That's right, all players worldwide will NOT have to come to The United States to be in a sanctioned tournament. Dates & prizes to be announced at a later date. Official tournament registration available here at 8:30am pacific time Wednesday May 5, 2021. Registration is now
, however late entries will be put on a wait list, though you will not be guaranteed a chance to play.
« click here
I have also updated the PLAYER Q&A section, just choose the correct tab on the left of the screen.
Congrats to Chris who picks up 7 FREE cards.
FILE: WINTER 2020-2021
Hello everyone! I am so glad to hear from all of the fans worldwide and seeing a plethora of action on youtube and social media lately. I still have so much I can update on this website, so please be patient.
I am still looking for any of the Donruss, NXT and USPC prototypes, so please contact me with leads or such. I have plenty that I can offer in trade as well.
I would love to giveaway more cards to everyone but it is so time consuming to look for exactly what collectors need. As well, a basement mishap caused some water damage, so several cards were damaged. If anyone was seriously going to run tournaments & such again, I would pass on everything I have left. However, shipping could be a problem - serious enquiries only.
Check out these guys, who are bringing a modern vibe to the game, and you just may see yours truly on there someday:
MMXFILESCCG on youtube
Wishing everyone a healthy and safe year. And play some X-files CCG!
FILE: 2018-2019
Hello all. Nothing new to speak of. Ebay auctions still turn up some interesting finds. Most of us diehards are still looking for some of those holy grails or production rarities. It is great that the TV show came back for two mini seasons. Can you imagine the new cards that would have resulted from that? Keep on playing - Trust No One!!!
Just weeks away to GenCon and the basic event is sold out. I can accomodate more people. So still come over at the allotted time & place. Generic tickets accepted. It is too late for me to add another Event, but will request more space when I arrive at the con. See you there!
The brand new episodes start Sunday January 24, 2016 and run through February on the Fox network in the U.S.A. - other nations, please check your local listings.
It has been twenty years since the game debuted as a demo at GenCon in 1996. Now is the time to relive that experience and put on tournaments. I would love to see all the "retired" agents for this. Preliminary dates are below, and I hope to add another Beginner's Basic Tournament if there is a demand for it:
20th Anniversary GenCon Tournaments on Saturday August 6, 2016
Beginner's Basic Tournament
Sat @ 4:00 PM (2 hrs)
Advanced Tournament
Sat @ 7:00 PM (4 hrs)
It is official - X-files returns to television with all new episodes!!!
Click the picture above for details.
As the internet changes, websites and social media evolve. I have found some newer websites showing a dedication to this game still today:
Facebook X-Files CCG Community page
The X-Files CCG Workshop
X-Files CCG Resource
Alvaroo's Collections & Hobbies
It warms my heart to see such interest in this game, as I struggled for years to keep some fire in it. I just hope all of these newer interests would be open to a round or two of the game, just to see if I still have my skills, LOL!
The comic and gaming conventions are slowly coming to a hault, and the winter holidays will soon be approaching. Starting to see some really interesting X-Files CCG stuff showing up on eBay - extremely rare stuff from the early NXT days of the game, before USPC was involved.
I continue to receive requests for cards, but I am slowly getting rid of all of my stuff since the interest in playing has diminished, and only becomes an interest for collectors. What this does mean, though, is that I am coming up with new ways to entice the global, internet-based audience. I have things the public has not seen yet, and am putting this stuff online very soon.
So get your cards out now, and start playing. Get some 1013 action in 2013!
It's 2011!!! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to the X-Files CCG audience. It is already time to start thinking of the gaming conventions and I am wondering how many people would actually attend this year's GenCon and Origins X-Files CCG events in the USA?
I have not updated the website in some time. There really has not been any current news. Talk of an X-Files 3 movie slated for 2012 is promising. The gaming convention season is in full swing but I am not going to any this year due to such a low interest in X-Files CCG events.
I apologize to all who I promised cards to in the past few years. I have had too much change in my personal life to be able to concentrate on the game and website. Hopefully, the coming months will be easier.
I hope everyone is having a good year so far. The gaming convention registrations have begun and I would like to know how many people plan on attending any of the conventions in North America. As you may already know, I cancelled my events for GenCon 2009 because of low interest and a change in the event organization process. Origins 2009 had a very low turnout for the whole convention (especially with Pokemon not being there) and my special promotions were not successful. I am so grateful to the handful of participants that regularly come and visit.
I would love to make the events popular but the game has been out of print for over 10 years now. I ask all of you:
What more can I do to make better events?
Is it true that the Pokemon Nationals is the same weekend as Origins and is also taking place at the Indianapolis Convention Center (home of the current GenCon)? Does anyone else find this odd? Things do not look good for Origins & GAMA.
X-Files CCG events CANCELLED for GenCon 2009. I can not run events at GenCon as it is getting harder and harder; the convention is becoming stricter & more expensive and the gaming industry is moving further away from CCGs. Let me know what you think.
I will definitely be at the Origins Game Fair running X-Files CCG events on Saturday June 27, 2009. I hope to see all of you there as this may be my only events this year.
However, it looks like I will NOT be doing GenCon Indy. I still have events listed but they may get cancelled soon. Unfortunately, GenCon feels that my events are not significant enough to give me enough space and expandability. I will update the status of GenCon after Origins.
It is that time of year again: summer gaming conventions. With the United States economy having problems, many companies are getting stricter with their policies. This is also true for the gaming convention companies. Both Origins and GenCon have made it harder for smaller gaming groups to run events. I am also finding it difficult to run events at these conventions.
I need to hear from anyone who plans on attending any of my tournaments at either show. If there is not much of an interest, I will have to cancel some of the events:
Origins Columbus, Ohio : June 24-28, 2009
8636 - X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament - SAT June 27 4:00 PM
8650 - X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament - SAT June 27 6:00 PM
8659 - X-Files CCG Advanced Tournament - SAT June 27 8:00 PM
8660 - X-Files CCG Competitive Basic Tournament - SAT June 27 8:00 PM
GenCon Indianapolis, Indiana : August 13-16, 2009
TCG0905984 - X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tourn - FRI Aug 14 2:00PM
TCG0905985 - X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tourn - FRI Aug 14 4:00PM
TCG0905990 - X-Files CCG Advanced Championship - FRI Aug 14 6:00PM
TCG0905986 - X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tourn - SAT Aug 15 10:00AM
TCG0905987 - X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tourn - SAT Aug 15 4:00PM
TCG0905989 - X-Files CCG Competitive Basic Tourn - SAT Aug 15 6:00PM
As posted a couple of months ago, we are going through some personal adjustments. My son’s surgery went fine and continues to make progress. Thanks to all for understanding the delays in correspondence & updates.
This month I will continue to get all materials mailed/posted out and update the website with the proposed Agent Reyes card that never made it to production.
I have a son who just went through brain surgery. The surgery went fine. Because of this, there will be a delay in contact and updates to this website. I apologize for this. Next update will be near the beginning of May.
I hope everyone has a wonderful year for 2009. So much has happened, is happening, and will happen ... so where do I begin?
Winners of The CREATE-A-CARD Contest for 2008 are:
(* click on the camera icon to view each card *)
1st PLACE: Joseph Colombo (Sleeping with the Fish)
2nd PLACE: Alfredo Sanchez Esteban (Chinga the Evil Doll)
3rd PLACE TIE: Pablo Sanchez (Biohazard Protection Suit)
3rd PLACE TIE: Brad Powell (Baldness)
[UPDATE] This is the list of prizes now (no printing of cards, sorry):
First Place prize is a 5 card promo set. The promos are: The Dark Angel, Mulligan, Teamwork, Not on the Menu, Agent Doggett.
Second Place prize is a 3 card promo set. The promos are: Mulligan, Teamwork, Not on the Menu.
Third Place prizes is a 2 card promo set. The promos are: Mulligan, Teamwork.
Due to unexpected issues, I could not have the 2008 promo printed. It was to be Agent Reyes which would have been a good match for the 2007 Agent Doggett promo. Actually, both Agents may have been a better pair than Scully & Mulder for the game. Unfortunately, permissions and approvals were not available and further printing of cards could have ended this website.
I would like to thank you all for the entries to the card contest. One hundred entries proves this is still a popular game. I wish all of you could have won ... so many great cards ... some funny, some great game mechanics, etc.
North American X-Files Gamers
I already have confirmations for events at the following conventions:
Saturday at Origins Columbus, OH - June 24-28, 2009
Friday & Saturday at GenCon Indianapolis, IN - August 13-16, 2009
NEWS: OCTOBER 2008: I ask all to be patient as this website is being moved to a new host and server. This has been a long and complicated process - I apologize to all for this inconvenience. Also, I might not be able to receive any e-mail during this process.
AUGUST 2008: Sorry for the delays in any updates to this website.
GENCON 2008 schedule:
(Friday, August 15 - Saturday, August 16)
TCG00176 X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament
TCG00177 X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament
TCG00178 X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament
TCG00179 X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament
TCG00180 X-Files CCG Advanced Championship Tournament
TCG00181 X-Files CCG Competitive Basic Tournament
Due to issues beyond my control, the new 2008 promo card will NOT be produced. Communication between my web host and others have pulled the plug on the idea. More details to be posted in September ...
The good news is that the contest was a success and the winners are going to be contacted soon. The prizes are still the same (except for producing any 2008 promos). Pictures of the winners' cards will also be posted.
Contest update June 11, 2008:
All votes are being reviewed - contest winners will be contacted on June 15, 2008. Check back then for the next update ...
Contest update June 4, 2008:
Card 'Joseph Colombo 03' is in first place.
Card 'Joseph Colombo 02' is in second place.
Card 'Joseph Colombo 01' is in third place.
Contest update May 28, 2008:
Card 'Alfredo Sanchez Esteban 01' is in first place.
Card 'Brad Powell 01' is in second place.
Third place is a tie.
WOW - there were over 100 entries. I have reached the maximum capacity for this website. I had to refuse some entries, sorry.
MAY-2008: Voting for card contest begins ... Tuesday, May 20, 2008
NEWS: APRIL-2008: [UPDATE] Prizes now listed for the Create-A-Card contest.
Only a few more weeks until voting starts for the card contest. I will need card submissions in very soon ... please check the CREATE-A-CARD section for details. If you have submitted an entry and do NOT see it listed, please let me know.
This website has been updated with some new links, the 2008 convention non-confirmed list, and some new contest entries.
NEWS: JANUARY-2008: Happy New Year to all and what a busy one it will be. There will be a new promo this year as well as tournaments at this year's GenCon and Origins in the USA. There will be more focus on the beginner's tournaments as there is such a better turn-out than the competitive ones. I will also update the website with new photos of past conventions and try to repair the online video game.
And what about the new movie - it seemed like it would never happen. It is being filmed now (and last month) in Canada. Can anyone think of a way to promote the game when the movie comes out? Maybe get some movie promotional material?
CONTEST - that's right. We all have created our own custom cards but now you can for a prize. Some card templates (thanks to David J. from the UK) are now available to help one get started. Details and such can be found using one of the buttons on the left side of this website. Good luck fellow agents.
NEWS: NOVEMBER-2007: Website is currently being updated ...
Thank you for all of the requests for the new 2007 promo. Unfortunately, I am down to the last few. Below is the list of everyone who received some through this giveaway:
Sarah L. FL
Joseph C. NY
Dave M. IL
Terry F. AR
Joe C. WA
Tony V. OH
Nick C. WA (2)
George R. PA
Brian M. GA (2) + 6 commons
Alfredo S.E. Spain (2)
Dax G. England
John C. England
Vincent D. France (2)
Dan A. Canada +2 agents
Russell A. Australia
Hermann R. Iceland
Eike S. Germany (2) + 5 Agents + 13 X-Files
Thanks to everyone for helping out with postage costs.
Now for some more news ... I have TWO requests for everyone:
1. Send me any X-Files CCG cards you have created, modified, or just played-around with so I can add them to a new upcoming feature to the website. With your permission, I would like to post fan-based cards (with or without pictures & graphics - text only is fine) for the rest of the world to enjoy. Let's have a contest for the best card - let everyone vote or something like that. I do have some prizes.
2. Anyone want to trade or send me X-File & Agent cards? Since I give so many cards away for free, I have run out of X-Files & Agents. I am open to any offer.
SEPTEMBER 11th, 2007 - The link below is of a memorial I created for some friends of mine (the picture is a large file and you may need to zoom in to read the text)
WOW!!! The gaming convention season was a lot of fun this year. There was a great turnout and so many things to do & enjoy. I would like to thank everyone who came to play or help out.
Since I am in such a grateful mood, I would like to offer the new 2007 promo to anyone. All I request is mailing me a US one dollar bill or two 41 cent stamps to cover postage & handling. Anyone who is interested, please e-mail me.
Here is preview of the new promo (click for enlarged picture):
For those who missed out, here are two pictures of some of the events - I will be posting more in the next month:
Origins 2007 ----- GenCon 2007
More major news coming up on the next update near October & November 2007. These announcements include a new fan-based cards section, unreleased version 3 rules & images, our winners at the conventions, and many, many more pictures.
Do you like the modified navigation buttons on the left of the screen? They now let you know where the link will take you. Let me know what you think. Also, e-mail me some more suggestions.
NEWS: MID-2007
All X-Files CCG tournaments and demos have now been moved to room ICC : 145. Please change your program book or tickets.
Here is preview of the new promo (click for enlarged picture):
The convention season is here!!! This year marks the 10th year
of X-Files CCG tournaments. So to celebrate, this year will contain the
most excitement and prizes compared to past years.
Come visit the tournament table for one of the events or stay to watch an
episode of the X-Files. The table should be easy to find - just look for
the NEW banner. Check out the X-Files House of Cards at GenCon's Cardhalla.
Maybe you will run into an alien in the hallway to direct you to all of the fun ...
Prizes are in abundance ... T-shirts, 2-player game mats, sealed booster
boxes of the second edition, posters and two special items. A brand new promo
card! WHAT??!! A new promo card? Yes, that's right!!! Only available
at the 2007 events. And the first ever X-Files CCG trophies (click on picture for a sneak preview).
Welcome to the new and improved xfilesccg.com. The 2007 year promises to be a rewarding one for all of you who still play The X-Files CCG. You must attend this year's GenCon Indy and Origins. If you have never been to a gaming convention, you better attend to one this year or you will be missing out on the Anniversary tournaments for beginners and advanced players. The prizes are amazing ...
This website was updated so all of the original links can now be found on the buttons to the left. Please e-mail me and tell me what you think at Agent at xfilesccg.com .
Welcome to xfilesccg.com . That's right, this website now has an exclusive domain website name. Pretty cool, huh? I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming year as 2007 will be the biggest since the game stopped being produced.
Next year, 2007, will bring out some special events & tournaments ... actually too many to list. But as a starter, I am requesting help from all fans to send me anything they can related to the X-Files CCG. So much information is now getting lost and I need to archive as much as possible. There is a loss of X-File CCG sites now like Monika's & X-Files Resource so let's start archiving.
I currently have two ebay auctions up to help pay for enhancing this website; they are:
I have updated the LINKS and SAMPLE DECKS pages - my current advanced deck is posted there and is working quite well. I am also limiting giving away FREE cards as some people expect me to pay for expensive international shipping rates.
Be on the lookout for a modified main webpage, a new 2007 promo card, and more ...
X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament
8/12/06 2:00 PM
FREE CARDS!!! Sign up for this all-ages, no-experience-needed, basic-rules-taught event. All players play at least 2 rounds. Players keep cards plus prizes awarded.
X-Files CCG Advanced Tournament
8/11/06 6:00 PM
The Truth is Out There!!! Advanced rules, constructed deck tournament. Major prizes awarded and you must bring your own cards.
Somehow my events fell through the cracks (again!) for GenCon so they won't be in the onsite book and are not on their website yet. These are legitimate events; please e-mail me if you plan on attending an event or just want to play/demo. I think Origins may become the only place I run these type of events.
Marcelo M. from South America receives 150 cards.
WOW!!!!! It is time for the 2006 summer gaming conventions. I will be running the following events:
Origins 2006
Columbus, Ohio USA
8506 - X-Files CCG Advanced Tournament
Friday, June 30 at 18:00 (6:00pm)
The Truth is Out There!!! Advanced rules, constructed deck tournament. Major prizes awarded and you must bring your own cards.
8507 - X-Files CCG Beginner's Basic Tournament
Saturday, July 1 at 14:00 (2:00pm)
FREE CARDS!!! Sign up for this all-ages, no-experience-needed, basic-rules-taught event. All players play at least 2 rounds. Players keep cards plus prizes awarded.
GenCon Indy 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
The GenCon events are put on hold. GenCon is doing events different this year so I might have not completed the necessary procedures.
Here is a bonus to get all of you to come out to the conventions. Here's card 564 from the Scully set - it's a good one.
Origins 2006 events have been confirmed. Information available at
Greg L. from Connecticut picks up 100 free cards.
I hope everyone had a wonderful winter holiday and I wish all a promising new year. With that said, I have added 5 more UNRELEASED CARDS from the Scully Expansion.
10th ANNIVERSARY X-FILES CCG TOURNAMENTS: Registration for the gaming conventions has started. I plan on being at both of the shows listed:
June 29 - July 2, 2006
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
August 10 - 13, 2006
Indiana Convention Center
Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.
Can anyone help me contact a former X-Files actor/actress to make an appearance at one of these shows? I have only one request out to Brad Dourif. I want help in making this 10th anniversary to be the biggest draw in years.
HELP!!! I am asking for help with two things:
1. What is edited in the X-Files movie between the 122 minute version and 118 minute version (more common in Europe)?
2. Please send me pictures or a list of the extremely rare X-Files CCG items people have so I can create an X-Files CCG resource section.
GenCon Indy 2005 was a lot of fun. It was great to see the many new faces as well as others who I only get to see at these conventions. I added pictures to the CONVENTIONS section above. I would like to make next year The 10th Anniversary of The X-Files CCG to be my last year promoting the game. I think Origins 2006 in Columbus, Ohio USA would be a good pick (unless anyone has a better suggestion). The unique attendance (this means a person with a four-day badge only counts as 1, not 4) for Origins 2005 was 15,000 people and GenCony Indy 2005 was 25,000 people. Since table space is cheaper, the location is smaller, and there is a pre-registration book, maybe Origins is the better choice. Hopefully, with everyone's help, this can be promoted with a nice display, table and giveaways.
In response to everyone who has requested FREE cards or want to see more UNRELEASED cards: requests will be filled by the end of this year near the time of the winter holidays. Sorry for the delay.
NEWS: MID-2005
MAJOR NEWS: Dean Haglund (Langly from the TV show) will be appearing at this year's GenCon Indy USA this August. He has agreed to help promote this year's tournaments and demos. I thank him whole-heartedly. You can find a link to his webpage on the LINKS page listed above. Please see schedule below for GenCon 2005.
The whole LINKS page has been changed and updated.
I would like to thank everyone who stopped by during tournaments and demos at Origins 2005 USA. Special thanks go to John M., Mike O., Larry L., and William Hung (yep, William Hung from American Idol 3 in 2004 - he stopped by and said hi). I would also like to say thanks to new friends Delia F. and Beth W. Beth won the Beginner's Tournament.
GenCon 2005 Indianapolis, Indiana USA schedule:
X-Files CCG
Beginner's Basic Tournament
FREE CARDS!!! Sign up for this all-ages, no-experience-needed, basic-rules-taught event. All players play at least 2 rounds. Players keep cards plus prizes awarded. TCG - Tradable Card/Dice
Game X-Files CCG Basic Everyone (6+) Young Players (rules are taught)
8/20/05 2:00 PM $1.50
X-Files CCG
Advanced Tournament
The Truth is Out There!!! Advanced rules, constructed deck tournament. Major prizes awarded and you must bring your own cards. TCG - Tradable Card/Dice Game X-Files CCG Advanced Teen (13+) Some Experience Needed
8/19/05 6:00 PM $3.00
The gaming season has arrived AGAIN. Is anyone still into the game? How about a tournament or competition at Origins or GenCon? Please let me know as the deadline is the beginning of April 2005. I hope to hear back from any of the 1996-1998 recruits who I met bet never got to work with. Check out the updated
parts of the website.
I would like to thank all players and enthusiasts who have helped me. I am asking for any contributions to help keep the game, tournaments and this website alive. As a thanks, I have updated the UNRELEASED CARDS section with better quality pictures.
JUST IN: Origins 2005 Columbus, Ohio USA schedule:
X-Files CCG
Beginner's Basic Tournament
FREE CARDS!!! Sign up for this all-ages, no-experience-needed, basic-rules-taught event. All players play at least 2 rounds. Players keep cards plus prizes awarded - System: X-Files CCG
Edition: Current Published by: USPC/NXT
Structure: Multi-Round Format: Round Robin
Players (Min/Max): 2/16 Age Requirement: 5
Material Provided? Yes Complexity: Easy
Experience Required: None
Saturday, 2 Jul 2005 Tradeable Collectable Card Game Time: 1400 (2:00pm) Duration: 1:45
X-Files CCG
Advanced Tournament
The Truth is Out There!!! Advanced rules, constructed deck tournament. Major prizes awarded and you must bring your own cards - System: X-Files CCG
Edition: Current Published by: USPC/NXT
Structure: Multi-Round Format: Double Elimination
Players (Min/Max): 2/16 Age Requirement: 12
Material Provided? No Complexity: Detailed
Experience Required: Some
Friday, 1 Jul 2005 Tradeable Collectable Card Game
Time: 1800 (6:00pm) Duration: 3:45
NEWS: 5/22/2003
The gaming season has arrived and this will be the second year in a row that I will not be hosting any demos or tournaments due to lack of popularity.
Anyone interested in playing or such can find me at Origins in June in Columbus, Ohio and at GenCon in July in Indianapolis, Indiana (or you can e-mail me). I'll be trying out other games and general loafing around wearing a typical X-Files CCG Agent shirt.
I have gotten rid of the SPONSORS on this page. Basically, swapping or placing ad banners has turned out to be a rather useless effort for this page. Anyone who feels otherwise or would like something back, please let me know. Stay tuned for more changes and updates.
NEWS: 5/21/2001
Below are the tentative times for tournaments at this years Origins and GenCon gaming conventions. Please contact me with questions:
Card Game = X-Files CCG
GM = Kevin Marion
Duration = 3:45
Players = 16
Title = Beginner's Basic Tournament
Description = FREE CARDS!!! Sign up for this all-ages, no-experience-needed, basic-
rules-taught event. All players play at least 2 rounds. Players keep cards and prizes
Times = Friday at 2pm and Saturday at noon
Title = Basic Tournament
Description = The Truth is Out There!!! Sign up for this basic, no-advanced-cards
tournament. Novices welcome. Prizes awarded. Constructed decks.
Time = Saturday at 3pm
Title = Championship Advanced Tournament
Description = CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Advanced rules, constructed deck tournament. Major
prizes awarded and you must bring your own cards.
Time = Friday at 5pm
NEWS: 5/04/2001
WOW!!! It has been almost a year since I have updated this page last. There has been many changes in my personal life that I have not been dedicated to the X-Files CCG. But fear not, I will be attending the Origins and GenCon game fairs. I am registering today so look for times and information to be available in a week.
I thank you all for your patience.
A dead banner link was causing errors when trying to view this page.
NEWS: 7/19/00
Thanks to everyone who helped and participated in the events/demos at Origins this past weekend. Friday was a great turnout needing us to have 4 tables for X-File CCG players. Beginner's tournaments again were the most popular. Jason won the Basic tournament and Mark & Dan tied for the Advanced tournament; Mark still needs to claim his prize.
The following items were given away: 11 Agents, 1 Rare, 2 "Good Fortune" promos, 2 "No One So Paranoid" promos, 2 Sites from the GenCon '96 deck, 1 booster box of TIOT, 1 Agent T-shirt, 1 "Fighter Interceptor" promo, 14 "Mulligan" promos, 12 "Teamwork" promos, 1 token sheet, 4 playmats , 1 empty starter deck box from TIOT, and dozens of 50 card starter packs.
How about those limited Year 2000 laminated Basic Rules cards? Thank Agent John for those. If you weren't there, you missed out. GenCon 2000 will have some unique prizes and giveaways as well.
I will leave the list below on this page for a few months so everyone can see the schedule for the tournaments and demos this year.
Wizards of the Coast made a mistake in their GenCon pre-registration book for the X-Files CCG; the Championship Tournament (event #873) is to be held on Saturday at 5:00pm, not 2:00pm as stated in the book. Please let me know if that conflicts with other events.
- Friday July 14 @ 2:00pm
- Saturday July 15 @ 12:00pm
- Friday August 11 @ 12:00pm
- Saturday August 12 @ 10:00am
- Saturday July 15 @ 2:00pm
- Saturday August 12 @ 2:00pm
- Friday July 14 @ 5:00pm
- Friday August 11 @ 5:00pm
I would like everyone to resubmit any cards they asked for and did not receive - I have recently moved and also changed jobs, so I have been very busy in my personal life.
I need the person from California who sent me the packages for the GenCon 1999 show to contact me A.S.A.P.
NEWS: 7/11/00
Sorry for the major delay but Origins is upon us...actually Origins is here now!!!!! This Thursday through Sunday (July 13-16, 2000) is the Origins Gaming Convention in Columbus, Ohio in the U.S.A. The schedule below still is correct. I hope all of you can attend. I'll be there the whole time giving away FREE cards and running FREE demos and tournaments. At least stop by and tell us how much you love the game. Information and directions can be found at
Origins 2000
. I will be running the same type of events at GenCon as well in August.
I have not been able to update much on the site and I will be a whole month behind in sending any FREE cards. Please be patient since the convention season really tightens my schedule.
NEWS: 5/22/00
I would like to thank everyone for their support over the past few weeks. Hope to see all of you at Origins or GenCon this year.
I have updated the webpage again: more pics of the unreleased "22364" Scully cards, reopened the Highlights of 1999 and the Free Downloads pages now with a complete checklist, and have removed the page with pricing in place of a complete list of material that was produced during the production of The X-Files Collectible Card Game. If anyone has any comments or additions to that list, please send me an e-mail.
NEWS: 2/16/00
Sorry for the long delay...I hope everyone had a joyous holiday season. Many new changes are happening. I no longer will be part of the AOL monopoly of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) here in the United States. My new e-mail address is:
. I have added a video game above plus more pics of the Unreleased Cards. Hopefully this will keep you happy until I update the Free Downloads and the Highlights of 1999.
I have received confirmation from Wizards that my tournaments will be in the pre-registration books for both GenCon and Origins for the year 2000. Let's make this the biggest event yet.
This list is a combination of several collectors - so many of these cards are not from me. All are in unplayed with condition and almost all are still available. This combination of collectors was created to hopefully lower prices; as you will see, these prices are lower than any of the internet dealers - though sometimes the dealers are willing to negotiate if you buy enough product from them.
Premiere Edition - 1st Edition
Type of Card
Price (in US $)
Exclusive Rares
Scully or Mulder Fixed
Hack Into the Government Files
Deep Throat, UR Scully or UR Mulder
The Truth Is Out There - 2nd Edition
Type of Card
Price (in US $)
Exclusive Rares
Scully or Mulder Fixed
101361 - Expansion
Type of Card
Price (in US $)
Type of Card
Price (in US $)
Token Sheets (2nd pressing)
GenCon Demo cards
Smoke & Mirrors #5
Infected That You Might Believe
GenCon (graphic change, UR, or promo)
GenCon Deep Throat
No One So Paranoid
Good Fortune
Call On Us More Often
Deny Everything
by actor
A Final Choice
Believe The Lie
Scully's Dream
Donruss prototypes
NEWS: 11/14/99
I need the person from California who sent me the packages for the GenCon 1999 show to contact me A.S.A.P.
Six new pictures added to the Unreleased cards section; take a look.
EBay auctions are still running vampant. 20 boxes of Premiere boosters are selling for $114.00 (that includes shipping in the USA) - that's $5.70 a box but you know that some may not have any ultra-rares (I had a sealed box with 0 ultra-rares). A GenCon deck uncut sheet sold for an outstanding low of $71.00. 18 ultra-rares plus Deny Everything and almost every rare, common and uncommon ever made went for only $140.00. I hate to see it all go for so cheap.
For those who keep asking about the signed cards, here's the story. I went to 3 X-Files Expos back in 1998. Here's the signatures by characters of the show: 10 by Langly, 2 by Frohike, 4 by Jose Chung, 10 by X, 2 by Skinner, 2 by Krycek, 4 by Cigarette Smoking Man, and 4 by Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze). I have given away 9 already and sold or traded at least 7. I only have a few (5) left and they will be given away on next year's GenCon championship tournament. I may have 2 or so that I will sell only; please no trades - I have one of each XFCCG card already (unless you have a Donruss card or Scully's Dream).
Guillaume N. from Guadeloupe, France gets 100 cards.
Danielle S. from Baton Rouge, LA gets 12 cards.
Tony D. from Cooper City, FL gets 5 cards.
Dax G. from Surrey, England gets 1 card.
NEWS: 10/22/99
The site is finally updated. Netscape has decided to close The Web Site Post Office so I will ask that visitors who want to sign the petition and haven't already, e-mail me instead. I have closed the link to my Petition Page. I have added a Sample Deck Page and encourage all to submit ideas. The Unreleased Cards Page has been updated - don't fret, I am rescanning all the images and compressing them to save memory; all the images will stay on the page - 8 cards are ready so far. I have also added a Selling Page for those who can't find certain items - these prices are cheaper than any of the 3 major X-Files CCG dealers. EBay auctions are still popping up with tons of X-Files CCG - prices are the lowest yet.
Would the grateful person from California who mailed me stuff for the GenCon tournaments/demos, please e-mail me above. I lost your home and e-mail address.
I have received submissions for next year's GenCon and Origins gaming shows, so if you have never made it to one, then you better go next year because it may be my final year doing it unless we have more support. Take a look at the link above of highlights of the 1999 shows. The addition of a display, more flyers, and copies of the unreleased cards resulted in a good turn-out, but we need better. I am hoping that a better turn-out happens with the game being listed in the pre-registration books for both shows in 2000. All must show their support; even those from out of the USA, if you are as serious about this game as the rest of us, plan on making a trip to the USA during the summer of 2000.
Let me know if anyone can run a legitimate demo or tournament. Here is an example of material I sent for a demo/beginners' tournament in Oklahoma City, OK, USA: 5 playmats, 1 promo poster, 20 banded starter decks of 50 cards, 4 token sheets, 1 promo dangler, 10 packs of checklists, 20 Quick Start Rules, 2 Official Basic Rules, 2 Official Advanced Rules, 2 promo Mulligans, 2 promo Teamworks, and an empty starter deck box.
NEWS: 8/19/99
Thanks to everyone who showed up, played and/or helped with the demos and tournaments; GenCon 1999 was a great success.
Two Basic Demo/Tournament events are being held in Oklahoma City, OK. If you live in that area, please come back to this site in a week or two for official dates. Free cards given to all who participate!!!!
If you or someone else still plays X-Files CCG in events/groups or want to run a demo/tournament at a store or event, please e-mail me. I should be able to help out.
Jennifer E. from Redwood City, CA is finally getting her 279 cards.
NEWS: 7/15/99
CHAMPIONSHIP Advanced and other tournaments are being held at this year's GenCon 1999 (Milwaukee, WI) - see above link for schedule.
Thanks to everyone for the coming to this year's Origins in Columbus, OH. Everyone was pleased with the pictures of the "Scully cards" provided by David May of USPC. Thanks to Dave Frank for clearing up some older issues regarding the crossover from Donruss, NXT and USPC.
Steve from Ohio picks up 6 Agents.
Welcome to the new X-Files CCG page. This page is dedicated to the players and collectors who are trying to keep the game alive.
NEWS: 6/18/99
Has anyone been checking out the eBay auctions lately? WOW - some great auctions; I wish I won most of them. Auction #116399428 was a whole, complete set and it only went for $150 plus $10 shipping & handling. We are talking about all 863 cards (no promos, but hell you get Deep Throat, X, the 4 Ultra rare Agents plus all the Truth Is Out There cards which were low in production.).
Also on eBay was GenCon cards - 51 cards ( 60 are in a whole set) were sold and broken up into mulitiple auctions and added up to $258.40. I paid $400 and $600 for my 2 decks when they were red hot.
Dax from the UK picks up one free card.
Matt and the Louisville, KY crew received 1710 cards!!!! 342 cards for 5 people,
Coming soon after the Origins gaming show: free downloads - card checklist, Agent checklist, Adversary checklist and pictures of unproduced playtsest cards!!!! Also a quick little film clip taken from the X-Files TV show.
Below is the Origins tournaments held this year in Columbus, OH. This is how the information will be presented in the program book:
DESCRIPTION, NOTES: The Truth is Still Out There; bring your own constructed deck to this swiss-draw, advanced rules, no "Hack Into Government Files" or Killer cards event. Prizes supplied including new promos.
PLY: 16
DUR: 1:45
GM: Kevin Marion
D-X: H4
DATE & TIME: Saturday, July 3 @ 5:00pm
DESCRIPTION, NOTES: Kill Agents !!! Bring your own constructed deck to this swiss-draw, advanced rules, killer cards allowed event. Prizes supplied including new promos.
PLY: 12
DUR: 1:45
GM: Kevin Marion
D-X: H5
DATE & TIME: Friday, July 2 @ 5:00pm
DESCRIPTION, NOTES: Free cards !!! No experience needed, cards and rules supplied, basic standard rules taught.
Prizes awarded include promos.
PLY: 16
DUR: 1:45
GM: Kevin Marion
D-X: E1
DATE & TIME: Friday, July 2 @ 11:00am
DESCRIPTION, NOTES: Free cards !!! No experience needed, cards and rules supplied, basic standard rules taught. Prizes awarded include promos.
PLY: 16
DUR: 1:45
GM: Kevin Marion
D-X: E1
DATE & TIME: Saturday, July 3 @ 2:00pm
NEWS: 5/2/99
Check out our Origins listing for this year's convention. If you live in the mid-west in the U.S.A., you got to come!!!!!!
Thanks to Angela in the U.K., she picked up 26 free cards.
NOTICE: Certain CCG items have been selling for very high prices. Check my links or other people's links to shop for prices. Don't get misled by vendor prices.
Approval for tournaments and demos have been accepted by Andon Unlimited and times will be available soon for the Origins and GenCon Conventions.
Would Martha Adams @ GTE e-mail me back. I am getting fatal errors when responding to your e-mails.
NEWS: 3/6/99
Requests for cards are still coming: Erin from Texas is getting 181 of them. This site is now updated with new features and graphics. The card counter is an accurate quantity of cards I have given away - thanks to David May at USPC for giving me 21,600 worth of starter deck cards. Older news can now be found on a second page so more room is left for graphics and a quicker link to the Home page. Some new sponsors have signed on. And the MOST important is the petition enrollment on the bottom of the page: List yourself here as one who wants USPC to know you want this game to continue.
NEWS: 3/3/99
The gaming convention season is almost here and I will have a better setup for this year's competitions. As always, I will be demoing the game and handing out free stuff. This year I have a better display and some new goodies to give out: a detailed reference sheet of all the cards that have been made, a reference layout of all the Agents to help you build a better deck, and a few other goodies. The display will show some beta type material ( material created but never distributed to the public ). Amongst these items will be some of the GenCon demo deck cards, some advertisements and the Donruss cards produced early in the game's history.
NEWS: 11/15/98
Sorry for the delay on updates. As you already probably know, the X-files CCG had a chance to be born again during a perfect window slot - between the X-files movie home release and the season premiere. Unfortunately, FOX has new agendas and is looking to boost up appeal of other newer shows ( Buffy, The Vampire Slayer for example ). The hard work of many people had vanished. There is still one more group who is willing to create some unlicensed material; stay tune for updates on that.
AndCon was a big success. Congrats to winner Alicia, a first time player I might add, who walked away with a signed card, and second place to Shawna who also got herself some great cards. Again, thanks to Agent John Myers who helped a great deal. Also, thanks to Andon Unlimited allowing us to pretty much do what ever we needed to.
I have a surprise coming up for the holidays so e-mail me and tell everyone about this site.
This site will not endorse any online dealers or sellers. Links will be created to other CCG sites and some of them may have links to purchase items. This site was created to give updated information plus help link players and collectors around the globe.
NEWS: 10/1/98
I thank everyone for their support. I will be hosting demos and 2 tournaments at this year's AndCon this weekend in Toledo, OH U.S.A. The tournaments are as followed: Friday at 2pm there is an advanced, constructed deck game and Saturday at 2pm there is a beginners game in which cards are supplied. Both games are free. Prizes will be given away. To all of you that I have promised to send cards to, please respond back to me that you have or have not received them. I have had more than one person state that he/she did not get the cards. I need to make a report with the U.S. mail so if you don't tell me, I can't do anything. See you at the show.
NEWS: 9/18/98
AndCon 98 is coming up and Andon Unlimited verified the tournaments and demos for the X-files CCG - see you there. One tournament on Friday, one on Saturday - times available next week. All competitions are free.
Fox has removed their decision to allow me to produce the promo card DOPPLEGANGER. Some cards were made and may be available to display at upcoming demos and tournaments. FOX's royalties are just too high for me to handle.
Certain parties have united to continue the X-files CCG and negotiations are in the works. Unfortunately, I can not financially compete with this group. The good news is that I will be able to contribute, so stay tuned. All I can say is that FOX is talking. Need I say more. Now is the time, people.
NEWS: 9/7/98
Everyone who checks out this site, please tell your friends about us. We need your support and it's been great lately, thanks!
Anyone in the Massachusetts area ( U.S.A. ) is encouraged to compete in a X-files CCG tournament on Sunday September 27, 1998 at 12:00 pm. The location is at Video Connections, 117 Waverly Street, Farmingham, Massachusetts, phone number (508) 620-6010. Your's truly can not attend but I will be supplying a signed Street Contacts card signed by Mr. X himself, Steven Williams. Good luck to everyone competing.
As soon as Andon Unlimited verifies my info., I will give times I will be hosting X-files tournaments at this year's AndCon in Toledo, Ohio ( U.S.A. ) this October 1-4, 1998. I will be there demoing the game and giving out some freebees Oct. 2-4 ( Friday-Sunday ). Come show your support and compete. Next update will also include news about future editions of the game, so don't be surprised if the game does not disappear - some of us are trying our hardest to keep it going.
NEWS: 8/31/98
Just back from Canada. Nice place. I will be hosting more demos and tournaments at this year's AndCon 98 in Toledo, OH U.S.A. during October 1-4, 1998. I have also contacted U.S.P.C. about doing something with the game and have broken some ground; too early to make your hearts start pumping. Everything is going as planned and your encouragement is now needed. The next update will have BIG news and all the info. for the AndCon show. Plus, the site should look all up to date with pictures and everything ( I hope ).
NEWS: 8/15/98
GEN CON '98 a success. I got to spread the word and meet some great people at this show in Milwaukee. A basic tournament that comprised of mostly beginners kept 10 people at play. Debbie and Jason drew for second place each getting a signed card, and Tim took first place with a signed card plus a Deny Everything supplied by The Man in the Black Hat. The game was not publicized but the demos kept going all day long. Much thanks to John Myer who helped out a whole bunch - he's a real Special Agent. Look for me at AndCon in Toledo, OH this fall. I should have some of those DOPPLEGANGER Bluff cards. If anyone has any info. on the AndCon show, please e-mail me below. I need more info. to set up a tournament.
NEWS: 8/6/98
The game is NOT over. The game is still available in three editions: premiere, second ( Truth is Out There set ), and the expansion ( 101361 - Mulder set ). There are a few promo cards that were produced as well. The game was produced by U.S.P.C. ( famous for their Bicycle playing cards ) but they have ceased production; however, they have just introduced 5 more NEW promo cards. Some other gaming companies have been contacted but most are not interested. There are some investors who want to take the game over and have currently printed some experimental cards to check grade, quality and texture available from their printing company.
The card is a BLUFF card called DOPPLEGANGER. Pictures of this card plus more information are coming.