking with his cool original material. I'm very proud to be a part of this project, working with Bull and his wife Tammy. As he would say, "I like it alot" Ha Ha - Tina Adair


Bull is a very creative and strong lead guitar player with a powerful right hand for rhythm. It has been my pleasure to get to know Bull, his wife Tammy and the rest of the Harman Family. - Alan Stack "The Rarely Herd"