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The Buffy & John 2009 Sleep Over


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See JT catch his first fish at the Hidden Valley Lake

Swimming at the Minerals Spa, Fishing & Visit to the Sussex County Fair

(Photos by Buffy & John Whiting)


Fun at the Minerals Spa is jumping off the cliff...

... DadPa swims to meet Mer, Riles and JT...

Mer says "Am I sure I want to do this?"

Mer teams up with DadPa to make the big leap.

DadPa relaxes with JT in the heated pool before heading home...

...JT and Reilly show off their new fishing poles...

DadPa helps get the fishing poles ready for a morning of fishing...

...a pause to take a group picture of the fishermen...

...then off to the lake to do some serious fishing.

... everyone works together to get the fishing poles ready.

Then we dig for some worms for bait...

Mer shows off the jar of freshly caught worms...

Mer shows off the jar of freshly caught worms...

... and DadPa shows the technique for putting the worms on a hook.

And before you can say "slimy worms" Reilly has caught the first fish.

DadPa helps take the fish off of the hook as history is recorded.

Mer helps put a worm on Stephen's hook...

...and in a flash Stephen has caught a whopper.

DadPa gives the fish a kiss and returns him to the HV Lake.

Then it was Lil's turn to haul in a fish...

Then Mer's turn to catch a fish.  Does that fish look familiar?

A proud fisherwomen poses with her catah.

"Hey, this is fun!" says Stephen.  He caught 13 fish.

... and of course JT had to prove his skill as a fisherman too.

Lil shows her patience as she waits for another fish to bite.

...and her patience pays off.

JT catches another fish.

It was a fun day of fishing.  39 fish were caught but its time to head to the Fair.

One of the exhibits teaches about washing cloths.  Recognize anyone?

There's Reilly using a scrub board just like Denise taught him.

...and then hanging the cloths up to dry.

The butterfly tent was fun...

A butterfly landed on Lil's shoe.

The fun house was fun too.

JT shows off his muscles.

We all enjoyed having fun on the rides...




and then having some home made ice cream before ending a great day at the Sussex County Fair.

Background photograph "The NJ State Fair - Grand Prix" taken by:  Dr. John T. Whiting

2009© Dr. John T. Whiting
All Rights Reserved