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Pet Bereavement:
Help for Grieving Pet Owners

Losing a pet is one of the most difficult things a pet owner will ever have to face. Often the pain that is experienced after the death of a beloved pet does not fade with time. After a client asked us for information about grief after a pet's death, we compiled a pet bereavement information package to help bereaved pet owners to understand and deal with their grief.

The 60 page, softcover report contains: hotline phone numbers, a list of bereavement counselors, a suggested reading list, self help tips, comforting articles about pet loss, and information to help children who are mourning for a pet. To order your information package, click here. For more information please e-mail us or contact us at the address below. All correspondence will be answered.

King's Medical Information Service
P.O. Box 181
Spring City, PA 19475

Please visit our bookstore for other helpful resources.

Please take a moment to visit the King's Medical Information Service Home Page for a description of our other services.
