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End of a Villain, Start of a Legacy

Jack Skellington stood in the center of Town Hall, watching as everyone worked. Halloween this year was going to turn out great, he could tell. Being the Pumpkin King, it was his duty to make sure it would. And even though he had been somewhat distracted recently, he was determined to set things right once again. For a while recently he had been quite depressed, wanting a change in his life. Something more. That had been when he'd discovered Christmas Town, a happy little holiday situated in the North Pole. He had loved it, proceeding to kidnap old Saint Nick and take his place. Halloween had created toys of their own, little creations that ate their owners whole and chased litttle children around the house. Sandy Jack had flown in his coffin sleigh with three skeletal reindeer to deliver them to the children of the world, feeling confidant that it would all go off without a hitch. His efforts had gone unappreciated, however, as the armies used their modern-day weapons to blast him out of the sky. Even now, he could feel the heavy emotional scars that had come with the sudden shock of realizing how badly he had failed. Not only had he ruined Christmas, but he had let down the holiday. He hadn't even planned on any consequences, didn't take into consideration the seriousness of the task he was undertaking. He had fixed everything though; saved Sandy Claws from the horrible Oogie Boogie (the former town villain) and set everything right once more. Now that everything was settled back down once again, things were back to normal. Well, almost, save for the daily surprises of living in this place. Vampires and werewolves were a common things, as were witches and winged demons. It wasn't unfamiliar around here to have others casting horrible hexes on you just for the fun of it.
Then there were Lock, Shock, and Barrel, another story altogether. Formerly Oogie Boogie's henchmen, the siblings were now left on their own in the treehouse home they shared above the lair belonging to their former master. Their past was shrouded in mystery, perhaps one of the most baffling in Halloween history. Nobody knew quite how they had gotten to where they were, and the three weren't talking. Jack suspected they knew, but he felt no need to interfere with their private lives. It was none of his buisness. Besides, he had no intention of meddling with them. The three were the town's worst trouble makers, always causing mischief and mayhem. They played awful pranks on everyone; stealing the blueprints, smashing jack-o-lanterns, even slipping deadly nightshade into the town's water supply. Numerous times Jack had tried to ban them from Halloween Town, but it never worked; they always found their way back in. Finally he had given up on them, asking them to please keep their destruction down to a minimum. They had just smiled sweetly, continuing on their merry way. Of course, they had been lying.
Jack knew though that there was a good side to these three kids; he had seen it before. Sometimes they would stop for a friendly chat with him, and other times help out with the holiday. He knew they were good inside; he just had to find out how to get to that good part. But perhaps he never would; until then, he would try to find a way.
Still though, he often wondered what the story behind them was. He knew some basic facts about the three, but not much to go by. Shock was the eldest at 11 years of age. Lock was the middle child at 9, and Barrel was the youngest at 8. All three had once had parents, he knew that as well, but then they had teamed up with Oogie Boogie for some reason. He never knew exactly why, and neither did anyone else. It was just another mystery to add to the many that made up Halloween.
Jack often found himself thinking about the three, but there was someone else he thought of even more. His girfriend, Sally. Having been seeing her for just over a month, he loved her a great deal. Having fallen in love on that fateful Christmas Eve not too long ago, Sally was the creation of Dr. Finklestein, the town's resident Evil Scientist. Having been created no more then 6 months ago she was fairly new to the world, but her knowledge of the place said otherwise. Brilliant at all that she did, Sally was truly made for Halloween; a born natural. She scared humans with the grace and agility of the Pumpkin King himself. She spoke of things that even Jack himself didn't know about, which was odd, because Jack was over 500 years old (504, to be exact). It stunned him the rate at which she had absorbed the information she knew; indeed she was a highly intelligent creature. As well she showed signs of telepathic abilities and was quite skilled in the area of sewing. Which was why she was often placed in charge of repairing people's Halloween outfits; the vampires capes, the witches hats, the suit Jack would wear as the scarecrow. She was obviously the best choice, and everyone knew it.
But aside from that, Sally was simply an amazing person. Funny, creative, and stunningly beautiful, Jack couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again each time he saw her. Her charm and elegance was unlike that of any woman he had ever known; she was definately the most beautiful woman he had ever dated. Her long brown hair fell over her shoulders delicately, framing her round face. The small black eyes that peered at him whenever she looked in his direction melted his very soul, made him love her more then life itself. Her small frame seemed to fit just right in his arms, a delicate china doll in his protection. He loved the smell of her, the feeling of her next to him, the way she smiled at him. In all his years he had never loved anyone so passionately. Often times he would wonder how they had come to be a couple. How did he ever manage to find a woman like her? Upon asking this to her one night she had given him a very simple answer; they were meant to be together. And he knew it was true. Sally was his true love, the only one for him.
As he stood here in Town Hall now thinking about all these things, he didn't notice somebody approaching him. "Jack!" someone cried. "Jack, snap out of it!"
He blinked, seeing his good friend The Mayor standing before him. A short and obese little man, he was only half of Jack's 7 feet and four times as fat. Rail thin and abnormally tall, the Pumpkin King severly contrasted against the little man, who was second-in-command only to him. To make up for his height the Mayor wore an outrageously tall hat, which just made him look ridiculous. He was a two-faced polititian, quite literally. His head had the ability of spinning back and forth to show emotions; one side of his head revealed happiness, the other fear, anger, sadness, surprise, and any other feeling imaginable. And it was this one that was most often displayed. Right now, he was looking at Jack with an expression of impatientness.
"Jack, what are you doing standing around like this? We have so much work to do! That whole Christmas thing left us so far behind, we have so much to do..."
"I know, I just got slightly distracted there. Sorry. I believe we were just about to go check on the jack-o-lanterns, right?"
"According to schedule, yes," he replied as they headed off. "I actually believe that we'll be pretty well caught up by the time the big night rolls around, if we work quickly."
"Good. I believe that this year is going to be a hit. I have tons of more ideas to give those humans a good fright." They stopped, having arrived at their destination. The vampires were in charge of carving this year, and appeared to be doing quite well. The King picked up one of the completed products, observing it closely. He nodded slightly. "Looks good," he said at last. "You're doing a good job. Nice smile to them, sends a good shiver down the spine. The mortals will hate it."
The mayor marked this down on his clipboard. "Wonderful then, one last thing to worry about." Giving a nod to the vampires, he led Jack away. "So," he said casually. "I've noticed that things seem to be heating up between you and Sally, eh?"
A smile. "Definately. I think she's the one, my friend. I really do."
"Really? Wow, that's wonderful. Think you'll propose to her?"
He shrugged. "Who knows? I just might. I wanted to keep the relationship going for a while yet, see if this is what I truly want. But at this point, I think that eventually we will be married."
"Stupendous! I wish you the best then. Imagine, a Queen. I think that she'll make a fine match for you."
A nod. "I think so, too Mr. Mayor. I really do."

Jack and Sally had a date already made for that evening, dinner at a local resturaunt. When the King got there she was already seated at a table waiting for him. He smiled to himself upon seeing her; dressed in a long, black dress, her beauty shone through wonderfully. Her long, brown hair flowed elegantly across her shoulders, her large black eyes wandering around the room. Her small frame was complimented by the dress, and her tiny hands were folded upon the table.
A little sigh escaped his throat as he gazed at his love. Since that first fateful evening together upon the spiral hill just over a month ago, the both of them had been inseperable. He loved her more then his own life, more then all the money in the world. She was a very important woman, and he wanted to make sure she knew that.
Putting on a smile now he headed over to her, kissing her delicate hand.
"Good evening, my dear," he said.
"My darling," she grinned. "I missed you."
"As I've missed you," came the reply. "Sorry I'm late..."
"Don't worry about it," she chuckled. "As long as you're here."
A smile. "Thank-you." A little cough. "So, um....any word from your landlord?" Sally currently lived in a run-down apartment not far from his home. The place was a piece of crap, run-down and hardly worth living in. He had often offered to get a better place for her, but she had refused. He was already helping pay for this place, she insisted. She would not allow him to pay any more, depite what the living conditions were like. But Sally, he had protested, this is pure filth. "I'll send a complaint letter," she had replied. And so she had.
She shook her head now. "No, Jack, nothing. Not so much as a word."
A growl. "You submitted that thing to him over two weeks ago, Sally, it's not good enough. Oh, please let me go talk to him."
"No. You may be the Pumpkin King, but I'm not going to let you use your authority to help me out, Jack. Absolutely not."
"Oh, Sally," he sighed. "Please, I love you, I want you to be happy."
"But I am happy," she insisted as she took his hands. "I've got you."
"No, that's not what I mean. I want you to have a nice home and lots of food..." He paused. "Sally, move in with me," he proclaimed suddenly. "Come live in the Skellington mansion with me."
She was stunned. "Jack, so soon? We've barely been seeing each other a month..."
"And I love you, Sally!" he cried. "Sweet lord, I love you! Please Sally, say yes. We can get your stuff tommorrow and we can both be happily settled in by nightfall. Oh, it's such a wonderful idea, do say yes...."
"What will Zero think?" she said with a smile, referring to Jack's pet ghost-dog.
"Zero will think whatever I want him to," he replied. "Come on, Sally, say it. Say the word I want to hear."
"I don't know, Jack. I mean, I can just as easily make a few repairs on the apartment myself...."
"Sally," he growled, growing annoyed.
A little chuckle. "Oh, alright. Yes. I'll move in with you."
"Yes!" he cried, leaping up from his chair and knocking it over. A few people glanced over at him, and he blushed with embarrasment. "Sorry," he smiled as he took his seat once more. Immediately he turned back to his love, taking her fragile hands into his own. "Oh, this is wonderful, Sally!" He kissed her over the table. "I love you so very much, you know that?"
Another kiss. "Yes, I know. I love you too, my King."
"Ahem," came a voice suddenly. They looked up, to see a waiter standing over them. He appeared uncomfortable. "I am most sorry to interrupt, your Kingship, but..."
"Yes, don't worry about it," Jack said with a wave of his skeletal hand. "My darling, what shall you be having?"
"I've been craving the Fried Rat Tails, personally," she said, gazing at the menu she had been given earlier.
"Two plates of that, then," Jack told the waiter as the menu was taken from them.
"I'll be back in a moment, sir," he replied before hurrying off to the kitchen.
"How friendly," Sally said as soon as he was gone. "Service with a smile."
"Only 'cause I'm the King," came the muttered reply. "According to most other people I've talked to, this place has a horrible reputation. Slow as hell and food not fit for a dog. They only put in the extra effort for me, supposedly."
"Oh, really?" she asked. "Harsh."
"I know. I absolutely detest the way they do this to me, make me feel so large. As if I'm so bloody important." He took a sip from his water, forcing a smile. "But no matter."
She touched his hand softly. "I love you, Jack."
A smile. "I love you too, Sally."

They finished dinner an hour later and headed back towards Jack's mansion. "That was delicious," Sally sighed. "I was famished. Now I can barely walk, I'm so full."
"It was quite good," he admitted. "I tipped off the waiter, gave him $7.50. Couldn't decide between 5 and 10."
"That's decent of you," she smiled as they approached the front gates. He stopped there, before continuing on to her place. "Not accompanying me home?" she frowned.
"Come inside my place," he offered. "Please? We can curl up by the fire, all nice and cozy..." A gentle kiss.
"Oh, how can I resist that?" she sighed. "Alright, let's go in."
Another kiss as he led her up the front steps. She'd been here before in the past, a number of times actually. And soon they'd be living together. Jack's heart melted as he unlocked the door, allowing his love to step inside. She smiled as Zero hurried over, yipping at her heals.
"Hey there, boy," she smiled, hanging up her jacket on a nearby coat rack. "Oh, it's so lovely and warm in here, Jack. It's cozy."
"And with you living here, it'll be even cozier," he replied. "Just the two of us.....and perhaps one day there'll be three."
A gentle smile as he took her into his arms. "Someday, indeed. Our little thrilling that would be!"
"Indeed." Another kiss. "How 'bout I get the fireplace in the tower going, eh? Just like I promised."
"Lovely," she replied as she headed towards the steps, taking his hand. "I love our evenings together, they're so enjoyable."
"Me too," he admitted when they reached the top of the long, spiraling staircase. He slipped his hand from hers, heading to the fireplace. "But I love you more."
"What a doll," she smiled. "My sweetheart, my Pumpkin King."
"And one day, I'll make you my Pumpkin Queen. I promise you."
Sally sat on the carpet, watching as Jack tossed some wood into the hearth, pouring some lighter fluid over it and then lighting a match. He tossed it in, and the whole thing caught almost immediately.
"There we go," he smiled as he stepped back. "Jack does it again."
"And we're so proud," Sally grinned. "Here, love, sit with me."
A little nod as he sat behind her, wrapping his long skeletal arms around her body and kissing the tender flesh of her neck gently. A little chuckle as he did this, enjoying it.
"I love you," he said. "More then you'd ever imagine. More then I'd ever imagine! I've never felt this way about someone before, you know, I've never cared about a woman this much."
A little sigh as the smell of his cologne enveloped her. "You're the only man I've ever had, Jack, you know that?" she told him. "I've never loved anyone else, never kissed another's lips, never made love to another. And I don't think I ever will."
"I've had many girlfiriends," he confided to her. "I don't know how many, I stopped counting decades ago. But I was never content with any of them. The idea of settling down just didn't appeal to me back then. But with you for some reason, it's different. I knew it the moment I saw you down in Oogie Boogie's lair, tied up besides Sandy Claws. I think it's exactly as you said on the spiral hill; we're simply meant to be."
She smiled, taking his hand into hers. "Oh Jack, you're so sweet. I'm a lucky girl to have snagged a guy like you." She gave him a kiss. "I love you."
He returned the kiss. "I love you too, my darling. One day I'll make you my Queen, and we'll have royal children together. Little princes or princesses. And finally I'll be content in life, truly happy."
She appeared puzzled. "Aren't you happy now? After that whole Christmas thing blew over, I thought you'd be back to normal."
He laughed. "You must be teasing me, Sally. No, I've never been fully content really. I've always been somewhat downcast and depressed. Ask the mayor, he'll tell you about all the times I've come to him begging for his help, needing someone to talk to."
"Do you have any clue as to why you're like it?"
He shrugged slightly. "I don't know, really. It's just that...I've simply never been happy. I think it started when my father died when I was eight. The night before he died we had this huge argument, I don't even remember what it was over anymore. So when he left, I felt horribly guilty because this had been the last time I'd ever spoken with him. By that point my mother was already dead, so now I was an orphan. I took over the throne immediately, so that was the end of my childhood. I think I've been haunted my entire life by that. And add to that the emptiness I still feel, the longing for something I don't have. I thought that it was all okay after that Christmas thing ended, but I was wrong. It's only started. I don't know, sometimes I just hate having this pre-picked destiny for me. When I was born, I didn't even have an option of what I wanted to be upon growing up. I was gonna be king, whether I liked it or not." A sigh. "Sally, you have no idea what it feels like to be me. The pressures of being king, the held-back feelings inside of's enough to drive a man to the edge. It has numerous times pushed me into attempting suicide, but I'm hard to kill at this point."
Her heart broke for him. "Oh, Jack..I had no idea...Well, you can talk to me whenever you like. Whenever you're feeling low, I'll be right here for you. Always."
"Thank-you, Sally. I think that's what I really need, someone I can hold close to me and just talk to. That's why I wanted you here so badly tonight, I'd been feeling kind of depressed all week and I just wanted to talk to someone. And I appreciate your listening."
"Well, Jack, I love you. I always will. No matter what."
He kissed her neck. "That's what I like about you. You're so sweet and caring. Never change on me."
"I won't," she replied. "Just as long as you'll promise never to try to harm yourself in any way. I don't ever want to lose you to suicide or anything like that."
"And you won't," came the answer. "So long as you stay with me, for now and for always."
"I will, my dear. Always."
A smile as she tilted her head slightly, allowing him to kiss her upon the lips. She grinned as he released her, allowing her to stretch out on the floor and rest her head in his lap. A tender smile as he began to smooth her hair down, soon lying by her side. He continued to play with her silky locks with one hand, the other around her small yet firm body. She cuddled up to him closely.
"You're nice and warm, you know that?" she commented.
"Why, are you cold?" he asked. "Even with the fire going?"
"I've been cold all evening, love," came the answer. "I'm frozen."
"My darling," he sighed as he rose, scooping her into his arms. "Let me bundle you up in my warm bed. Flannel sheets, you know, nice and cozy."
"Thank-you," she replied as he set her down, pulling the covers over her small body.
He took a seat on the edge of the bed, one arm over her body as he kissed her gently. "Tommorrow you'll be sharing this bed with me, sharing this entire room with me. Isn't that exciting, Sally?"
"Indeed," she replied, smiling gently. "It certainly is."
He glanced at the clock. Surprisingly enough, it was already near 10:30. "You tired, luv?"
"Exceedingly," she replied. "Oh, I wish I had brought pajamas..."
"It doesn't matter," he replied as he kissed her a little more passionately. "You won't need them."
A small chuckle as she pulled him down towards her. "And I don't want them," she muttered as she kissed him.

Jack watched Sally later on, his love sleeping peacefully. A little smile as he rose from his spot in the bed, grabbing his black houserobe and pulling it on before heading downstairs. Heading for the kitchen he pulled open the fridge, grabbing a glass of water and sitting at the kitchen table.
His little ghost dog Zero drifted in at that point, yipping with happiness upon seeing his master. "Hey boy," the king smiled. "Guess what? Sally's moving in tommorrow." Another yip. "Glad to know you like it. I like it too. A lot." He chuckled. "My love. My darling love, Sally. She certainly is a wonder, isn't she, boy? So beautiful and amazing, how can you help but love her to pieces? She's everything a man ever dreamed of. Funny, talented, pretty....I can't help but adore her, boy!" Zero just floated over to his basket on the kitchen floor, gazing towards Jack. "Yeah, I guess you don't exactly know what I mean when I talk about love, do I boy? I guess dogs don't know much about that sort of stuff. Unless you include that mutt down the street you happened to take a liking to a few months ago." An angry growl from the ghost-dog at mention of that. "Alright, sorry," he replied hastily. "But face it, she was a tramp. She's with that rotweiler now." A little whimper from Zero. "Ah, don't worry about it, boy," The King told him. "That's the way it is with women sometimes. But you'll find the perfect one for you, I promise. And when you'll do, maybe you'll get to have ghost-puppies! That'd be wild." He sighed. "Yes, perhaps you'll find her one of these days, like I found mine. Sally's really a true marvel, ya know, she really is. There's something magical about her, something that no other woman has. So sweet and beautiful and everything. She's my life, the only one for me, my very sanity." A little smile. "And it's another experience altogether making love to her. She's so perfect in bed, she really is. Knows how to drive a man wild with those moves of hers." He chuckled softly. "I'm telling you, boy, there's nothing like making passionate love to the woman of your dreams. Sally truly is a wonder in every way..."
Meanwhile upstairs, Sally had woken to find her love missing from beside her. Standing up she found his good jacket, tossing it on so that it barely covered her breasts. She then commenced down the steps, climbing down and heading towards the kitchen. Halfway there she stopped upon hearing a voice. "...but you know, Zero, there's just something special about her..." Jack was saying. She poked her head around the corner to see her love sitting there, talking away to Zero, who was actually paying attention. "...everything she does," she heard him continue. "The way she moves, the way she smiles, the way she kisses me..." A little smile as he let out a happy sigh. "The way she fits into my arms. I know we're meant to be, boy. Now and forever. And one of these days, I'm going to propose to her. When the time is right, though. And then we'll live happily ever after together, for the rest of our lives. I might be jumping the gun a bit, I know, but I've never loved anyone so much in my entire life! Sure, I've been with plenty of women. But they were nothing to me, merely items of meaningless pleasure. One night stands. Utter mistakes some of them were. But with Sally it's different. This relationship means something to me, boy, it really does. And I hope Sally knows that." An excited little grin. "Oh, she's moving in! This is all so sudden, Zero, I'm going crazy here!" She just smiled from behind her corner as the little ghost dog gazed lovingly at his master. "Yes, boy, I think I've finally found her, my one true love. And I'm not going to make any mistakes this time like I've made with love so many times before in the past. This time, I'm going to make sure everything goes right."
It was at this point that Sally turned around, heading back upstairs towards the tower. Jack really did loved her, and more then she had ever dreamed--almost as much as she loved him! Is this love? she wondered as she hopped back into bed, pulling off the jacket and tossing it away. Is this what it feels like to be hopelessly devoted to one person? She knew, of course, that the answer was yes.
Jack came back upstairs a few minutes later. Sally pretended to be sleeping peacefully as he pulled off his housecoat, joining her in the bed. Wrapping an arm around her he cozied up to her, kissing her hair gently. Smiling to herself she drifted off into a blissful slumber, laying there in the arms of her Pumpkin King. They truly were meant to be, now and always.

Jack rose early that day, getting showered and dressed before his love had even woken up. When she finally did open her eyelids she found her darling standing before the mirror putting on his favourite bat shaped tie. Seeing her reflection in the mirror he turned around, smiling at her. "Good morning there," he smiled. "I was just heading off to do some business. Get the movers started on bringing your stuff over, pop in to see the mayor, you know. I also had some Halloween-related things to tend to at Town Hall."
"My, you certainly are the busy one, aren't you?" she stated. "Do you always get up so early?"
"Not on weekends, no. Today's Saturday, indeed, but there's many things to be done." He headed over to her, laying a kiss gently upon her forehead as he sat by her side. "You don't mind, do you?"
"Course not," she replied. "I'll probably head down to my place today sometime, grab all my clothes together and that sort of stuff."
"Wonderful," he replied. "You're on the ball, aren't you?"
A laugh as he kissed her neck, his lips tracing their way down as he sat above her half-covered body. "At the moment? I'm not even awake yet."
"That's okay." His mouth found her soft breasts, which he kissed as she moaned gently.
"Mmm, it's way too early for this...that feels nice..." He didn't quit, suckling her nipple as if he were an infant searching for milk. "Jack, I thought you had errands to run..." she reminded him.
A bitter sigh as his mouth parted with her breast. "So I do," he frowned. "Not fun. But oh well." He kissed her lips, teasing her tounge with his own. "We'll finish this later," he grinned devilishly.
"I'm sure we will, love. Now get up now."
He did as she asked, getting off her body as he stood up. He headed towards the stairs as he fixed his tie. "It's 8:00 now, would it be possible to have you there for about 10, to greet the movers?"
"Yes, dearest, not a problem."
"Thanks. Now, I must be leaving. See you later, luv."
"Bye, Jack."

His first stop on his list of errands that day was Town Hall. He only needed to collect a set of blueprints for revision later on that evening, that was all. He'd have them back for Monday if things went well.
Next came the mayor's house. This trip would take longer. It was early, yes, but surely the mayor would be up. He always was. Ringing the doorbell he took a step back, until he heard his friend call, "Come in, Jack!"
He stepped inside. "How'd you know it was me?"
A smile from the mayor, who was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. "Because nobody else would dare come to my house this early in the morning. How is the King on this fine day?"
"Oh, Mr. Mayor, I couldn't possibly be happier!" he cried. "I'm simply wonderful!"
"Why's that?"
He took a seat at the table, opposite the mayor. "Sally's moving in, my good man, she's moving in to my house!"
"Oh, this is new," he replied. "How lovely for you two, I'm positive you'll enjoy living together."
"Oh, we will," he replied. "I know we will. I love her so much, you know, I've never felt this way about anyone before. It's something totally new to me, and I have no idea where it's coming from!"
"Love," came the answer. "You're head over heals in love."
"Oh, I know," he smiled. "I already know. So I'm going to go visit the movers after I'm done here, have them bring all of Sally's stuff to my place. She hasn't got much, really; her clothes, her bed, that sort. Nothing real fancy or ornamental. She's not rich or anything like that, and she wouldn't let me dress the place up for her..."
"His Royal Highness King Jack the First, also known as 'Money Bags'," his friend taunted, throwing on a lame English accent.
"Don't be rude," he frowned. "So what if I am? All the better. Now Sally will we able to live the life she's only been able to dream of. She loves my mansion, you know, she's totally astounded by it every times she visits."
"I am too, my friend," came the answer. "It's an amazing place, and you have it so fabulously decorated."
"Well, I've spoiled myself a bit I suppose..." he blushed. "But now, I'm going to really spoil Sally! I've always wanted to do that to someone, and she'll be the perfect person. The love of my life."
"Indeed." He glanced towards the blueprints. "Taking your work home, Jack?"
"Yes, I guess so," he sighed. "I don' want to have to, but as you know we're kind of behind on things this year..."
"...and I want to get us caught up. As a rule I don't like to work overtime, especially on such a momentous occasion, but there's no way of avoiding it."
"A smart man," he smiled.
"Thank-you, sir." Jack stood up. "Anyways, I must be off now, I just had to talk to someone about Sally."
"Well, I'm here whenever you need me. I always have been, and I always will."
"I appreciate that," he smiled, heading for the front door. "See you, now."
A smile as the King left. "So long, Jack."

He was just heading though town center when he spotted Lock, Shock, and Barrel coming towards him, heading in the opposite direction. They were walking close together, talking in hushed voices. Shock looked up suddenly upon spotting Jack, elbowing each of her brothers. All three stopped in their tracks, smiling at the Pumpkin King.
"Good-morning, Jack," they chroused innocently.
A little sigh. "Alright, what are you three up to?"
"Just headed to the store," Lock replied quickly. "Going to get some bread. We ran out."
"I trust you'll actually be paying for it this time, right?"
"Uh-huh," they smiled.
"And I don't want to hear of any trouble from you three. Today's a very big day for me, and I don't need to be straightening out any of your messes."
"Why, what's up?" questioned Barrel.
"Well," Jack replied, "If you must know, Sally's moving in with me today and I wanted to help the movers with the stuff. Besides that, I have work to do concerning the holiday." He motioned towards the blueprints.
"Cool," Shock said as she gave her siblings a push. "We've got to go now, kay? See ya."
"Be good," he called as they headed off. He just shook his head as they hurried off. They weren't up to any good, he could tell. But then again, were they ever?

Jack arrived at the moving company's headquarters at around 9:30. Upon seeing him the owners of the store wanted to push him ahead of those who had been waiting in line, but he refused the idea. "That is awful and immorally wrong," he had replied at the suggestion. "I shall wait until it it my turn. But I shall have to ask you to hurry, as I haven't got all day." He then took a seat besides an older woman, perhaps in her mid 400's.
"Moving somewhere?" he asked with a smile.
"Yes, King Jack," she replied with a nod. "To the East End of town as a matter of fact, me and my husband and our two teenage sons. Are you moving as well?"
"No, not me, but Sally. She's coming to live in the Skellington mansion with me."
"Oh, how lovely," she replied. "You must be very excited."
"I am," he replied. "Extremely. And so is she."
"...Mrs. Mummyson, your turn," came a voice from the front desk at that point. She turned to Jack as she rose from her spot.
"It's been lovely chatting, your highness," she told him. "It isn't every day I get to chat with the king."
"Anytime," he replied. "Have a good day now."
He was called around 5 minutes later, and was greeted by a young female vampire. She smiled at him, revealing a tiny set of fangs. "Hello, sir," she said. "How can I help you?"
"I'd like someone to help move my girlfriend Sally's items up to my home," he told her. "And soon, if at all possible. I imagine she's waiting for us by now."
"Not a problem," she said as she pressed a button behind the counter. "I'm going to need some personal information here..."
"Not a problem," he replied. "Fire away."
"Alright then....full name?"
"Jack Franklin Skellington."
"House address?"
"1313 Vampire Avenue."
"Postal Code."
She nodded as she wrote this information down. "Okay then, and just some stats on Sally. Full name?"
"Just Sally. She was never given any more of a name."
"Current address."
"429 Ghost Street, apartment number 214. Second floor." He paused for a moment as she took all this down. "I'll be paying."
"Okay then, I'll inform the guys on that. They'll let you know how much it comes to once they're all done packing and shipping her things. We take cash and credit card."
"What about Halloween Express?"
"Yes, sir."
"Wonderful then, all the better."
Two men stepped into the building at that point. "You called us, Shirley?" one of them asked.
"Yes, Bruno," she replied. "Mr. Skellington here would like your assistance in moving Sally's items from her place to his."
"There's not much to it, boys," he told them. "She hasn't got much to be moved."
"Not a problem," the other told him. "We'll have it all done in now time."
A smile. "That's what I was counting on."

Sally was already in her little apartment, finishing her packing. Placing a tatterred old dress in her suitcase she took a glance around the place. She had lived her for just about a month, and now she was moving out. She had no idea what her landlord would think, but she really didn't care. It was small and run-down, and she was only too glad to be moving up to the Skellington mansion.
The buzzer rang at that point, and she headed to go open the door. There she found Jack, who smiled and gave her a kiss in the hallway.
"Hey there," he said. "The movers are on their way."
"Great," she replied. "Come on in."
He stepped inside, following her back to the room. Sitting upon the bed he watched as she took up her packing once again. He picked up a dress off the bed. It was made out of blue fabric and in rough condition. He tsk-tsked.
"Sally, you must let me spend some money on you. The true love of the almighty Pumpkin King deserves much better then this."
A shrug as she took the dress. "I'm a simple person, Jack, you know that already. I've only been in this world for around 6 months. I don't know luxery."
"Well, you're going to," he replied. "I hate to see you living like this, you know. I care about you a great deal, and I think it awful that you're living like this. I want to bring you down to the stores tommorrow and go on a big shopping spree with you."
"I can't let you just..."
He stood up, holding her by the arms. "Listen, Sally. I've never had to so much as use a rough tone of voice with you, but I'm going to make it quite clear to you now; don't do this to me. Don't toss off my efforts, don't refuse my help. I won't allow it. You are my lover; one day you shall be my wife. I want what's best for you. And I don't appreciate you shrugging me away the way you've been doing. So please, don't do it."
She pulled free of his grasp. "And what exactly are you going to do about it, your majesty? Make me keep my opinion to myself? Force me to smile and bear it? This isn't Communist Russia, okay? I'm not used to such kindness, Jack, I can't tolerate it."
"And I can't tolerate your intolerance!" he cried loudly. "I can't stand it!"
"Then maybe I shouldn't move in with you," she hissed.
His eyes grew wide. "You wouldn't do that. Not to me, not now. Not when I can't afford to lose you most."
A knock came at the door and Sally headed to go answer it, Jack on her heals. "Maybe I should!" she cried. "I should just stay here! Or perhaps go back to Doctor Finklestein!"
"Sally, no, he'll take you disassemble you, piece by piece, rip away the stitching that holds you, you musn't! Stay with me, please, you'll be safe that way!"
She didn't reply, just pulled open the door. The movers Jack had met earlier were there.
"Someone here call for a moving company?" one of them asked.
"That's alright, I don't think you'll be needed now," Sally replied simply. "Thanks, but..."
"Hold on right there," Jack called as he stepped forward, grabbing Sally's arm and pulling her back. He glared at the movers. "Do it," he commanded. "Move these items out of here while the lady finishes her packing."
"But sir, she said..."
"I don't care what she said," he fired back angrily. "As your King I am demanding that you get these items out of here and bring them all back to my mansion upon the hill. That is an official order. Now do it."
They were beaten as they headed to go fetch the sofa. Once more, Sally jerked free of her love's grasp.
"You moron!" she cried. "You absolute inconsiderate fool! How dare you use your power in such an immoral fashion! I should dump you right here and now!"
A sigh. "Perhaps you should. Do it, get rid of me. Maybe I used my authority in an improper manner. Perhaps I've allowed my inner butthead to speak a bit loudly. But my dearest Sally, I don't believe you have any idea how much I truly love you. What it would mean to me if you did such a thing. You know I wouldn't be able to stand it, you know I'd go mad. And you know I only did that because you mean so much to me."
"Jack, listen...."
"After all the things I've told you and the time we've spent together. My love and my devotion to you, the nights of passion we've shared. Yet you still consider breaking up. Well fine. Why don't you just take me apart right now, bone by bone? Have it over with."
"Oh, Jack," she sighed. "How did this ever come about? Why are we even fighting? Look, I'm sorry, I just...I'm not used to such kindess as to what you're offering me. And I can't stand you trying to force me to do anything, such as accepting these gifts when you know I don't want to."
"I'm not forcing you," he snapped at her as the movers headed out to the van with the sofa. "I'm trying to demonstrate for you my undying love. Midas well try and turn a vampire human or something for all it's worth."
She just came towards him, giving him a hug. "Look, how about we forget this ever happened. Let's pretend you're just walking in, okay? I don't want to fight, not with you."
"Yeah, I guess so," he smiled slowly, accepting her hug and even laying a kiss upon her soft lips.
"So my dear, how was your sleep?"
"Wonderful, love."
"Movers arrived yet?"
"Yep, just took out the chesterfield."
"Great then. Done packing your clothes?"
"Almost. But my darling, I'm going to need some new ones, the stuff I have is pretty tattered..."
A little grin. "No problem, my dear. No problem."

The movers worked quickly and efficiently, and by 5:00 they were completed their task. Jack paid for it with his credit card, all $2,000 of it. Sally just frowned as she began to unpack her clothes into Jack's dresser drawers.
"Jack, I can't let you..."
He cut her off there. "No, no more of that. It's my treat. Besides, it's no great loss for me."
"You sure?"
"Positive. Here, need any help?"
A little smile. "Sure, you can hang these dresses up in the closet."
He gave a little nod as he took them from her. Laying them across the back of a chair by the closet he pulled down a hanger, placing one of the items on it. A grin spread across his face. "I remember this one," he said. "It's the first dress you ever owned."
"Yeah, the one I made when I was living with Doctor Finklestein," she said. "The only one I had. He was too cheap to buy me some more fabric. So I had to wear this one."
"Yes, I remember," he replied. "Wear it tommorrow when we go clothes shopping. A symbol of everything you've become since then." He touched the coarse fabric gently as he hung it up. "It's also the same thing you wore the night we fell in love," he went on, both now gazing at the dress and its pattern of various materials.
"It certainly is," she replied. "I actually liked that one. It was surprisingly comfortable, after it was broken in a bit."
He took a step away from the closet, heading back to the chair and proceeding to fetch another. A sigh escaped his lips. "So here we are," he said. "You and me, here together. Isn't it amazing? Isn't it fabulous? We've got something special here, Sally, something wonderful. It's love, and I've never loved anyone the way I love you."
"You've never been married or anything?" she questioned.
"No, never," he replied. "I didn't know what love was, really, except that it was something I'd never truly felt before. But now I know what it is, and I'll always be happy that I fell in love with you."
"Oh, Jack," she smiled, coming towards him and embracing him. They shared in a kiss. "You're a sweetheart."
"I know," he replied simply.
"And so modest too." He released her, allowing her to go pick up her empty suitcase and poke it under the bed. "Guess I won't be needing that anymore," she said.
"At least I hope not."
Sally just smiled, brushing the dust off her dress. "I'm hungry, then, I'll go start supper..."
"No, I can handle, it," he replied, hanging up the last dress. "It's your first night here, I won't allow you to put yourself to work that quick. I don't like the thought of you doing chores for me."
"But that's basically what I've done all my short life, served people. I can't help it."
"Well, why don't I give you a bit of a treat, eh?" he told her. "Sit down and take it easy. Take a load off your heals. Besides, I'm a pretty good cook even if I do say so myself. I've got that old Skellington gene for cooking in my bones. My father was an excellent chef as well. Let me prove it to you."
A grin. "You're making this sound mighty tempting. Well then, we'll share the duties around here. Cleaning, laundry, know. If you won't let me do it my own."
"A great plan. I really can't handle people doing things for me, I can't. I've grown too used to taking care of myself, of caring for others. Having people turn to me for help. Guess I'm not used to finally meeting an independant person." He started down the twisting metal stairs, heading for the kitchen. "Anyways," he called back, "I have some important things to tend to tonite. Business stuff, you know. I'm not sure how long that'll keep me..."
"Don't worry about it," she reassured him.
"You're sure?"
"Of course. You're the King, and I realize that."
He stopped upon reaching the foot of the stairs, kissing her. "Thank-you, dear. Now, let's go get cooking.

An hour later they sat opposite each other at the dining room table. Two candles sat lit in the center, illuminating the entire glorious meal. Well done rat-leg flambe with taranula venom, along with bat wings and even frog eyes, a rare delicacy. Sally smiled as she ate.
"This is delicious, Jack," she said between forkfuls. "A wonderful first meal together."
"Thanks, love," he replied. "Oh, shoot, I just remembered something else I have to do tonite..."
"What's that?"
He almost slapped himself, realizing he had said that out loud. "Oh, nothing. More work. That's all. Don't worry yourself over it."
"Alright then," she shrugged. "But really, darling, this is delicious. If you weren't the king, you'd make an excellent chef."
"Yeah, that'd be fun. Jack Skellington, chef extrodinaire!" A little laugh. "I can see that actually. What fun that would be."
They made some simple conversation over dinner, talking about plans for Halloween that year among other things. Upon finishing his meal Jack gave his love a kiss.
"Darling, sorry I can't stay around longer, but I really have some important things to tend to. You wouldn't mind...."
"Cleaning up? Course not, it's my home too."
"Great," he breathed. "I'll be back soon."
A little embrace. "Alright Jack. Love you."
He blew her a kiss before steping into the night air. "Love you too, sweet."

Jack walked down Ghost Street, headed towards Sally's old apartment building. He didn't pause upon reaching it, heading straight iniside and marching down the first floor hallway. Knocking sharply upon the door marked '101' he waited until he heard a muffled curse and then footsteps towards the door. It was hauled open quite suddenly and rudely, revealing an obese, bald-headed man.
"Ah, Jack Skellington," he said with a bit too much enthusiasm. "I was just cooking supper when you arrived. It's not going too well, just about burned up the whole apartment."
He ignored the remark as he followed the man, who was also the landlord of the building. Harold Ghastly, or 'Bob' as he preferred to be called, had a bad repuation for lying. The king knew this all too well. He just proceeded on with his buisness.
"Bob," he began, "I'm here to talk to you regarding my girlfriend, Sally..."
"Yes, I noticed her moving out today. This isn't stated in her contract, she has a six month lease going on here."
"I realize that, but things have changed. We wish to have the proposal terminated."
"I can't just do that, Jack. Sorry, but..."
A frustrated cry. "Listen, you can't do this to me! What do I have to do to finally make her free? I'll pay for the extra 6 months if you want, I'll even double it."
He perked up at that. Bargaining with money was what he did best. "Triple it," he demanded.
"I'll quadruple it, I don't care!"
A little nod and an evil smile. "Fine then, I can handle that. I'll get rid of the papers, make it seem it never happened."
"And I'll have the money to you by next week, I promise." He took a step toward the door before pausing. "Thanks, Bob."
He just grinned. "Not a problem, Jack. Not a problem."

Jack went directly home after that, to find Sally already done the dishes and reading silently in the living room. She smiled at her King. "That didn't take long."
"No indeed," he replied. "Having a nice quiet evening?"
"Yes, quite relaxing actually."
"Wonderful. Anyway, I have some work to tend to, I'll be at my desk in the bedroom..."
A nod. "Yes dear. I'll be here if you need me."
He just smiled, heading up the twisting stairway to the master bedrrom. There he grabbed the blueprints from earlier off his bed, rolling them out upon his desk. After foraging for a pencil he sat down, studying the plans. They had to do with the layout of the graveyard and some remodelling they had planned for it. It hadn't been going right, however, and it was his job to find out what was wrong with the blueprints. Of course, it'd be some minimal thing. It always was.
Sitting now he began to chew on the edge of the pencil, going over the plans. He had already done this countless times over the past week, sketching and re-sketching. What on earth could be wrong with them, couldn't those imbeciles follow direct orders and get the building done? Some people were just stubborn. And once again this time, he could find no errors. It was a simple sketch of the existing graveyard and the additions to be made. The math appeared to be correct and the plans seemed accurate and precise.
"Why can't I find it!" he cried, sitting back heavily in his chair. "I've gone over it countless times, why can't I find it now?" Taking one last deep breath he looked again at the plans. Useless. Groaning heavily he rose from his seat, picking up the plans and heaving them at a wall. "This job is endless!" he cried. "Neverending and pointless! I do my best, goddamnit, but it never does any good! I get no rest and no respect. Well fine. Who needs it? Who damn well needs it?" Deciding that he was resigned he left the desk, heading for his bookshelves. He had thousands upon thousands of books stored upon these shelves, of everything ranging from Poe to Tolkein. It was here that he turned now, grabbing a complete book of William Shakespeare's works and flipping to Hamlet. Leaning against one of the cases he angrily he began to flip through the pages, much too quickly to actually be reading them. After one last resentful sigh he flung the hard cover text at a wall, allowing it to crash loudly to the floor. It made a sound that echoed throughout the house. He didn't care though as he let out a loud, mournful wail. Angrily he collapsed horizontal onto his bed, allowing his head and legs to dangle over the edge of the bed as his hands dragged on the floor.
"Jack, what on earth is going on here?" Sally cried as she came running up the stairs. "I heard a crash and then this awful cry, it sounded as if you had killed yourself or something...."
"And what a shame that'd be," he muttered.
A little sigh as she headed over to him, sitting at his side. "Mind if I wallow in depression with you?"
"Go for it, I don't care," he shrugged.
With a smile she copied him, dangling her feet and legs over the edge of the bed. Her hands didn't quite reach the floor. They were both now upside down. She just turned her head to look at him.
"So what's up?" she asked. "Why are we doing this?"
"Personally I'm regretting ever being born, what about you?"
"Me? I'm feeling pity for you."
A scornful laugh. "Don't bother," he chuckled. "There's no point in it."
She just frowned at him, shifting on the bed. She lay on her side now, one knee bent, a hand draped across it. "Do cheer up, dear," she begged. "I don't want to see you like this. Why are you acting this way, anyways?"
"I'm hating my job, that's what. I'm regretting ever becoming King. I detest this life of mine and everything I've become."
"What about me?" came the reply. "Do you feel that way about me as well?"
"Oh no!" he cried, sitting up. He laid next to her, touching her face softly. "No, never! I love you too much for that! It's just that..." He paused, pulling away his hand. "Well, my job is extremely stressful. It really is. And sometimes this happens to me, the tension builds up and I just kind of snap. But I could never detest you, my dear. Never. I love you too much."
"Well, if you care so much about me, could you do me a favour?"
"Yes, anything."
She gazed into his black sockets. "Cheer up. For your own sake, cheer up. I know that being the Pumpkin King and all, your job can't be the easiest. But next time you're feeling angered like this, don't snap like you did tonite. Come to me. I'll always be here when you need me, you know that. I'll give you a hug and a kiss, we can make love, and then everything will be alright again. 'Kay, love?"
A little nod. "Alright. It's a deal."
"Thanks." Her lips touched his softly. "Now, why don't you leave those blueprints alone, we can go downtown and tackle some of that shopping, hmm? This isn't doing you any good."
He smiled, kissing her again and moving a little bit closer. "I'd rather tackle you."

They headed later that evening for the mall. Despite the fact that she didn't want to cost Jack more money, she didn't protest any more at his want to buy her some new dresses. She had seen earlier how upset such a thing could get him, and she didn't want that to happen again.
The first place he took her to was a very fancy store, with more elaborate and sophistocated things. Here, she told him that there was so need for such stuff.
"Jack, I'm not royalty or anything, I don't sit around eating bon-bons all day. I'm an active person, I have a life. I can't wear this sort of stuff."
He frowned. "Well, let me get you three at least. For special occasions, important functions, that sort of stuff."
"Fine. You have your selection out of everything in the store. Price is no matter to me."
She nodded, heading off to look at her options. Jack meanwhile simply hung out at the cash register, making some small talk with the cashier.
Sally returned a few minutes later, with two magnificent outfits. The first was a long black number, spaghetti-strapped and of a well-known brand name. Though plain, it was quite charming. The second was shorter then the last, dark blue and of a shimmery, velvet-feel material. It was also sleeveless.
"Wonderful," Jack proclaimed. "Have you tried them on?"
"Yes, both," she smiled. "Thank you, my love..."
He waved a hand at her, as if to say 'no problem'. "It's my pleasure, dear." He paid for the dresses, not making a big production over the cost (500 for the works). Sally felt enormously guilty as they walked out of the store, and the King read this by the look in her eyes. He just smiled as he wrapped a long bony arm around her.
"Don't worry," he soothed her. "You're my one true love, the future Queen of Halloweentown. You deserve beautiful and wonderful things." He kissed her gently, not caring who was watching them in this crowded mall. "Besides, it's no big loss for me."
A nod. "Okay, but I want to go somewhere a bit more downcast then the last one. A department store, say."
"Fine, only if afterwards you'll let me pick up one item from any of these places for you. One thing, not neccessarily clothes."
She grinned. "Deal."

An hour later, Sally had picked up a wide variety of clothes. Mainly dresses, as she preffered them over pants. Jack had said yes to whatever she had chosen; sundresses, skirts, blouses, and shoes to match. Anything. He would smile as he took the clothes from her, giving her a kiss.
"You're doing a great job," he smiled. "I'm proud."
"Thank you," she blushed as he paid.
Now they were done looking for clothes, and it was Jack's turn to choose something. A big smile crossed his face as he took her hand, his other one full of shopping bags (which he wouldn't allow her to help with). He led her into a jewelry store, one of the most elaborate in town. He knew exactly what he wanted as he brought her inside, heading over to where the necklaces sat in the display case.
"I saw this one thing here before," he told her as he looked inside. "I wanted so much to get it for you, but I knew you'd never accept it. But this time, you have no choice to!"
"I did promise, didn't I?" she sighed. "Very well, Jack."
He grinned, waving to one of the workers, a young man. He came over.
"Can I assist you, my Lord?" he asked.
"Yes, my good man. That one in the corner."
A nod as he opened up the case, pulling out a lovely diamond necklace. Made of 24 carat gold and precious diamonds, it glimmered beautifully in the light. Sally's breath caught in her throat as Jack accepted it, handing over his credit card without waiting a minute. A grin as the man accepted it, ringing through the purchase and passing them back the card and the case it went with.
Sally just stared at the necklace. "Jack, how much--"
"No need for that," he told her. "Not enough, for you." He stepped behind her, bringing the chain around her neck and fastening the clasp. He came back around to stand in front of her. A smile crossed his face as she touched the chain, amazed. "Like it?"
"I love it," she whispered. "It's...simply amazing. You really love me."
"Of course I do," he replied. "There could never be any other for me, Sally. Never. You'll always be my one true love, now and always." A smile as he lowered his voice. "Besides, I don't just take any woman into my bed."
"Oh, Jack," she laughed as she flung her arms around his neck. "I love you...."
A gentle smile as he kissed her hair. "Come on, let's go home."

Though she didn't like to admit, it, Sally was delighted with her purchases. Jack asked for her to try some of them on when they got back and she agreed, hurrying up to the bedroom with the bags. He just chuckled softly, following along behind her slowly.
She had her first dress on when he got to the top of the stairs, the long black one. It showed off her magnificent proportions wonderfully, the necklace going perfectly with it. A smile.
"You look gorgeous," he told her. "Where's that blue one? Can I see you in that as well?"
"Course, but you have to turn around while I change."
"Why? I've seen you naked enough times before."
A frown. "Don't be immature. Besides, I want it to be a surprise."
He sighed as he turned, closing his eyes. "Oh fine."
"And no peeking."
"I'm not!"
She smiled to herself, pulling off the black dress and pulling on the other. "Alright, you can turn around now."
He opened his lids as he turned around. His eyes shot open as he stared at her. "Wow," was all he could mutter.
She was simply stunning as she stood there before him. The shimmery dress was quite short on her, rising above her knees. The neckline of it was quite low, the necklace sitting beautifully on her bare neck. A smile. "Like it?"
"Love it," he muttered, stumbling over to her and holding her arms gently. He stood gazing with wonder as his eyes absorbed what he saw; her beautiful legs, her arms, her sweet beautiful neck, the gentle curve of her breasts. He kissed her. "Oh, how sweet you are," he declared. "How wonderful, how magnificent....say you'll always be mine, now and forever."
"I will," she replied. "Oh, I promise you I will."
He wrapped his arms around her. "My little flower," he muttered. "My angel, my sweet..."
"My king," she smiled as she kissed him. "My hero, my lover...."
They said no more as they stood there, together in each other's arms. Life could be no better then it was now, in no way. They had each other, and they had their love. And that was all they needed.

The next day in their treehouse home near the graveyard, Lock Shock and Barrel each sat doing their own thing. Lock was sharpening an axe, Shock was decapitating her favourite doll, and Barrel was sitting poking a cat with a hot poker. After a while he began to tire of this game, sitting back and allowing the poor animal to slink away. He yawned loudly. "This is boring," he complained. "Let's go into town and play a trick on the Mayor. He's so much fun to bug."
His sister didn't bothering with looking up. "We did that yesterday, dope head."
He shrugged. "It was just a suggestion."
Lock held up his axe proudly, grinning at the job he had done. "That's a nice edge," he declared. "Hey Shock, got another doll I can destroy?"
"No way, you're not getting any of them. They're mine to behead."
"Come on..."
"Only if you'll give me some of your trucks to crash."
"Deal. Lemme go get 'em." He dashed off. By now she had finished on the toy, and eyed it. "What d'ya think, Barrel?
He looked at it. "What're gonna do now, burn it?"
"I thought it might add a nice touch, yeah. We got any extra gasoline around here?"
"Nope, we used the last of it yesterday. We gotta go get some more."
"We're broke though."
"So? Steal it."
A shrug. "Works with me."
Lock appeared again then, carrying a red dump truck. "Here ya go. One of my best. I want a good doll, too, no crappy ones."
She tossed him one with black hair and a blue dress. "That's all you're getting."
He nodded as they made the switch. "Thanks."
Barrel suddenly cried out in alarm from the window. "Hey you guys, check this out!" he called.
They both dashed over to see what was up. "Jack?" muttered Lock. "What's he doing here?"
A shrug. "Beats me, but Sally's with him."
"Think they came to see us?"
"Nah, I'm guessing they're just walking."
A grin from Shock. "Let's go spy on them. See what they're up to."
Delighted cheers all around as they ran to their little elevator. This was one opportunity they couldn't pass up.

Jack and Sally had decided that morning to take a bit of a stroll later on, maybe head out somewhere for lunch. They now walked walked arm-in-arm, headed towards the treehouse of Lock, Shock and Barrel. The cage elevator was lowered; they must be gone out somewhere. The King looked towards his lover. She appeared distant, off in another place. "What are you thinking about?" he asked her.
"That Christmas Eve when I went down into Oogie Boogie's lair," she replied sadly. "It was so horrible down there, Jack. I thought I was going to die, I believed it was all over. That monster was absolutely repulsive, he kept spitting out these bugs...I still have nightmares over it."
He touched her arm softly. "Do you want to go down, there, Sally? Go back to that night? It's the only way to get rid of the fear, you know that. You have to conquer it."
She clutched his arm tightly, taking a deep breath. "I--I guess so," she said shakily. "You're right; I can't beat this by running from it. He's dead, right? What more can he do to me now?"
"Atta girl. Come on, I'll get us in." He led them over to the elevator, gesturing towards an opening in a barred drain pipe he had made that fateful night. "We can squeeze in through here," he told her. "I'll go first, you can follow." She nodded, watching as he slipt gracefully through the bars. He jumped to the ground of the darkened lair. "Now you," he prompted her. Taking a deep breath she jumped down, into his waiting arms. He grinned at her. "Nice of you to drop in." He set her down as she glanced around the lair. A low gasp came from her throat. "It's just as we left it," she said. "Geez, you can still see the fabric that held him together, caught up there...oh, Jack..."
He took her hand as he led her towards the bubbling orange mixture in the centre of the floor. "It's alright now," he said. "Take a look around; he's not here, is he? Everything's fine, he can't hurt you anymore. You've got me to protect you."
She smiled weakly. "Kinda full of yourself, huh?"
"Is there anything wrong with that?"
"Course not, love."
He looked towards where Lock, Shock, Barrel, and the mayor had pulled them up after Sandy Claws had left. The rope was still hung there, and he grabbed hold of this. "Wanna go see if anyone's home upstairs?"
"Are you sure they won't try and kill us?"
He laughed. "They'd never dream of trying anything like that on me. They know I'd have them severely punished. Anyways, I had some things I needed to discuss with them."
A nod. "Sure then. Here, I'll go up first."
"Go for it."
He stood back as she climbed the rope. She did it expertly, sitting at the top a few seconds later. "Your turn," she called down. He hoisted himself up as well, joining her. From here they climbed a set of stairs into the treehouse home, where the three lived.
"Lock?" he called. "Shock? Barrel? Are you here?"
From the other side of the house, he could hear the elevator slowly winding its way up. A moment later the three burst inside. They all halted upon seeing the king and his lady friend. "Oh, so here you are," smiled the eldest of the three. "We were spying on ya, but we didn't know where ya'd gotten to." He nodded. "Good for you." He glanced around the place. It was quite the interesting place, littered with all kinds of things they used for their tricks in town. "So this is your little home," he said. "Very nice." He walked around a bit, stepping over axes and swords. He bumped into a bathtub, causing it to snort at him. "Um--sorry," he apologized. Barrel grinned.
"That's Jake. He doesn't like being bothered."
"Well--Jake--please accept my apologies." The tub said nothing, just drifted back to sleep. The King just shrugged, resuming to look around. The place was quite cozy actually, perfectly suited their their needs. He walked over to a small shelf on the wall, upon which a picture had been perched. He pulled it down, looking at it. In the photo were five people; a woman, a man, and three children. It was quite clear that this was the former family of the three, the adults being their parents. All of the children appeared very small, Shock being no more then around 6 years of age. Barrel was probably around 3, Lock 4. He looked at the kids. "Are these your folks?" he asked quietly.
They nodded. "They're gone now," said the girl.
He sat down on the floor, beckoning them over. They approached hesitantly. "Tell me," he said. "You sound sad."
Lock sat next to him, playing with the blade of a sword. "They left us when we were only small," he said. "That photo was taken only about two weeks before they left. Each of us were sent to work for Oogie Boogie when we were around two years old."
Barrel sat as well. "Then one day the left us. Just dropped us off and never came back."
"Where'd they go?" asked the king.
Shock finally took a seat. "To the human world," she told him. "Left us here totally alone. It's been about 5 years without them now, and all that time we've had the Boogie man. Now he's gone, and we're alone."
"Well, he wasn't exactly much of a role model."
"Still, he was all we had," she protested. "We learned all we know from him, he pretty much raised us."
"Which is why you've come to be such nuisances around town. Playing horrible pranks and such. He taught you to, and now you don't know how to be any other way." No response. He sighed. "That's horrible. You know, if you gave me the names of your folks, I could track them down for you, get them back. We have programs that do that kind of stuff."
"No," Barrel said quickly. "Don't do that."
"Why not?"
"Cause they're also convicted crimals. And we don't want to get them into trouble."
"They're still our parents," said his brother quietly. Nothing from Shock.
A nod from Jack after a moment of silence. "Yes, I understand." He was quiet for a second as he pondered something over. At last he stood up, looking down at them. "I am deeply sorry about your parents," he said. "Having lost my parents an an early age to death, I know what it feels like to grow up without a proper adult mentor. But somehow I will fix this, I will fix everything up for you." He gave them a two finger salute as he took Sally's arm, leading her towards the cage elevator. "I will think the situation over, give it some thought. I will get back to you by the end of the week." The elevator began to move downwards, and they waved good-bye in return, unable to say anything.
"Jack," began Sally once they were outside, "What did you have in mind?"
He shrugged. "I had no idea. But I'll come up with something; I promise you I will."

Sally woke up that night to discover that her love was no longer beside her. Sitting up in the bed she saw him pacing the floor, nightcap crooked on his head as he clutched his skull. "Darling, what's the matter?" she asked. "Why are you awake like this?"
He didn't cut his pace. "Those three," he muttered. "There must be some way...."
A frown. "Why does it bother you so much?"
He stopped, looking out the window at Halloween Town below. All was dark, everybody nestled snuggly in their beds. "I guess it's my own parents," he said at last. "I don't want what I experienced to happen to anyone else. And I surely don't want them to grow up and be the way I am today. And unless I help shape them up now, they're going to turn into evil villains just like Oogie was. I don't need three of him running all over the place."
She laughed, but stopped when she saw that he wasn't joining her. A sigh as she rose from the bed, joinging him by his side. She embraced him, kissing his jaw softly. "Jack, you made a promise to those three and I know that you'll keep it," she told him. "You always do. But you must relax. Go back to sleep. I know that if you don't, neither will I."
A frown. "Oh, alright. I'll come to bed. But I'll never get to sleep."
She hopped underneath the covers, smiling as he slid in beside her. "You never know," she said simply. With that she gave him a kiss, turning out the bedside lamp. "Goodnight, my King."
"Goodnight, darling. See you in the morning."

Jack woke at around 8:00 that morning, to find Sally still asleep. After giving her a gentle kiss he rose from the bed, stretching. Grabbing his towel from a chair he headed into the bathrom, closing the door before taking a nice, hot shower.
He felt nice and clean as he stepped back out, drying off his skull as he thought about Lock, Shock, and Barrel. Sally was just waking as he glanced over at her. She gave a little smile as she cuddled into the blankets.
"How can you be awake so early?" she asked sleepily.
A shrug. "I've done it since I was first crowned King, luv. It becomes habit."
"Well, I'll gladly stay here and sleep for a while."
He grinned. "A good plan." After stopping to think for a second, he hurried over to his closet, pulling out his favourite black pinstriped suit. Pulling on a pair of socks he hauled on the pants, then grabbing a white shirt and buttoning it up before tucking it in. Sally just watched, smiling. "Enjoying yourself?" Jack asked as he searched for his good jacket, also pinstriped.
"Very much so," she replied as he found it, poking his arms into the sleeves and doing it up. All that was left now was his bat-tie, which he found easily and did up with an expert's touch. He glanced at a clock; it was now 8:20.
"I'm gonna go grab some food then," he told her as he headed over to grab his briefcase and the blueprints of the graveyard. "Then I'll be off."
"Alright, love," she told him as he came over to the bed, giving her a kiss. "I might come down to Town Hall later on today sometime."
"Great," he smiled. "See you later, dear."
She waved gently. "So long, love."

By 9:00 Jack was at Town Hall, and the day's affairs were already nicely under way. He watched as the vampires carved jack-o-lanterns, then looked towards two witches as a cloud of black smoke burst out from their cauldron. They coughed, immediately blaming each other for the fault. He just sighed, walking over to them and taking the stirring rod from the smallest one. After mixing the brew for a moment, he frowned. "No wonder it went so wrong," he said. "Just look at this--you must have accidentally added the toenail of a skunk or something. There's nothing else that I could imagine that could make a simple disapeering potion go so wrong. I suggest you try making a new batch."
"We spent all day yesterday on that thing," said the larger witch. "I know for a fact that neither of us added anything besides the required ingredients."
He shook his head. "I bet it was those three trouble-makers..." he muttered. "Alright, thank you ladies. Good luck with your next batch." He glanced around the room until he spotted the mayor, talking to a werewolf. He headed quickly over to them, calling to his friend. The obese little man looked up as the werewolf slinked away. "Ah, Jack," he said. "Everything seems to be going well."
"Somewhat," he replied. "The witches have had a bit of an accident with their brew. Lock, Shock, and Barrel, I'm guessing."
A sigh. "How are we ever going to get caught up with those three causing so much mischief? They've already hit so far today, stealing a gallon of gasoline. I'm telling you, they're nothing but trouble."
"There must be some way to tame them, though," the King said as he scratched his chin. "Me and Sally were discussing this just last night. We were discussing the fact that they don't have any parents."
"Well, maybe that's all they need," the mayor shrugged. "Adult mentors. You know, someone to act as their mother and father, to be their role models."
Jack's face suddenly lit up. "Brilliant!" he cried. "Pure genius! I know exactly what I'm going to do now!"
A look of concern. "Oh please don't tell me you're thinking what I think you are..."
"Oh, I am. I can't wait to talk to Sally about it! Thank-you so much Mr. Mayor!"
A sigh. "No problem, Jack."

Jack headed directly home at lunchtime, unable to wait any longer to tell Sally his wonderful idea. Happily he burst into the house, running inside.
"Sally!!!" he called. "Sally, where are you?"
"The living room, love," she replied.
He hurried in to find her reading. With a grin he grabbed her by the arms, pulling her up and dancing around the room with her. "Sally, I have the perfect solution to our problem with Lock, Shock, and Barrel!"
"Whoa, calm down there, Jack."
He stopped, still holding on to her arms. "Sally, let's adopt them! You and me!"
She was stunned. "Okay, sit me down." He let go of her, watching as she sat back upon the sofa. "Adopt them?" she asked gently. "Jack, are you sure that's such a good idea?"
"Yes, absolutely! What they need are parents, mentors, someone to take care of them. Let's do that, together!"
"I don't know. Becoming parents is one thing...but the parents of those three? I don't know..."
He sat beside her. "Sally, please. I'll talk to them, we can sign the papers and make it nice and legal. We can give them a good, loving home, a happy life. Teach them how to properly grow up in Halloween Town. Because, Sal, we're exactly what they need; parents!"
A sigh. "I still don't know, Jack. I mean, having a child is one thing. That much I can handle. But Jack, Lock, Shock, and Barrel? This is not going to work!"
"How do you know? Perhaps we'll be able to tame them, perhaps we can. You never know." He took her hands. "Please, Sally? Maybe they won't even accept, perhaps they'll turn down the offer. But let's at least try."
She frowned. "Oh, fine. We can ask them."
"Oh, thank you!!!" He gave her a kiss. "Come on, go back to Town Hall with me. That way if we see the three we can both talk to them."
"Alright. But I still say it's not going to work out."
He stopped her there. "No, none of that. We must keep our hopes up about this, no pessimism. Alright?"
A sigh as she rolled her eyes. "Oui, mon capitaine."

Lock, Shock and Barrel decided to head on down to Town Hall that afternoon, to see what sort of trouble they coupld drum up. But before they could manage to even frazzle the mayor's nerves a little bit....
"There you are!" Jack called. "Yes, you three, I've been looking everywhere for you. Come on, into my office."
This did not sound good. "Umm, are we in trouble?" asked Barrel.
"Only if you want to be," Jack replied. He waved over to Sally, who nodded and left her position carving pumpkins. She followed them into Jack's office, standing behind the desk as her love took a seat. He motioned for his visitors to sit also. They did.
"Now you three," he said at last. "You remember my promise to you from last night? I told you I'd somehow fix your problem of having no adult mentor, right?" They nodded, not sure where he was headed with this. "Well, I've come to a conclusion. Me and Sally have."
"I don't like the sounds of this," Shock sighed. "Alright Jack, what is it?"
"We want you to come live with us," he said without hesitation.
All three jaws dropped open. "What? Us?" Lock asked. "You must be teasing."
"We're not," Sally replied simply.
"Exactly," the King nodded. "We want a nice, warm place for you to grow up, some sort of family, exactly what we feel you need. It's a once in a lifetime offer, to live with the King and become his children."
"We'll do it!" Barrel cried, before his sister pounded his head with a fist. "Don't jump to conclusions yet, dummy," she warned, turning back to Jack and Sally. "Could we have a day to think about this please? Before making any final decisions?"
He nodded. "A noble request. Certainly, one day. 24 hours. But I want to see you back here, same time, same place, tommorrow. Don't make me come looking for you."
"We won't, Jack!" they replied simultaneously as they jumped down from their chairs.
"See you then," he called as they left. The door slammed as they hurried out. He just sighed, reclining in his leather chair. "Think it'll do any good?"
"I don't know, love," she replied. "We'll have to wait and see, I guess." She sat upon his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. He began to play with her hair.
"I hope they say yes," he went on. "I know we can change them, Sally, make them decent citizens of Halloween. If anyone can do such a thing, we can."
She gave him a kiss. "We can certainly try, my dear. We can certainly try."

Lock, Shock, and Barrel walked slowly through the graveyard, headed towards their treehouse home. "I really don't know," the former was saying. "We have a reputation to uphold here, Jack and Sally are gonna do nothing but ruin that."
"No, no, no!" Shock cried. "You've gotta look deeper into it then that. Just think; Jack and Sally adopt us; we immediately become royalty! Each one of us, me a princess and you guys princes. We become rich and everyone loves us. We get to live the high life in the Skellington mansion! Just imagine it you guys! It's what we've always dreamed of! And you're telling me you'd turn that down?"
"I'm not saying that," Lock replied. "I'm just trying to tell you that as long as we're with them, we'll never be able to be the kids we are now. You know, the trouble makers. They're gonna try and make us 'respectable' or something."
"Nah," Shock countered. "They won't be able to. We're Lock, Shock, and Barrel! Everyone hates us! They fear us! Even Jack himself! He'll never win. C'mon, say yes you two."
Barrel looked torn. "I dunno, I think it'd be kinda nice..."
"What are ya, a wuss?" his brother cried at him.
"Shut up, idiot," Shock hissed. "It's his choice. Whatever you two guys do, I don't care. But I'm going to live with Jack and Sally."
A frown from Lock. "Barrel, you wouldn't leave me here alone, would ya? Your big brother..."
"Yeah," he shrugged. "Why not? I wanna live with Jack and Sally. I'm joining ya Shock."
The two exchanged a high five. "Way to go!" They both glanced over at Lock. "So, what're ya gonna do?"
He glanced rapidly between his two siblings.", you're both leaving me, and I don't wanna be left here alone! Fine, I'll come."
"Yeah!" Shock and Barrel cried, exchanging high-fives.
A frown. "You're happy now, aren't ya? Well, we'll see who'll be laughing when we're all prissy little know-it-alls."
His sister gave him a slight push. "Oh, shut up. This is gonna be great."
He glared at her, rubbing his sore shoulder. "Yeah, I bet. Just peachy keen."

Later on that evening Jack and Sally sat on the balcony together, looking over Halloween Town as they sat in each other's arms.
"Isn't it lovely?" the future queen sighed as she embraced her love. "All those little sparkling lights down's almost magical."
"That's the advantage of being the King," he similed in reply. "Your choice in real estate. My grandfather was the one who had it built here, actually. He wanted a nice place to build his home and to raise his only son, my father Robert. They lived here together; grandpa, grandma, and dad. A wonderful spot. He chose this hill, the highest in all Halloween Land. From here you can see just about any place in the kingdom; the town, the graveyard, the haunted forest, any of it. And from the tower, our bedroom, you've got windows all around you. You can see everything from there."
"It certainly is delightful," Sally agreed. "Your grandfather was a smart man."
"Indeed. I never met him, as he died before I was ever born, but I know the stories quite well. I was named after him, actually, my middle name is his first name; Franklin."
"Franklin Skellington?"
"Yep. Grandma's first name was Judy. That's what my mom and dad were gonna name me if I'd been a girl."
"Oh, really? How cute!" A little kiss.
Jack just smiled gently as he looked back towards the stars, holding on to his delicate love. He didn't say much more after that, just sat there in silence.
When he looked back to Sally to say something around ten minutes later, he noticed that she was fast asleep. Smiling to himself he rose from his chair, picking her up before taking her inside and heading up to the master bedroom. After changing her carefully he let her lie in the bed, pulling the covers up around her. Giving her a kiss good-night he left the room, leaving the love of his life to rest in peace.

Sally woke up later that evening to piano playing. Wondering who was playing she rose from the bed, pulling on a pair of slippers as she trudged down the cast iron stairwell. She hadn't intended to fall asleep. But Jack, bless his heart, had put her stright to bed. Changed her and everything. Indeed, he was a sweetheart.
She continued along her way, the strange and melancholy tune swirling around her. It was wonderful, beautifully written, and somewhat sad. It was the oddest thing she'd ever heard in the way it sounded, yet it was lovely. Every now and again there'd be a pause, and then the playing would resume again. It all made her quite curious as to the identity of the player.
When she got to the living room she was surprised to see her own beloved Jack sitting there, composing the tune. Every now and again he'd bring himself from his playing to scrawl down a note or some other vital information. Then he'd pick up where he left off, playing a few more bars, then playing over what he had so far.
"That's really nice, dear," Sally smiled as she stepped into the room.
The king swirled around on his bench. "Oh, I...I didn't even see you there!" He scrambled to get rid of the papers. "I'll just...."
"No," she insisted as she laid her hand on his. "I love it. You're so talented, Jack, why didn't you tell me you could play the piano? I had no idea you could compose music!"
He resumed his composing, jotting a few more notes down and testing the sound of it. Not liking the tune of it he changed one of the notes and tried this combination out; he liked this one much better, smiling as he played it.
"How long have you been playing?" his love asked.
"Since I was a young boy," came the reply. "I play lots of other instruments as well; guitar, violin, harp, flute....I could go on and on. I'm self taught with them all."
"Have you been composing that long as well?"
He shook his head, no. "I've only been at this for the past 300 years or so. Once again, I taught myself. But I'm shy about my pieces so I don't share them often."
"So you're going to hide your fantastic abilities from the world? Jack, that's insane. You need to share your talents!"
"I don't know, I find it hard to share this with people. I don't know why. Maybe one day I will, who knows."
She shrugged as she sat upon the bench with him. "Well dear, that's your choice. I respect that."
"Thank you."
A little smile as her hands embraced the keys of the piano. "So, what's this new song you're working on? Does it have a name? Was it inspired by something?"
He glanced at the papers. "This one? No, I just started writing. Most of my stuff has a meaning, though. Some reason for being written. They're usually quite dark, and I love to compose when I'm in a particularly foul mood."
"Play me something."
"Like what?" he asked.
"I don't know, anything."
Silence while he thought. "Well, how about a song I wrote a few weeks ago? I wrote it about you, actually. It's called 'Sally's Song."
He cracked his fingers, placing them upon the keys and beginning to play. It started out quiet and dreary, creating a dark atmosphere. Yet slowly but surely the tune grew more cheerful, a little louder and a bit happier. The slow beat turned quite rapid, and soon his fingers were dancing across the keys as a magical, fairy-like tune embraced them. At one point the music grew solemn once again yet not for very long; it resumed its fast tempo, until the song had faded out.
"That was lovely," Sally told him. "You wrote that one for me?"
"Yes," he admitted. "The begining part, when it's more dark and dreary, symbolizes before I met you. When the tune is more cheerful is supposed to represent when I met you."
"And the part where it grew dim and then loud that you being depressed?"
"Yes, exactly. Then you come and lift my spirits back up again."
A little nod. "I get's beautiful Jack, thank-you."
He grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "No problem, my dear. No problem."

Jack went into work that day feeling very confidant. He was quite sure that Lock, Shock, and Barrel would accept his offer to move in with him and Sally. And he really hoped they did.
They showed up a little bit early, catching Jack and his girl-friend in mid-conversation over jack-o-lantern production that year. He just smiled upon seeing the three.
"And have you made a choice?" he asked them.
"We have," declared Shock. "We've decided to accept your offer."
The king applauded excitedly. "Wonderful then, I'll start making the appropriate arrangements...."
"On one condition," she continued.
"What's that?" Sally asked, interested.
The girl raised an eyebrow. "That we each get seperate bedrooms. We're sick and tired of sharing."
"I don't know..." Jack sighed teasingly. "You drive a hard bargain..."
"That or nothing," Lock stated.
A shrug. "Alright then, it's a deal. Seperate rooms. Now, you three do realize that by doing this you will be legally becoming my children..."
"Yes," they chorused.
"And furthermore, you will be living in the royal household..."
"Uh-huh," they agreed.
"Which means that you shall be royalty, two princes and a princess."
"So you have no worries over that? Or the fact that Shock will become my heir to the throne, being the eldest?"
Stunned silence for a second. "Shock...the queen?" muttered Barrel. "Yo, ya sure about that?"
"Postive," he replied. "Just as long as you three can learn to shapen up. You do, and you shall be entitled to a lifteime of riches, fame, and nobility. Should you not, then you will become nothing more then what you are today; reckless renagades. Do we still have a deal?"
A little growl from Lock. "Well, even though I'd love to be King myself, I'm just in it for the money..."
"Me too," declared his younger sibling.
"Course I am," laughed Shock. "You've got us, Jack."
"Great," he smiled. "I'll get the mayor to draw up the papers at once. Come back here tommorrow at 10 AM, with the stuff you need to move in. And don't be late!"

"ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!!!!!" the mayor was hollering at Jack. "SHOCK AS THE QUEEN??? HAVE YOU GONE TOTALLY NUTS???"
They were seated at the moment in Jack's office, and the short little man was quite upset. His head swivelled to reveal his angry side, it was quite clear he didn't aproove of the plan.
"Silence," the King simply demanded of him. The command was simple, yet consice, and the mayor immediately shut his mouth. "Be seated," the angered King told him. "How dare you talk to me in this manner," he declared. "Me, the ruler of this town, who could have you killed in an instant. You best watch your phrasing, sir. Now, as for the matter at hand, I have made my choice. You shall follow my instructions as told."
"But sir," he insisted with great concern. "Think what you're doing to Halloween Town. Number one, taking in those three hooligans...but leaving Shock as your heir!!! I beg you to reconsider!"
"I've already thought all this through," Jack said. "I shall whip those three in top shape, make them top-rate citizens of Halloween. They'll be noble, honourable, and respectful. Considerate, friendly, and overall good people. If anybody can, then I can. And you know it."
"Are you totally sure, your majesty?" begged the mayor. "I mean, positive??"
"Yes, definately. Now, there will be no more questions. Find me the papers that will make this adoption legal, and the ones that will make Shock my heir. And have them to me by no later then 10 AM."
A resounding sigh. "Yes, sir. I shall not fail you."

Lock, Shock and Barrel sat in their treehouse home later that evening, packing up their stuff. "I'll never be able to move this suitcase anywhere," Shock was muttering to herself.
Barrel just held up a dead rat, wrinkling his nose. "Think we'll be needing this?" he asked his siblings.
Lock shook his head. "Nah. We can just come back for anything we forget. Just bring your clothes and anything that's special to ya."
The youngest lad picked up the picture of their parents. "This too, we can't forget this. I wanna pack it with my stuff."
A shrug from the future queen. "Whatever, if it makes you happy."
"Don't ya miss them?" Barrel questioned his sister. "They were your parents, too."
"Course I do. I just don't feel the need to hold on to them. It's over now, they're gone. We've got new folks now."
Lock stood up angrily, tossing down a book he had carefully been packing. "Don't you say that," he hissed. "None of us might be able to remember them very well, but that doesn't mean they didn't exist. They were still our parents, and we're still their kids."
"Don't you get it?" Shock cried as she stood up from her place on her floor, throwing her hands into the air. "They abandoned us! Left us to rot, they didn't so much as care if we died! I still remember! I was six years old when they left, old enough to remember bits and pieces of what was going on back then. I remember that we were each sent to work for Oogie Boogie when we were two years old. We were to live in this threehouse here, but we were sometimes brought back home for visits. But then one day they decided to leave, I can remember the conversation mom and dad were having. And you know, they weren't these couple of bleeding saviours like you two morons have made them out to be. The only reason they look so decent in that crummy picture is because I begged them to dress up. They were stupid and didn't give a rat's ass about hygiene, for either themselves or us. They were cruel and nasty. Thing is, you're too young both of you to remember the stuff they used to do to us..."
"Stop!" Lock hollered. "You're lying, all of it is lies! I won't believe you, you're just trying to hurt us!"
"You idiot, I'm telling you the truth, I'm not trying to hurt you at all! You deserve to know."
"I won't accept any of it."
"STOP!" sobbed Barrel, tears streaming down his cheaks. "Can we just stop fighting? I don't want to talk about mom and dad anymore. Let's just finish packing."
"Fine," the eldest of the three sighed. "If you want to bury it like that, then who cares? Just don't come back begging to know."
It was quiet after that as they packed, neither of them daring to disturb the silence. Some things were just best left unmentioned.

Shock crept down the hallway, her tiny feet patting gently against the cold hardwood floor of the Creepson home. She passed the bedroom of her two brothers, who slept on a mattress laid upon the bare floor. Other then that the room was empty, save for a lonely blanket hardly big enough to cover them both. They had shared the same room since they'd been born, three year old Barrel currently cuddled into four year old Lock's chest. Both appeared quite peaceful, despite the way their parents forced them to live. All three kids were made to work for the town villain, a job which required them to live in a treehouse far from their folks. Right now they were on a one week vist to their parents, but Shock couldn't wait to get back to their evil master. It was better then being here.
She walked down the hall now towards her own room, just past that of her parents. In this rotting old shack it was surprising that the place hadn't fallen down by now; it was dirty and filthy, having never been cleaned. Clothes lined the floors. Rodents were everywhere. Food was nowhere to be found. It was certainly not a place for little children.
She was almost to her room when she heard her parents talking in hushed voices from their own bedroom. Pausing outside the slightly ajar door Shock could see her mother and father sitting upon the bed talking. Bill and Marie Creepson, known throughout the holiday worlds as thieves and criminals. She could hear them as they spoke;
"So how are we gonna do this?" asked Marie. "Just drop 'em off to Oogie Boogie's a few days early?"
"Exactly," Bill replied. "Thing is, we're never gonna come back. We'll blow this Halloween joint and head for the human world."
"Should we just leave them like that though? They're still our children, we had them together..."
"Now don't be geting sentimental on me," came the reply. "We've been planning this for so long, Marie! Remember our teenage years, when we'd fantasize about this for hours on end? Just leaving and starting a whole new life! You can't ruin this now. I'm not staying here, and I won't go without you."
A little smile. "That's actually kinda sweet, in an odd sort of way. Besides, who needs kids? They're just a pain in the ass." She laid her head on her husband's shoulder. "So we're doing it. Leaving for the human world. Dropping the brats and heading for our dreams." A chuckle. "It's almost enough to make you feel sorry for them."
A loud laugh from her husband. "Pathetic, isn't it?"
Shock just gave a little gasp as she backed away from the door slightly. Her parents, going to abandon them? They wouldn't do that...would they?
"Hey," Bill said suddenly, "did you hear that? I heard someone out there."
"Probably nothing," came the reply as his wife began to kiss him passionately. He just shoved her off of him, standing up and heading for the door.
Frightened of the possible consequences facing her for eavesdropping, Shock turned and fled to her own bare room, diving onto her mattress and pulling the lonely sheet over herself. Her six-year old body shook with fear as she anticipated what would happen next.
"Shock," came the voice. The familiar voice of her father. She acted asleep. "Don't bullshit me, Shock, I know you're awake."
"Daddy?" she said softly. "I don't know what you're talking about..."
"I've told you before, Shock, don't lie to me!" came the answer. "How much did you hear?"
She sat up at that point, tears streaming down her face as she glanced at her stern-faced father. Midas well tell, he'd get it out of her eventually. "All of it," she sniffed. "All your plans."
"I've told you not to do that before Shock," Bill Creepson frowned. "I've warned you."
"Daddy, please..." she begged as he took a step forward.
He paid no heed as closed the door behind him, pulling off his belt. "Don't beg," he told her.
"You've been bad, and I'm going to punish you. Now be quiet and don't cry, or I'll hurt you even more."
Holding in her sobs Shock allowed him to stretch her out upon her stomache. Gently Bill lifted her little nightdress, exposing her light green flesh. Then he raised the belt, bringing it down hard upon her skin. She cried out at this first strike, immediately silencing herself; she had learnt well enough by now to remain silent. The quieter you were, the less he'd hit you. Yet no matter how silent she was, the pain was still excrutiating.
Bill completed his task a moment later, putting away his belt as he took a step backwards. "That's all," he said. "Since I'm leaving ya tommorrow, I may as well be kind and leave you able to walk." He said nothing more after that, just slipped out of the room.
Shock meanwhile just lay there hurting, her back throbbing. He had done stuff like that before, many times. Sometimes worse then others. Sometimes she'd have broken bones; others simply a bruise. Then would be the other times, the times she'd hate the most. Usually it would happen when he was drunk. After a few beers he'd stumble into her bedroom, rambling on about nonsense as he pulled away her panties. She'd cry as he raped her, screaming for him to stop. Yet he was oblivious to her pleas until he was done. Chances were that he'd then give her a slight kick, telling her to stop blubbering before pulling himself from the room. Nothing more would be said about it, never. Or else Shock would get a terrible beating from her dad, who'd tell her to stop lying about things that never happened. So she didn't question the things he did anymore; she just let him do it.
Yet even though she was in pain Shock couldn't help but shiver with delight. Her parents were finally leaving! Both her mother and her father! No more abuse! No more of her mom's name calling! It seemed almost too good to be true. No more would she and her bothers have to put up with what they did. And they never would again, none of them. Shock would make sure of it.

Jack and Sally sat in one of the many benches in Town Hall, the King with an arm around his lover. It was nearly ten by now, and both were ready for the arrival of Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
"So what do you think it'll be like?" asked Sally. "I mean, living with those three?"
"I don't know," came the honest reply. "I guess we'll see, won't we?"
"We'll be parents, won't we? Even though they're not biologically ours?"
"Of course. They'll be entrusted to our care. We'll be responsible for them."
She smiled as he kissed her tenderly. "I suppose you're right. I'm just slightly nervous, what if I mess up? What if I do a bad job?"
His mouth turned upwards into a gentle smile, the corners of his eyes wrinkling slightly. In that brief second, he appeared far older and wiser then his 504 years. "You'll do just fine," he reassured her. "I promise."
"I hope you're right," she sighed as her lips found his.
"Ahem," came an impatient voice. Quickly the two of them straightened themselves up, to find the three hoodlums standing there ready with their suitcases. "Look you two," declared Shock, "if you want us to move in with you, you're gonna have to cut down on that stuff."
"Yeah, guess so," laughed Jack. "Sorry, kids. You ready?"
"Yep," came the answer.
"Wonderful. Come along then, to my office. The papers are all there and waiting. Me and Sally have signed already; now it's up to you guys."
Nothing more was said as they headed into the office, Jack sitting in his leather chair. He pushed the papers forward, as well as a pen. "One at a time," he smiled.
It barely took a moment. First of all to sign was Barrel. In his small and untidy script he wrote his name upon the designated dotted loine. Next came Lock, somewhat neater but a bit too large. Finally was Shock, in tiny and well practised script. Taking the adoption papers now Jack pulled out a large rubber stamp, dipping it in some ink before leaving it's mark upon the page. He grinned at it. "And there you go," he smiled. "You are now legally Lock, Shock, and Barrel Skellington." A sudden holler of joy from the three as they leaped into the air, embracing each other. "Hold on now," came Jack's voice once more. "Shock, there's one more thing for you to sign."
"What?" she asked as she eyed him.
"The forms that will legally make you my heir to the throne."
"You're positive about this?" she asked him. "Positive?"
"Yes," he told her. "Now sign before I change my mind."
"Haul your horns in, I'm hurrying." In a second she was done as she handed the paper back, allowing him to stamp it.
"So is that it?" asked Sally. "It's all over?"
"Yep," he smiled. "All nice and legal now. Welcome to the family, kids." He poked the papers into his desk, folding his hands together. "First, however, we need to have a little talk about the way things are going to be operating within this family. Now, everyone in this room is quite well aware of your reputation around Halloween Town. But you know something? That's gonna be changing very soon. Because if it doesn't, I will be forced to withdraw everything I have given today. And that wouldn't be such a wise move on your behalf. I can give you pretty much anything you could ever want in this world. I can make you famous, wealthy, anything. I can provide for you things beyond your wildest dreams. But you must learn to be nice, respectable citizens of Halloween Town. Or else, all of this shall be taken away from you. Because it will not be tolerated. So do as you're told, be respectable, and act like what the children of the Pumpkin King would be expected to act like. Understood?"
"Yeah," came a chorus of three voices.
"Great." He stood up and grinned. "Now let's go get you settled in."

A half an hour later they there at last; the Skellington mansion.
"Wow," whistled Barrel. "This is where we're gonna live?"
"Sure is," Jack told him. "Come on, let's head on inside."
"YEAH!" the three screamed, running up the front steps and bolting in through the front door.
Sally meerly laughed at their enthusiasm. "It's nice to see them so thrilled," she told her love. "Maybe there is a hope for them after all."
"I think there is," he said as he kissed her before stepping into their home. There stood each Lock, Shock, and Barrel, gazing with wonder at the massive house.
"Wow," the former marvelled. "This is some place."
"Indeed it is," the King replied. "Come on, let's go for the grand tour."

By noon everyone was all settled off in their own designated rooms unpacking their stuff, having adjusted to their new home. Sally was upstairs ironing, while Jak sat working in his study. Even though he had taken a day off for today, he still had plenty of work to be done.
"Hey Jack," came a voice suddenly. He looked up to see Lock standing in the doorway.
"Hello there," he replied. "Come on in." He did, sitting upon a black leather sofa near the desk. "So what do you think so far?"
"Pretty cool," Lock smiled. "You're really letting us stay here?"
"Of course. We'll be like a family. You, me, Sally, and your siblings."
"And I'm a Skellington? We all are?"
"Well, technically Sally isn't yet, but she will be when we get married."
He raised an eyebrow. "You proposed to her yet?"
"No," he admitted. "I've been waiting."
"For what?"
A pause. "I have no idea," Jack replied at last. "To make sure she loves me, perhaps. For the right time. I don''t know."
"Well, does she love you then?"
"Yes, I know she does. And I love her too, very much."
"What are you waiting for then! Pop the question already!"
"Pushy little thing, aren't you?"
"You didn't answer the question, what are you waiting for?"
"I already said, I don't know! The right time, maybe, I've no clue."
"Well, how will you know when it's the right time?"
He chuckled. "Trust me, I'll know. Now, I'd better go take out the trash like I was supposed to do this morning. Wanna help?"
A shrug. "Midas well, nothing beter to do. Things do get more exciting here, don't they?"
Jack laughed as he stood up, ruffling his hair. "They do, believe me. We'll get you some good toys or something pretty soon, whatever you want. Nice new clothes, that stuff."
"Hey, cool, why ya gonna do that?"
"Cause legally, you're my son now, you and your siblings are me and Sally's children. Now, let's go get rid of that garbage."

Shock sat in her new bedroom a while later, still unpacking her suitcase. It was a lovely room; black canopy bed, lush red carpet, black curtains. She rather liked it. Yet she hadn't quite warmed up to the idea of living here with Jack Skellington as his heir. Someone like her as queen? Was he totally out of his mind? Was Sally? Weren't they at least a little bit worrisome? Yet they had both seemed extremely confident of her. Very supportive, as if they were totally sure of her abilities. Perhaps she had better start re-thinking her approach to life, "scare 'em all and have more fun". A queen certianly couldn't have that outlook on life.
Pulling out her favourite purple dress Shock hung it up in her large closet, smoothing down the fabric. She'd stolen this one, having no money. And certainly Oogie Boogie hadn't given them any pocket change. So she and her brothers had been forced to do whatever they could to get new clothes. But it appeared now that they'd never have that problem again. Not so long as they were with Jack. He was generally a very nice person, exceedingly generous and kind. Yet to go as far as to adopt her and her brothers! What boldness! She still thought that he was a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket though, he had to be nuts in order to name her the heir....
"Shock?" came a voice suddenly. "Mind if I come in?"
"Go for it," she replied.
In stepped Jack, smiling at her. "Still unpacking?"
He sat on her bed. "I always loved this room. If I didn't have the tower, I'd have chosen to sleep in this one."
"Yeah, it's rather nice. Actually Lock's is kind of similar to this one, except the whole room has a black theme. Believe it or not, the walls of Barrel's room are striped. I love that, I love stripes in general."
"Striped? That's cool."
"He thought so, yeah. You should have seen his face when he stepped inside for the first time."
"Yeah, he's always had a thing for black and white."
"Same here," he smiled as he watched her. Silence for a few moments.
"Why'd ya pick us?" she asked him at last. "I mean, to adopt? Me as the heir? How can you hold that much faith in us, that much trust after all we've done? I still don't get it!"
"Because both me and Sally felt that you deserved a chance. Because underneath, there's three great kids under there. And we thought that we should let you know that."
"But still, it's not like me and my brothers are exactly a couple of saints," she replied. "We've done so much bad stuff 'n all."
"So? What's it matter? None of that is important any more. This is a fresh new start for you. Make the best of it. Okay?"
She nodded. "Right. I'll learn how to be a good queen, and I'll be just as great as you are."
A beam of pride. "Thank-you." He rose. "I'll be going now, let you finish unpacking and all. Besides, I had to check on Barrel, see how he's making out."
" 'Kay, bye."
He smiled. "See you at supper."

8 Year old Shock sat in a chair in the corner of the treehouse home she shared with her brothers, reading a magazine to herself. Alternate Torture Devices Weekly, read the the cover.
"Can't catch me!" came a cry suddenly as 5 year old Barrel rushed into the room, followed by a furious six year old Lock.
"Stay still so I can pound ya!" he screamed at his sibling, who was laughing from his spot behind Shock.
"Shhhh!" she warned them both. "Oogie Boogie's sleeping, do you really wanna wake him up?" That got them good. They fell silent as they slunk to the floor, frowning.
"I hate this," whined Barrel. "Don't we at least get a playtime?"
"This is our playtime," Shock replied, not looking up from her magazine. "When that big sack of bugs down there is asleep."
"It's still not fair," Lock said as he moped bitterly.
"Well, it's the best we can do, and if I were you I wouldn't complain. You don't remember what it was like living with mom and dad, with those cold mattresses. Be happy we get real beds here and that at least Mr. Oogie Boogie isn't mean to us. He likes us, ya know. He doesn't like many people."
"And he
really hates Jack!" laughed Barrel. "Stupid Pumpkin King, thinking he can keep us out of Halloween Town."
Lock nodded, rubbing his hands together with glee. "Yeah, everyone thinks he's so high and mighty. They all love Jack."
"Now, now," their sister smiled. "We love him too, right? Just not in that 'cuddly' way."
"Yeah!" came a cry from the boys.
"Exactly. And we're better off here then we'd be with any old parents, aren't we? We're all by ourselves, no-one to boss us around. We're free! Plus we've got the Boogie man, who lets us stay here. We get to do his evil bidding, which is always a lot of fun," she said with a grin. "Sending him victims and all."
"You're right," Lock nodded. "And sometimes he rewards us for our hard work. I love it when he makes his snake-and-spider stew."
"Mmmmm," they all chorused.
"Yeah, we've got it pretty good here," he went on. "Better then we would be without parents.
"Hey, I'm gonna go outsdie and step on some bugs. Coming bro?"
"Sounds great. See ya, Shock." They were gone before she even had a chance to say goodbye. Sighing, she sat back in her chair. Part of what she had said was true; they were a lot better off hre then when they'd been with Bill and Marie. But still, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow when she remembered her folks. Sometimes, all she really wanted was a nice and loving mother and father to hug her and her brothers and keep them safe. Her little brothers had been forced to grow up too quickly, she knew that. So had she. They should still only be little kids running around and having fun, all of them should. But reality had come crashing down upon them all far to early, and now they had forever lost their innocence. Now all three former loving children put fear into the hearts of the citizens of Halloween Town, something she really didn't enjoy that much. But it was expected of her, so what else could she do? And then there was what she'd said about Jack. She really didn't hate him at all, he was only doing his job. In fact, she kind of liked 'that' way. Well, most every girl did, she knew that. Jack was one of the handsomest men in town, that was definately the truth. But of course, she still had that image to maintain. Would this be the way it would always be? Would she always be forced to hide her true identity? "One day," she muttered to herself. "One day...."

The Mayor stood on the steps to town hall with the witches and the clown with the tearaway face, pouting angrily. "I still don't get it," he was saying. "I mean what Jack's doing, allowing those three trouble makers into his home. He's even letting that Shock kid become his heir! It's wrong I say, wrong and immorally improper!"
"Indeed," said the larger of the two witches. "He's doing Halloween no good through this judgement of his. This is all going to backfire on him."
"He should wait until Sally gives him a proper heir," the clown muttered. "She's obviously the one he plans to marry."
The smallest witch laughed. "That girl? Surely King Jack knows that he could do a lot better then that. There's so many fine beauties in this town..."
" me," piped her sister.
"Yes, of course. "There are so many beauties in this town, why settle for a piece of rags like her?"
"I think you're jealous," the clown grinned.
"No way!"
"You know I'm right!"
"Dream on! Now come here and let me give you a good smack like you deserve!"
"Now now, calm down," the mayor frowned. "No need for that. I'm certain Jack knows what he's doing, I'd never judge his wishes....hopefully, you three know better not to as well..."
The larger witch let out a loud cackle. "Scared, Mr. Mayor?"
His face flushed red. "No, no, never, of course not," he stammered. He regained his composure.
"But really, I would never want to question him. He will get very angry and have you punished."
"Yeah, remember that Tom fella?" asked the small witch. "Jack banished him from Halloween Land, remember that?"
"That with good reason though," the mayor replied. "Tom was only hindering the holiday, constantly refusing to do any work. Then when Jack forbid him from coming to Town Hall anymore, Tom went ahead and snuck in one night, destroying all we had acheived so far that year. And this was in July, so we had only three more months left till the big night. We had to work exceedingly hard to get caught up. So that was Tom's own fault."
"Well, still..." she muttered.
"Still, nothing," he frowned. "I just say that we forget the entire Lock, Shock, and Barrel issue. Jack and Sally will come to regret it and set everything right once again. Just you watch."
The larger witch just narrowed her eyes. "I hope."

Jack knocked at the door to Barrel's room, entering at a friendly "Come in!". Smiling he entered the spacious black-and-white striped room.
There sat the boy upon his bed, looking at a framed picture. The King sat besides the lad, recognizing it to be the same picture from the treehouse his parents.
"I had to bring it," the boy smiled.
"Yes, certainly." He allowed Barrel to stand up and place it on the dresser before returning to his spot.
"I don't remember much about them," the child said. "Except that I miss them."
"That's all right. I don't remember much about my folks either."
"Nope. I was only 2 when my mom died, 8 with my dad. I still miss them, very much. Sometimes I feel very upset over it, but I know none of it was my fault. I guess what happens does so for a reason."
"Perhaps." He was quiet for a minute. "Hey," he said at last, "What's for supper?"
"Whatever you want. If we got it, you can have it."
"Wow! What about rat burgers?"
"Sure, if you please. We've got lots of stuff. I really like to cook you know, and I'm pretty good at it. Tonight we'll be nice and let you have whatever, but after that you'll have what's being made that evening. That alright?"
"Anythings better then what we had while we were on our own," Barrel said as he wrinkled up his nose. "Human food sometimes, potatoes and stuff. Only cause we had nothing else."
"Then I guess you'll be pretty content here. Well that's great." He stood up then. "Well I'd better be off I suppose, I had some business to tend to. When you're done just come on downstairs, me and Sally will be waiting there. Alright?"
"Yeah, great. See ya."
The king headed to leave, before Barrel called for him to wait.
"Hey, Jack?"
"Yes, son."
A soft smile. "No problem."

Jack and Sally sat in the living room a half an hour later, comfortable in each other's embrace. "This is great," the future queen was saying. "I really think that we're making progress already with those three."
"Never know, could be," came the answer. "Hopefully." He gave his love a sweet kiss, touching her face softly afterwards. He said nothing now, simply gazed into her eyes as he admired her gentle beauty. "A true angel," he whispered. "Good lord, you're magnificent. And you're mine."
"As you're mine," she replied, moving closer to him. Their lips met and his hands sought the warmth of her body, first finding her breasts and then her hips. She giggled as they fell upon the sofa, Jack on top as he kissed her.
"I'd best get off you before the kids find us, huh?" he asked as his mouth made its way down her neck.
"Probably," she sighed. "I'm certain that *kiss* they don't want to come down to find us *kiss* making out on the sofa."
With a groan the King sat up, straightening his suit. His darling just remained where she was, gazing up at him. Her dress had settled in a manner such that he could just barely see her breasts. A laugh as his eyes settled on this flesh.
"You know, you're really making it impossible for me to keep off of you."
She ginned devilishly. "That's the purpose, dear."
He just frowned at her as he pulled her into an upright position, allowing her to kiss him. "I love you," he whispered as her hands rested on his chest.
"Love you too, Jack..."
"We...interrupting something?" came a voice suddenly. The two looked up to see Lock, Shock, and Barrel watching.
"," the King replied as he and his love seperated. "Not at all."
Shock laughed. "Hey Jack, you've got lipstick on ya."
"How'd that happen I wonder...where to?"
"Your mouth...your cheek....your neck...."
Quickly he sought to remove these stains as Sally's face went red. "Yes, well um...thank you." Quickly he rose from his spot. "Anyways you three, I was thinking that perhaps you might like to go pick up some new clothes and stuff for yourselves right about now. I did the same to Sally when she moved in. I feel that now as a family you have no reason to be running around in those little rags of yours."
"Cool!" cried Barrel. Do we get to do that now?"
"Right away, yes. Get your shoes on and we'll be off!"

The were around 3 hours down at the mall, an came back with many shopping bags full. Jack smiled at the excited kids, who rambled on about the purchases they now carried.
"This is so cool!" cried Barrel as soon as they stepped into the house. "Can we go try them on?"
"Of course. They're all yours now, aren't they?"
"Cool!" quicker then lightening the three disapeered up the stairs, leaving Jack and Sally alone in the kitchen. Sally meerly laughed as she poked their her own bag. Nothing really, just some material for a dress she had planned on making.
"Lovely," her husband commented as he gazed at it. It was black silk, a favourite of them both.
"Thanks. I wanted to make some sort of skirt. I don't know, I'm just feeling very creative. Wanted to give some of my own designs as start."
"Wonderful, love. Look, even I bought something today. A sweater, check it out. He pulled it into view so she could see it; black it was, with little white ghosts.
"Cute," she laughed. "Oops, look at this. One of Shock's shirts is in here, I should go get it to her. I'll be right back."
"I'll be waiting."
Quickly she hurried from the kitchen and up the steps, heading down the hall and knocking upon Shock's closed door. "You in there?" she asked.
"Yep," came the asnwer.
"You left a shirt in my bag."
"Oh great, come on in."
Sally pushed open the door and stepped inside, to find the girl putting her new clothes away. Already she had changed into a black dress she had chosen out, one of the faovurite things she had picked out. "That looks great, dear!" she immediately cried as she put down the item she carried. "You look so pretty."
"Oh, yes. I would never lie to you, never. My, how charming you are."
"Wonder what my mom and dad would think of me," Shock said quietly as she sat upon her bed dejectedly.
An encouraging little smile as Sally sat on the best beside her, putting an arm across her shoulder. "I'm sure they'd be very proud."
The girl simply shook her head. "I doubt that. I doubt they'd even care."
Confusion. "Why do you say that?"
"Cause my folks were horrible and perfectly awful. My brothers still think of them as some sort of heroes, but I simply can't feel that way. I remember the truth."
"You sound upset."
She nodded, wiping away a tear. "Yeah, and I don't know why. They were so mean to us! Sally, they beat me! And it'd hurt so much, and I'm scream for them to stop, but they never did!" She was crying by now, her face buried into Sally's shoudler. "And my dad, her was even worse, he'd get drunk and he'd...he'd..."
"What, dear? What did her do to you?" Nothing, simple more crying. "Shock, did he..."
"He would come into my room while I was sleeping," she said at last. "I'd know what was coming. I didn't know what he was doing then, but I do now. He'd rape me, Sal. And I was so scared..."
The woman's heart broke at that. "Oh my God..." she whispered, pulling the child closer to her. "But you were just a little girl, how heartless of them....darling, as long as you're here with us you'll never so much as have a hand raised against you. Neither myself nor Jack would ever desire to harm you or your siblings in either way. You can feel safe with us."
"I know, which is part of the reason I came here. Because I trust you two."
A kiss upon the forehead. "Oh, that's so great to know." She pulled away a bit, looking into the girls' tear stained eyes. "Anytime you want to talk to me, Shock, about anything, I'll be right here. I'm pleased you talked to me about this, perhaps it'll make you feel a bit better about it. 'Cause those days are over now. Forever."
"Thanks," came a whispered reply. "Can I come downstairs and get something to eat now? I'm kinda hungry."
A little nod. "Of course. We midas well get supper together while we're at it."

The rest of the evening went by pretty casually. After eating the kids went off to each do their own things, while each Jack and sally had their own chores to tend to.
It was around 9:00, one hour till bedtime, when Barrel and Shock joined Lock in his room for a little conference. The three had planned to do this earlier, get together and discuss whether or not it was worth staying here.
"So?" as the new heir to the throne. "What'd ya think?"
"I love it here," responded Barrel. "Jack and Sally are swell, we have everything we've ever needed or wanted plus more."
"Yeah," said his brother. "It's terrific."
"It really is. I could never imagine going back to live in that old treehouse again. Not when we've got all this.." she motioned to her surroundings, the lavishness of the bedroom. "It's great living here, we've got loving parents and everything."
"Our other ones weren't half, this good, were they?" the youngest child asked his sister. "They were poor and mean, huh?"
"Yeah," she replied quietly. "But still, I can't help but miss them. I wonder why that is."
"Suppose it's hard to forget them," Lock shrugged. "Don't worry, about it. We're all fine now."
"I know, I know, it's have no memory of what they were like. The things they'd do to us. You don't remember that they'd hurt you to! They'd hit you and push you around. Course Dad never did the other stuff to ya...only cause I was the girl."
"Shock, did he that to you?" Barrel whispered. "Like, really?"
"Yeah, he went ahead and did it. That's why I'm glad we're rid of him. You were the lucky ones, but I'd never have it any other way. I'd take so much crap for you two, it wasn't funny."
Lock chuckled despite the seriousness of the conversation. "Guess we owe ya, don't we?"
"Yeah, and big time." She rose. "But who wants to sit around here and talk? Let's go play! I'll count, you hide. Then I get to chase ya and if ya get caught, I get to hang ya."
"Count to 1000 then," replied Barrel. "C'mon Lock, I know a great spot!"
"200!" Shock cried back. Smiling to herself she began her count, glad to be here in the Skellington mansion as Jack and Sally's daughter. Life was good.

Though they didn't like to the three kids went to bed with very little trouble. Now that things were a bit quieter Jack decided to tackle some work. Sitting now at a desk in his rom he started reviewing some of the costs for Halloween that year.
Sally entered a while later, carrying a laundry basket full of clean clothes. She smiled at her husband as she put down her load, giving him a kiss. "How's it going?" she asked.
"Pretty good. Jack-o-lantern production is up ten percent, and apparantly over 100 bats have returned from Halloween last year. That's pretty good, considering that usually only a couple dozen ever do."
"That's great, love." She gave him a kiss as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm pleased that you're doing so well."
"Yes, I am as well. Hey, I should bring the kids in to Town Hall with me tommorrow. Let them actually help me, I wouldn't let them before. Didn't trust them to. But now, I think I can. I should."
"Indeed. A good idea, they'd like that I think."
He just smiled as he stood up, holding her in his arms gently. They stood there in silence for a few minutes, until he broke the silence.
"So do you think they're happy here? I mean, do you think they enjoy it?"
Sally sat upon the bed, looking up at him. "I know they do. Did you see the way they were playing there tonight? So content and all. And Shock I know does, she's very pleased. You know, they had it really bad off with their real folks."
He took a seat on the bed as well. "I wish I knew more about them. Their parents, I mean. Exactly who they were. I think the three know, but they've never so much as told a soul about them. I guess it's none of my business, but you can't help but be curious..."
"Shock described them to me a little earlier," Sally said quietly. "Oh Jack, it's heart wrenching, it really is. All three kids were beaten from a very young age, by their folks. And the father, love, he'd rape his daughter! When he was drunk! Do you believe it?"
"The bastard," he hissed. "If I ever meet him I swear, I'm gonna kill him."
"Not before she does, I tell you that much. But she's content being here, she feels safe now. They all do."
"I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't get angry often, but even when I do I'd never want to deliberately hurt anyone. Sally, have I ever hurt you in any way? Abused you or hit you or anything of the sort?"
"No, never dear."
"And I never would. Some men just don't understand that, thouh, they don't get it. I'm above that sort of behavior, though." He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Because I love you. I love you all. And never, as long as I'm living here, will any man dare to strike you or the kids. I can guarantee it."

The week drifted by quickly, and the family grew to come quite close to each other. In the evenings they'd get together and play in the living room, others go out for an ice cream or some other treat. And indeed the kids did seem to become much more civilized. They used manners, were friendly to others, didn't steal, even their pranks had been kept to a minimum. It baffled all the citizens of Halloween Town, who commended the King and his love on their success. They simply smiled at this, stating that the children would have snapped out of their way of life sooner or later.
It was one night around 7 days after Lock, Shock, and Barrel had moved in that Jack stated he'd be going out that evening.
"I have to go scaring," he said as he pulled on his coat to leave. "As the King, I have a limit of scares to do. You know, I have to scare so many humans. One day, Shock, you'll have to do the same. Remember that." He gave each of them a kiss before leaving, giving Sally a little hug. "I'll see you later, kay? You might be in bed by the time I return kids, so I don't know."
"See you, Jack. Have a great time, I'll be waiting for you."
"Wonderful. Bye." And with that he was gone.
"Hey Sal," began Barrel, "do you ever get to go scaring? With Jack I mean?"
"Well, he's taken me out with him on his excursions just to give me as bit of training but often times he simply likes to work alone. That's the way he is. But I don't mind that; as king he has certain duties. I never let that affect my thinking."
"Scaring's cool," Lock grinned. "It's fun."
"It is, in't it? Some evening we'll all go scaring as a family, that'd be fun." She then ruffled each of their heads. "Now you three, it's nearly 8:00 and each of you have still got chores to do."
"Awwww....." they groaned.
"Now now, don't protest. You finish quickly and I'll think about giving you some of the cookies I made earlier today. But you'd better hurry, cause you don't get none if your work isn't done!"
Delighted with this treat the three nodded, hurrying to perform their tasks. Sally's homemade cookies were just too good an offer to pass up.

It was dark as Jack walked down the streets of Peace River, a small town located in northern Alberta, Canada. It was a nice little place, located on the edge of a mighty river the same name as the town. It was wintertime now, and he could see the snow glistening brilliantly in the moonlight. It was enough to make him sick.
He headed now towards the town's only graveyard, located in the hills down in the North end. He had spent nearly three hours now scaring people; down at Riverfront Park, Main Street, everywhere. He had had great fun in the Saddleback Ridge area, a housing section just across the bridge from where he currently was. This area was surrounded in thick woods, where the local drunks often ventured. Nevertheless, he'd had a blast at that.
It didn't take too long to reach his destination. Though it wasn't very large the graveyard had exactly what he needed; a sole mausoleum, standing in the middle of the cemetary. Using this he would travel back to Halloween Town simply by stepping inside.
He was about to do exactly this when something stopped him. Footsteps, following him. Quickly he spun around, ready to attack. It was just a man come to visit a grave. Carrying a bouquet of flowers he laid them before a headstone, stepping back to think quietly. Amazed, the King watched. He had long been fascinated by humans and their acceptance of death. Sometimes they wept and sobbed uncontrollably, others remained fairly tranquil. It was his guess that whoever was buried here had been dead a while--the fellow was probably just a relative checking on the grave.
The man was about to leave when he spotted the figure watching him. Tall and rail thin in a black pin-stripped suit. Skin paler then snow and hollow black eyes. And another startling feature that made his blood run cold--his skin. He had no skin. Just bones, plain visible bones. He had no muscles, no heart, no brain, nothing! He was dead! A skeleton!!! His eyes went wide as he stared now, backing away slowly. Jack was being amused at this.
"Don't be afraid," he simply smiled. "What's to be frightened of?" No reply as the man tried to stutter an answer, but no words came out. "Don't worry about it. Most certainly, I'd never dream of harming you." Then before the human could tell anything had happened Jack had vanished, apparantly re-appearing behind him. Grinning devilishly the King held the man by the arms, so that he was immobile.
"Leave me alone!" the being cried now. "Please! I have a family!"
"Oh yes?" came the disinterested reply.
"A wife and two daughters in grades 2 and 4. Please don't hurt me, I'm too young...God, I don't want to die..."
"Yes, that's it," came a loud laugh. "Pray to your God. Despite how useless it will be!" He paused. "What's your name?"
"D---David...David Sneider...."
"Ah, yes, David. A quaintly human name." He lowered his mouth to his ear. "Want to know my name, David?"
"No!" came the scream as the stranger's long bony fingers tightened around his neck.
"What was that?"
He sobbed. "Yes."
"Very well then, if you insist." A strange grin. "Jack. That's my name. Jack Skellington. I'm the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, if it matters any to you. Creator of all your stupid little mortal fears." He chuckled. "Tell me, David, do you believe in Vampires?"
"What about Ghosts?"
Jack didn't loose his grin. "Well, you'd better. Because it's all true. The stories from your childhood? Real. Everything. And so am I."
"Oh dear Lord..." the man cried. "God, save me!"
"I suppose you believe in angels then, don't you? Being the gullible little fool you are."
Tears flowed down his cheeks as the skeleton's arms embraced him almost lovingly. "Yes. With all my heart. Just watch, they'll save me from you...oh please, where are my guardian angels! Lord, please save me! Oh Lord..."
"Looks like your God abadoned you once again, didn't he?" Jack asked his captive. "Too bad. Never was too fond on him myself." He then grabbed out a knife the man carried tied to his leg, a nice one desgined for hunting. "Nice," he said. "I'll take this back home with me when I'm through with it. And with you." The poor defenseless human didn't get a chance to reply to that. In one fatal slice Jack cut a large, deep wound into the man's neck, enjoying the satisfying choking sound it produced in his throat. Thick red blood poured from the wound and over the both of them as David died, slowly and painfully.
It was only a matter of minutes before the man was dead. Releasing his grasp Jack turned him around, lowering himself so that he now had one knee on the ground and the other raised, upon which David laid. With two boney fingers the King closed his eyelids, gazing at his face. With a smile he kissed the man gently, his mouth locking over that of the corpse.
"What are you doing?" came a voice suddenly. That of a woman. He let go of the dead man, tossing him aside like garbage as he rose to look at her. A pretty little number, short and petite with long blonde hair, no older then 18.
"Can't you tell?" he grinned as he picked up the knife. "I've already killed one man. Now I'm going to kill you." And in an instant he shot forward, driving the weapon into her stomache. Her eyes shot open as she looked down at her shirt, grimmacing as he turned the handle and pulled it back out. Blood poured from her and she stumbled, a hand over the wound as if to seal it back up.
She fell now, face forward into the waiting arms of Jack. He watched delightedly as she too died, her eyes rolling up into her skull and her lids closed. Dead. Both of them. He set her aside, pulling the knife from her stomache as he rose to look at what he had done.
It took a few minutes for the true horror of what he had done to register on him--he had killed these two defenseless humans in cold blood. He looked at the knife with horror, as if it were some dreaded monster. But the knife was no monster--he was. He had ended these two people's lives, and they were still so young. Letting out a little cry he dashed for the lonely mausoleum, rushing inside and heading in a mad panic for home.

Sally was just sitting down to do some reading in the master bedroom when Jack burst in, wide-eyed as he gasped for breath.
"Goodness, what's wrong love?" she asked immediately as she stood up, reaching to touch him.
He just pulled out of her reach, a knife glinting in his hands. "Don't come any closer to me!" he cried. "I'm a monster, I might kill you...."
"Jack, what's wrong?" she demanded again. "Something horrible's happened, what is it?" Without waiting she hurried forward, grabbing the knife from him. "Blood....darling, what happened tonight?"
"I...I don't know why, I don't...I can't even explain it..."
"What? What did you do?"
He could hold it in no more. Finally he broke down, collapsing to his knees as he clawed at the floor. "I killed them!" he yelled as the tears rolled down his face. "Oh God, they're dead!"
"Shhhh," she tried to calm him as she kneeled by his side. He just wrapped his arms around her, head on her shoulder.
"I'm a murderer, Sal...I killed them...I killed them both..."
"Tell me everything," she told him. "Tell me all about it."
He pulled away slightly, fingering the knife gently as she watched him. "I have no idea what possessed me to do it," he began. "No clue. I was in the graveyard about to come home when I spotted a young man that had just entereed. He was visiting a grave, that was all--a relative. And then something came over me. Whatever it was, I've no clue, but it took over me fully and totally. I killed him, Sally, with his knife. A quick slice to the neck. That's all it took, and then he was gone. You know what I did after that? Before letting go I kissed him, as I'd kiss you! It was as if it were just some sick game! Oh, Christ I can still feel his lips against mine!"
"Just keep going," she instructed as he pushed on.
"Then came in another woman. I killed her too, stabbed her in the stomache. I felt such joy in doing it, in seeing their blood, in feeling it on me! It was so replusive, but I loved it! After she was dead I realized what I had done and came back here, home to you." He out out a sob, flinging his arms around her neck and kissing her. "Oh my darling, just hold me....don't let go..."
"Don't worry, love, I've got you. It's all over now, it's gone. I'm here, no-one's mad."
"But they were living, breathing humans!" he cried tearfully. "Defenseless, without protection! And I took advantage of that, I killed them both...oh, how heartless!"
"Jack, look at me," she instructed. Nothing. Not waiting she pulled back, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Jack, listen to me. It's going to be alright, I promise you. I still love you, you're alright, and it's going to be okay. You made a mistake, I understand that. But it's going to be fine. I know you're feeling very upset right now, very hurt, but it'll get better. That much I can guarantee."
"No, you just don't get it," he sobbed. "Sally, they're hopelessly dead..."
"Then you've learned your lesson. You must let this experience help you grow stronger." Her hands were on his face now. "For me, Jack." Her lips were on his softly.
"Sally, how can you even stand touching me?" he asked her. "I killed two people, I kissed a dead man..."
"Because I love you," she smiled softly. "That'll never change. No matter what happens."
"Oh, my dear sweet Sally," he sighed as she moved closer to him, his hand in her hair. "Never leave me."
"I won't Jack," she replied as they rose clumsily, trying to maintain their hold on one another before they collapsed upon the bed. Her mouth sought his, her agile fingers undoing the buttons of his jacket before pulling it away. He allowed her to take control now, the feel of her there above him quite comforting. Right now, all he really needed was his darling love.

Jack was feeling somewhat improved the next day. He still felt upset, but he felt that he would be able to function.
It was around lunchtime when he heard it--the rumors of a stange and bizarre killing last night in the human world. Jack didn't even know how the rumors had started up, but somehow they had. Apparantly quite brutal, done far too quickly and skillfully to be human. Two people, a man and a woman, dead within seconds of one another. "Ignore it," Sally told him as they continued their work. "They don't know, and they don't need to. It's our little secret, dear."
"I hope so," he replied. "You know it's illegal to kill humans. My own law."
"Secret? What secret?" asked Shock cheerfully as she and her brothers bounded up.
"Nothing," he replied quickly. "None of your business, anyways. Say, don't you three have work to be done? Pumpkin carving, I believe?"
"We're takin' a break," giggled Barrel.
"No no no, breaktime is in 45 minutes. Back to your post, c'mon."
"Awww...." they groaned.
"Go on now you three," laughed Sally.
"Rats," Lock sputtered as they headed off.
"And do a good job!" the King called after them.
A chuckle from his love. "They're rats, but they're an oddly amusing way."
"Jack!" came a voice suddenly. It was the Mayor. "We need to talk."
"What about?" he asked.
"The killing that everyone's been talking of," he responded. "I do believe it's true, and rumors are going everywhere. Have you heard them?"
"Umm, yeah. Why?"
"Well aren't you going to do something about it? Try and find out if they're true?"
Jack just glanced at Sally, who took his hand encouragingly. "I already know the answer to that," he replied at last. "They are."
"Well then, who is it? Punish them! Punish them good!"
"That might be kind of hard," he simply replied. "Mr. Mayor, it was me. I killed the both of them. In cold blood."
He was shocked. "You--you what? Jack, this is awful. What'll we do now? You're the king!" He lowered his voice. "We must keep this silent," he instructed. "Spreading word of this would only wreak havoc among the people. And you might not like covering it up, but it has to be done. I don't like it either, trust me. But we must keep in mind the holiday."
"I have a better idea," Jack replied. "I'll show you." Then without waiting he hurried towards the stage, leaping upon it. He whistled for attention only once, extremely loudly. Every set of eyes were now on him. "Thank-you," he said. "I am simply putting to rest the idea of a murder in Halloween Town. It has been hinted at that someone here in our fair town has killed two innocent humans last night. Yes, the rumors are true. Someone has, and that someone has already confessed to the deed and wishes for me to tell you that he or she is greatly upset right now. The occurence was not meant to happen--the murderer wants to make that known. Something snapped inside their brain, or so they told me. Once they got started on it, they couldn't stop. And so this time, and only this time, the deed has gone unnoticed. The person will pay a fine, a nice hefty once. But other that that, nothing more will be said--neither about the situation nor as to the identity of the killer. All has been forgiven. Now get back to work." That eased their minds as they set back to what they had originally been up to, and the King hopped off the stage and headed back over to the mayor and Sally.
"I fully intend to do it, to pay the money," he said. "5 million dollars, a pretty penny even for me. It's the least I can do, and I want to be punished in some way."
"Very well then," the mayor nodded. "That's taken care of, then. Have a great day, you two." As soon as he had left Jack collapsed into one of the wooden benches beside him, hands on his head. "Oh, Sally, I feel so cheap," he told her. "I'm such a liar..."
"Shhh," she replied as she sat beside him. "You know very well that it would have been of no use to tell them what really happened--you'd have been driven out for sure."
A kiss. "I know you're right. It just feels wrong still. But thank you my dear. You've been of such a help to me."
"No problem," she replied. "I'll always be here when you need me, love. No matter what."

Upon returning home at around 5:00 Jack put together a very quick meal, consisting of bat wings and mashed rats.
"Yummy!" cried Barrel. "Jack, you're a great cook!"
A small smile from the King, who still hadn't fully adjusted yet. "Thanks, kid."
Silence for a few minutes as they ate. "Geez, quiet here tonight," stated Lock. "What the heck's up?"
"I think I can guess," frowned Sally as she glanced at her King. "Jack, are you still upset over that?"
"I'm sorry, Sally, it's just...hard to adjust to...I'm trying dear, I really am..."
"Yes, I know you're trying, Jack. But how hard? Look, if you're going to drag everyone else down with you, then you midas well not even bother showing your face around the table."
His face contorted into one of mild disapproval. "Sally, can we leave this conversation for another time please?"
"No, we may not," she replied. "Just snap the hell out of it, alright? Before you drive us all insane."
"Oh, drive you insane? Please!"
"Are you looking for a fight, Jack? Cause I'll give you one."
"I'm not looking to fight, I'm looking for you to lay off."
"Oh lay off, he says. Fine, I'll do just that." Angrily she rose from the table, grabbing her jacket from beside the door. "I'll leave you damned well alone." She paused for a second, nodding to him stiffly. "Good-bye, Jack." To the kids she gave a little smile. "See ya. None of this was your fault." And with that she was gone.
Jack could only sit there in stunned silence. Had Sally just broken up with him? He couldn't tell. All he knew was that something had just gone horribly wrong.
"I know we just missed something really big there," stated Lock.

An hour later Jack lay upon his bed, staring up at the canopy. He was sore beyond belief; he simply refused to accept that just possibly Sally was gone. This was all his fault, he had gotten upset over last night and taken it out on her. He had to make it up to her, had to find her and say he was sorry. He couldn't allow this to continue! Sally, his true love, the woman he wanted to marry...he'd go out now and do just that, find her and apologize. Nodding he hopped up from the bed, his mission in mind. After grabbing something quickly from his desk he ran downstairs, telling the kids what he had in mind to do before hurrying outside.

He searched all of town, in all her favorite places. A local club they visited often together, Town Hall, the mayor's, everywhere. Upon checking the park he began to cry, remembering the many nights they had spent here together, sitting on the bench beside the swings as they kissed each other tenderly in the dark. Yet she wasn't here either.
He found her in the last place he looked; standing upon the spiral hill in the graveyard. Smiling to himself he made his way up to stand beside her, kissing her neck tenderly. She jumped at his touch but soon relaxed, sighing as she embraced him.
"I'm sorry," she said to him at last. "I could never mean any of what I said to you...will you forgive me love?"
"I already have," he told her. "I just don't want to fight, I love you so much...losing you would be so horrible to me."
"As it would be to me," she admitted. "I never would have been able to leave though, dear. Even if I'd wanted to."
"Why's that?"
"Because," Sally grinned. "I'm pregnant."
That totally caught him off guard. "Huh?"
"I'm going to have your child."
His jaw dropped as he took her hands into his. "You mean...I--I--I'm...gonna...gonna be...a-a-a....a father?"
"Basically what I just said, dear, but yes."
"Oh my God...." He laid a hand against his head to try and steady himself. "This is totally amazing! My baby...our baby! Inside of you! Oh, Sally...." He kissed her, grabbing her arms. "Oh, this is the most wonderful day of my life!" Another kiss. "I love you, I love you, beautiful creature, I love you! The most amazing woman in the child, inside you..." He stopped to take a breath. "Oh, this is wonderful!"
"I take it you're pleased," she smiled.
"Damn straight!" came the reply. "I've never been a father before!" His mouth found hers once again, and she grinned.
"I know how you're feeling, my darling. I'm going to have your baby, and we're going to be parents. I never thought I'd see the day."
"Neither did I." A sigh. "Oh, beautiful Sally, my one and only Sally." He kissed her, laying a hand on her stomache. "A true miracle, that's what you are. A godsend..." His face lit up suddenly as he felt around in his pocket. "Now I remember what I came here to do." From his jacket he pulled a small black box. He then began to fool around with it in his hands. "I had originally wanted to give this to you under different conditions, say a candle-light dinner or something, but I can't wait any longer." He then got on one knee, opening the little box to reveal what was insiide. A gasp issued from his true love's mouth.
Inside was a ring, gold with a small diamond that reflected the moonlight beautifully. "Oh my God..." she whispered as she looked at Jack. "It's amazing..."
He pulled out the small ring, poking the box back into his jacket as he took her hand. "I don't want to be your boyfriend any more. I love you too much for that. Sally, make me the happiest man in fair Halloween Town," he begged. "Become my wife, the mother of my child, and rule by my side as the Pumpkin Queen. Marry me."
"Oh, Jack..." she cried as she let him put the ring on her. "I will!"
"My darling," he sighed as he stood, wrapping his arms around her. He buried his head into her neck, kissing it tenderly. "My fiance. This is all so sudden, I feel as if I might pass out...first the news the I'm going to be a father, and now we're getting married..."
"Well for goodness sakes, don't fall," she giggled. "Or else I'll end up being dragged down with you."
A laugh. "Good point. Come, let's go home, tell Lock, Shock, and Barrel the news."
"All of it," Sally replied as they headed down, holding hands. "I wonder how they'll take it?"
He groaned. "Oh dear, they'll probably flip."
"Why would they? We're getting married, going to have a baby, and I don't think they're really going to care. I think they'll be happy for us."
"I don't know," he replied as he gave her a kiss. "I guess we can only keep our hopes up until we give them the news."

They found the three pretending to hang Lock in the corner of the living room when they got home.
"Alright you three, cut it out there," Jack told them sternly. "That noose is an extremely dangerous device, at least in your hands."
"Awwww......" Shock whimpered as they let him down. "Hey, since when are you two back together?"
"Just now," Sally replied as she gazed at her fiance. "But you three, we've got lots of news for you."
"Oh, no," Lock muttered as he rubbed his neck. "News is never good. What is it?"
"Sit down and we'll tell you." The two lovers sat on the sofa as the three kids each found a place upon the carpet.
"Okay," Barrel said eagerly. "Spill."
Jack took Sally's hand. "We're getting married."
Three jaws dropped suddenly. "What?" they cried simultaneously.
"You've gotta be joking me!" exclaimed Shock. "You were just going to break up!"
"Well, things have kind of changed," the King's fiance simply said.
Lock then narrowed his eyes. "Hey, there was supposed to be more...wasn't there?"
"A sharp one there," Jack nodded. "Yes, there was. Kids, Sally is pregnant."
"Good grief," the three chorused.
"This is weird," Shock muttered. "So much mushy stuff, it's sickening."
Laughter from the adults. "Mushy, is it? My dear, you haven't seen the start of it yet."
"Oh, joy. How thrilling." A little smile. "Nah, we're only kidding ya. It's cool I guess, in a weird sort of way."
"Hey, will this make us the new baby's siblings?" asked Barrel. "Now that you've adopted us I mean....?"
A nod. "Oh, yes, most definately. Sally and I will be husband and wife, while you four will be brothers and sisters...or's too early to tell if it's a girl or a boy yet..."
"Who cares?" shrugged Shock. "Congrats you two, mighty proud. One question though." Sally titled her head to the side slightly. "And what's that, dear?"
"Do I get to be the flower girl?"
She and Jack just laughed. "Of course," replied the later. "And the boys will be the ring bearers." He ruffled Lock's red hair. "We couldn't possibly dream of asking anyone else to do it."


The wedding was held two months later, in the graveyard underneath the light of the full moon. The date was set for March the third with the werewlf conducting the ceremony. Sally wore a lovely black gown, much the same as any human bride. It featured long sleeves and a low neckline, with a veil that Jack would lift at the right time. It was trimmed in black lace, and her hair was elaborately done by some of the best hairdressers in town.
Jack himself wore a handsome black tux with a spider-shaped bow tie. His customary tails hung from the back of the jacket, the outfit having been designed by himself.
Shock, the flower girl, wore a purple dress and a matching wide-brimmed hat. Her brothers wore black suits and bat-bow ties simililar to the one Jack wore most everyday.
All of Halloween Town turned out for the cermony, with the exception of Dr. Finklestein. Indeed an invitation had been sent out to him, but to no-one's surprise he hadn't come. That hardly matter now though.
Jack stood now beside the Mayor and the werewolf in front the curled hill, who he had chosen as his best man. The uests had been seated on wooden benches, all of which had been brought in from Town Hall and decorated with black streamers and flowers. The king rocked on his heals impatiently as he waited for his wife.
"Excited?" asked his friend.
A nervous little nod. "Extremely. And very nervous. Oh, I'm soon going to be a husband, and later on, a father. It's so thrilling..."
An understanding smile. "Well, congratulations, Jack. You and Sally are destined to be witheach other. I'm glad you've found each other, and I'm pleased to be here by your side on this joyous occasion."
"I wouldn't have you anywhere else," came the answer.
Neither of them got to say another word after that last line. Soon came the blast of trumpets as the gates opened. Everyone turned as the wedding march began. Down through the path came the proccession as the music sounded; people the king and his fiance had chosen to be part of their wedding ceremony; the vampires, the witches, the corpse mother and father, their closest friends. They approached now all bearing bright smiles, nodding silently to the expectant husband-and-father-to-be. Shock in her dress tossing black rose petals, Lock and Barrel sharing the duty of ring-bearer. All three had made wonderful progress these last two months, and wre now good kids withhonest hearts. They were totally different people then they had once been, and Hallowee Tonw was overall better for that. Smiling at the kids Jack looked back towards the gates as the tone of the music changed a little; she had finally apppeared. In all her beauty and splendor there was Sally, wearing black lace as she walked down the aisle. Evryone stared at her, fascinated, as she headed towards her fiance. He was slightly open-mouthed as he gazed at her, laying a kiss upon her cheek as soon as she was within reach of him.
"You look wonderful," he whispered.
"Dearly beloved," boomed the voice of the werewolf now. "We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony on this the 3rd day of March..."
It was a lovely ceremony. Many tears were shed, even from Jack himself as he clutched his true love's hand. This had been what he'd wanted all his life; someone to share every moment with, to love and to hold in his comforting arms. And now he finally had her, and she was to give him a son. It was all so sudden to him.
It seemed to be forever by the time the edding was coming to the close. "It's time for the rings," said the werewolf. "Lock and Barrel?" Proudly they helld up the pillow, allowing a beaming Jack to take Sally's ring from it. He now slipped it over her finger, repeating the words he was told to repeat, and then allowing for his darling to do the same thing. The ring burned on his finger, his mouth dry. "And by the power invested in me by the town of Halloween Town," came those final words, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Jack didn't hold back. Grabbing his wife he pulled her towards him, covering her lips with his own. The crowd cheered and applauded as they kissed and embraced, tossing flowers into the air as the King and his Queen parted.
"Congratulations, Mrs. Skellington," he grinned at her. She just smiled as they turned to head back down the path, everyone tossing rice at them. From here they'd be heading off to the reception at Town Hall, which would include dinner and dancing. After that, the two of them would head off for the honeymoon; a night at the Halloween Suite Hotel, the classiest place in town. Thier room would include a hot tub, king sized bed, room service, the most expensive wines on the market, and just about anything else they'd want.
As the crowd shouted and cheered for joy now, the King and his Queen hopped into the backseat of the mayor's waiting car, which would take them back to town.
"I love you, my wife," he said as she reclined in his arms. "And now we shall be together for the rest of our lives." He touched her stomache gently. "You me, the kids, and our baby."
She smiled softly, laying a kiss upon his cheek as she buried her face in his chest. Silence for a few minutes as they rode along. "Hey Jack?" she asked at last.
"Yes dear."
"I just want you to know that I love you, and that I always will. Till death do us part."
He kissed her forehead. "I love you too dear. Till death do us part."

