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De Winton Golden Retrievers
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De Winton Golden Retrievers
Litter Name:

In the event I, , the BUYER(s), are no longer able to provide a home and care for the above mentioned Golden Retriever purchased from the BREEDER, I/we the BUYER(s) agree to return said animal to the BREEDER as per the following stipulations.


Once the BUYER(s) returns said animal, the BREEDER will then do the best to secure a suitable home of the BREEDER's choice and obtain the best possible resale price for said animal.

The BREEDER can not guarantee a suitable home outside the BREEDER's home with the best possible resale price for said Golden Retriever.

Time perameter allotted to conclude this process of securing a suitable home with the best possible resale price is up to the discretion of the BREEDER.

In the event the Breeder secures a suitable home with the best resale price for said Golden Retriever, the BREEDER agrees to reimburse the BUYER up to fifty percent, (50%), of the resale price of Golden Retriever less costs incurred to the BREEDER for process. (BREEDER to provide costs of this process upon request.)

Once the Buyer returns said animal to the BREEDER, the resale process is concluded, the BUYER relinquishes all rights and claims to said Golden Retriever.


If the BUYER in the interm of the resale process changes his or her mind before the conclusion of the resale of the Golden Retriever, the BUYER agrees to pay the BREEDER $10.00 per day for kennelling said Golden Retriever and other costs incurred while the Golden Retriever is in the care of the BREEDER.. (Example: veternarian costs, advertising, etc.).

By signing below, the BUYER has read and understands ITEMS 1., 1.A, and 1.B. of the Agreement and agrees to those terms set for in this Agreement.





In the event a suitable home can not be secured as set out in ITEM 1.A, and 1.B, and the BUYER still no longer wants the said Golden Retriever back in their home, the BREEDER agrees to provide a home and care for said Golden Retriever. The BREEDER also agrees to absorb all costs incurred in the process to locate a suitable home for said Golden Retriever. For the purpose of ITEMS 1.A. and 1.B, does not apply.

By signing below, the BUYER has read and understands the terms of ITEM 1.B. and agrees to the terms of ITEM 1.B. and relinquishes all rights and claims to said Golden Retriever.





In the event said animal develops Genetically Predisposed Canine Hip Dysplasia within the first year from welping date, the BREEDER agrees to:


Upon recommendation of a Certified Veternarian, whereas in the best interest of said Golden Retriever to be euthenized, the BUYER agrees to euthenization and said procedure is carried out, the BREEDER commits to the cost of the procedure of euthenization only. Verifiable proof of euthenization to be provided by the BUYER to the BREEDER before the cost of euthenization reimbursed to the BUYER.. The BREEDER will then replace BUYER with another Golden Retriever of the BREEDER's choosing when available. The BUYER is responsible for ALL other costs, direct or indirect for said procedure.


In the event the BUYER chooses to not euthenize said Golden Retriever due to the diagnosis of Genetically Predisposed Canine Hip Dysplasia by only a Certified Veternarian and chooses to have said Golden Retriever treated by a Certified Veternarian for Genetically Predisposed Canine Hip Dysplasia, the BREEDER agrees to contribute up to one hundred percent, (100%), of the purchased price of said Golden Retriever to the attending Certified Veternarian for the correction of Genetically Predisposed Canine Hip Dysplaisa. This offer is valid only for a one year period from the date of welping of said Golden Retriever for the purpose of ITEM 2.A. and ITEM 2.B..

In the event the operation cost is less than what the purchased price of said Golden Retriever, the lesser amount will be paid by the BREEDER.

The operation for the correction of Predisposed Hip Dysplasia must be completed within three months of the original date of diagnosis.

The BREEDER is not responsible for any outside costs incurred by the BUYER, (Example being telephone bills, transportation costs, time lost from work, accommodations, food, etc.) in other words, the BUYER is totally responsible for all other costs, direct or indirect for said procedure.

By signing below, the BUYER has read and understands the terms set forth in ITEMS 2., 2.A., and 2.B. of the Agreement. The BUYER also acknowledges the terms of all items set forth in the Agreement are not negotiable. Buyer:


De Winton Golden Retrievers
