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This is our page of links. Some for those interested in the amateur radio community. Others for the electronic hobbyist.

Electronics Links

Electronic Web Sites of Interest
Electronic OEM's, Distributors and News
Electronic Engineers Master Online
Semiconductor Reference Library and Electronic Repair Tips
Virtual Library of Electrical Engineering
Newark Electronics
The Electronic Technicians forum
Electronics Links and Resources

Amateur Radio Links

Top 100 Amateur Radio Related Sites
AES Online
Homepage of N3NTJ
PA3BWK's ultimate CW website
Buckmaster's Worlwide Ham Call Server
John's World of Radio

Misc Links

Erie, PA page
Another Erie, PA page
Meadville, PA page
The Official Jeff Gordon Website
The Official Depeche Mode Website
Food Network homepage
Emeril Lagasse's homepage BAM!
Special olympics in PA
Thomas register
The Art Bell Website

World Clock

Current Time Zone

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