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The Hardware Donation Foundation -

Giving Computer Hardware and Parts to those less fortunate. 

Click Here to See Our Current Inventory

Enter our new Contest! We will be giving away a piece of hardware once a month to some lucky person! To enter send an e-mail to with your preferred type of hardware.

Link To Us! Help Spread the word. Just copy the html below into your page.

 <a href=""><img src="" width="144" height="72" border="0"></a>

How to Reach Us:

Hardware or Correspondence can be mailed to:

The Hardware Donation Foundation
CS2207 P.O. Box 8793
Williamsburg, VA 23186

Questions about shipping, donating hardware, or asking for hardware to be donated to you or your organization should be e-mailed to:

Any monetary donations can be made to The Hardware Donation Foundation and mailed to the address above.

The Hardware Donation Foundation has policy in place that prevents us from donating to any type religiously affiliated organization as it would be unfair to those without a religious affiliation. It is our hope that religious entities would learn to accept and help everyone equally without any prejudice including religion.


 The Hardware Donation Foundation is Non-Profit.  This and all contents are the intellectual property of the The Hardware Donation Foundation.   Last Updated January 15, 2000